Aaron Carolina

Aaron Carolina

프로필 사진

Aaron Carolina
Aaron Carolina

참여 작품

마마스 레시피
한마을에 사는 다섯 친구들 밀리, 수잰, 브렌다, 이본, 애미는 사기꾼의 계략에 빠져 평생 기다려 온 연금을 모두 잃게 된다. 설상가상 맏언니인 수잰이 암에 걸렸다는 사실을 알게 된 다섯 친구들. 수잰의 치료비를 마련하기 위해 이들은 슬픔은 훌훌 털어버리고, 베이커리 사업을 시작하게 되는데...
Black Easter
Guard 8
When a billionaire gives a group of young scientists unlimited resources to study the science of matter transfer, the scientists unlock the secrets of time travel. But they soon find out that the project is backed by a militant extremist group, and the billionaire plans to go back in time and prove that Jesus never rose from the dead.
Bruthas 321
Three bruthas born on the same day at the same hospital three minutes apart but never met each other. After 34 years has past the three bruthas meet by Faith and find out all three have something in common.
Carter High
Aaron / Football Player
The true story of four student athletes from Carter High School in Dallas, Texas in the 1980s, whose bright futures irrevocably changed due to their off-field activities.