Aaron Carolina

Aaron Carolina


Aaron Carolina
Aaron Carolina


Nana's Secret Recipe
After losing all their retirement savings in a Ponzi scheme, five women band together to create a bakery serving pot desserts. Trying to recoup their pensions, they realize one of their own is struggling with cancer, and their quest for making money becomes more important and dangerous than ever, as the local drug dealer, Kingpin Paint, discovers what they are doing. Through it all, the nanas are bonded by their sisterhood and their desire to help their friend in need in this hilarious southern tale.
Black Easter
Guard 8
Un grupo extremista viaja en el tiempo para asesinar a Cristo antes de la crucifixión. El destino del mundo ahora depende de un genio sin fe ... y de un hombre que ha perdido la suya.
Bruthas 321
Three bruthas born on the same day at the same hospital three minutes apart but never met each other. After 34 years has past the three bruthas meet by Faith and find out all three have something in common.
Carter High
Aaron / Football Player
La historia real de cuatro estudiantes atletas de la Escuela Preparatoria Carter en Dallas, Texas en la década de 1980, cuyos brillantes futuros cambiaron irrevocablemente debido a sus actividades fuera del campo.