Philippe Lesage

Philippe Lesage


Philippe Lesage


Who by Fire
Seventeen-year-old Jeff is invited by his friend Max’s family to stay at the wilderness lodge of film director Blake Cadieux.
Who by Fire
Seventeen-year-old Jeff is invited by his friend Max’s family to stay at the wilderness lodge of film director Blake Cadieux.
El primer amor y todo lo que ello conlleva es uno de los momentos más importantes en la vida de un adolescente. Génesis cuenta las historias de tres jóvenes que se encuentran en esta situación. Guillaume ha descubierto que es gay y trata de revelarlo a su familia, que no parece estar lista para esa noticia. La hermana de este, Charlotte, recibe una propuesta inocente por parte de su novio, que podría cambiar la vida de ambos para siempre. Además, otro joven llamado Félix trata de hacer lo necesario para estar el mayor tiempo posible con la chica de la que está enamorado.
El primer amor y todo lo que ello conlleva es uno de los momentos más importantes en la vida de un adolescente. Génesis cuenta las historias de tres jóvenes que se encuentran en esta situación. Guillaume ha descubierto que es gay y trata de revelarlo a su familia, que no parece estar lista para esa noticia. La hermana de este, Charlotte, recibe una propuesta inocente por parte de su novio, que podría cambiar la vida de ambos para siempre. Además, otro joven llamado Félix trata de hacer lo necesario para estar el mayor tiempo posible con la chica de la que está enamorado.
Copenhague A Love Story
Autumn, somewhere in Copenhagen: a pair of students, Emil and Victoria, can’t make their relationship work but can’t quite break up either. Philippe, who has just lost his job as a professor in a film school, followed by his apartment, can’t cope with the way his affair with a young literature student ended and now he’s crashing with some of his old students, including Emil. Naturally, he soon meets Victoria.
Copenhague A Love Story
Autumn, somewhere in Copenhagen: a pair of students, Emil and Victoria, can’t make their relationship work but can’t quite break up either. Philippe, who has just lost his job as a professor in a film school, followed by his apartment, can’t cope with the way his affair with a young literature student ended and now he’s crashing with some of his old students, including Emil. Naturally, he soon meets Victoria.
Copenhague A Love Story
Autumn, somewhere in Copenhagen: a pair of students, Emil and Victoria, can’t make their relationship work but can’t quite break up either. Philippe, who has just lost his job as a professor in a film school, followed by his apartment, can’t cope with the way his affair with a young literature student ended and now he’s crashing with some of his old students, including Emil. Naturally, he soon meets Victoria.
Los demonios
Mientras una serie de secuestros de jóvenes tiene lugar en Montreal, Félix, un chico de diez años de edad, termina el colegio en Old Longueuil, una zona residencial de pacífica apariencia. Imaginativo y sensible, Félix, como tantos niños, le tiene miedo a todo. Poco a poco, los demonios imaginarios de la infancia se confunden con los demonios de una perturbadora realidad.
Los demonios
Mientras una serie de secuestros de jóvenes tiene lugar en Montreal, Félix, un chico de diez años de edad, termina el colegio en Old Longueuil, una zona residencial de pacífica apariencia. Imaginativo y sensible, Félix, como tantos niños, le tiene miedo a todo. Poco a poco, los demonios imaginarios de la infancia se confunden con los demonios de una perturbadora realidad.
The Heart That Beats
Hotel-Dieu Hospital in Montreal, one of the oldest in North America. In the emergency ward, patients await their diagnosis, foreshadowed by the most personal questions from doctors. Others don't have the luxury of worrying about such things. They suffer in pain, fight to live or simply want it all to end, despairing at the body's inability to do what it's supposed to. We cannot face disease, much less face those who suffer from it. But what's left of the human once laid out on the operating table, dreading bad news or anticipating the end? Something moving, feeling, loving. The heart that beats.
The Heart That Beats
Hotel-Dieu Hospital in Montreal, one of the oldest in North America. In the emergency ward, patients await their diagnosis, foreshadowed by the most personal questions from doctors. Others don't have the luxury of worrying about such things. They suffer in pain, fight to live or simply want it all to end, despairing at the body's inability to do what it's supposed to. We cannot face disease, much less face those who suffer from it. But what's left of the human once laid out on the operating table, dreading bad news or anticipating the end? Something moving, feeling, loving. The heart that beats.
The Heart That Beats
Hotel-Dieu Hospital in Montreal, one of the oldest in North America. In the emergency ward, patients await their diagnosis, foreshadowed by the most personal questions from doctors. Others don't have the luxury of worrying about such things. They suffer in pain, fight to live or simply want it all to end, despairing at the body's inability to do what it's supposed to. We cannot face disease, much less face those who suffer from it. But what's left of the human once laid out on the operating table, dreading bad news or anticipating the end? Something moving, feeling, loving. The heart that beats.