Original Music Composer
En 1909, en medio del viejo oeste moribundo, Willie Boy, un corredor del desierto de larga distancia por tradición Chemehuevi, se enamora de la joven belleza nativa, Carlota. El padre de Carlota, un chamán chemehuevi y líder tribal local, se niega a dejar...
Original Music Composer
Durante más de cuarenta años, el periodista británico Robert Fisk ha informado sobre algunos de los conflictos más violentos del mundo, desde Irlanda del Norte hasta Oriente Medio, siempre con los pies en el suelo y un cuaderno de notas en la mano, viajando a paisajes devastados por la guerra, investigando los hechos y enviando informes a los medios de comunicación para los que trabaja con la ambición de captar el interés de una audiencia de millones de personas.
Original Music Composer
Widespread sexual abuse within the Catholic Church has traumatized thousands. Many have only recently come forward to speak publicly, while others have been silenced through settlements. One of the perpetrators, Father Hod Marshall, pled guilty to 17 assault charges; a colleague, Father David Katulski, called him a "very good pedophile." One of his victims, seeking closure for this traumatic part of his childhood, filed suit against the Basilian Fathers of Toronto for its role in enabling Marshall's depravity. As the case moves through the courts—led by "the priest hunter," lawyer Rob Talach—the silence the Catholic Church fought so vigorously to maintain is broken. Director Matt Gallagher opens a channel for those brave survivors who are willing to provide testimony, culminating in a powerful damnation of an institution that must be exposed and held to account.
A profile of the life of Liberian activist Silas Siakor, a tireless crusader against illegal logging and a symbol of resistance for a new generation.
Joe Braven, un humilde leñador que vive cerca de la frontera entre los Estados Unidos y Canadá, es atacado por un grupo de narcotraficantes. A partir de ese momento hará todo lo que esté en su mano para proteger a su familia.
An incomplete document of a music scene
Original Music Composer
Focuses on two subjects in particular: Rob Niosi, who has spent many years building a full-scale replica of the prop from the 1960 film The Time Machine, and physicist Ronald L. Mallett, who has dedicated his life to researching the scientific possibility of time travel.
A los 12 años Asher fue golpeado hasta perder el oído. Sordo y mudo desde entonces, ha entrenado para vengarse de Iván, el hombre que asesinó a su hermano mayor hace 21 años. Ahora que fue liberado de prisión tendrá su oportunidad, pero no será tan fácil, pues su enemigo mortal es también su padre.
Edith dreams of being a successful actress but just can't seem to make things happen. When she can't figure out what she's doing wrong, she begins to do everything wrong.
DON'T GET KILLED IN ALASKA follows Liney (LEE-NEE) a 20 year-old tomboy as she travels back to Ontario with her new boyfriend Dan after a summer of tree planting. Having lost all their money in a questionable incident, Liney agrees to ask her family for money to get them both to Alaska where they plan to spend the winter working on a fishing boat. Liney is forced to deal with her family dynamics as she meets with her estranged mother, her judgmental older brother and her silent father. Everyone has a plan for Liney, except for Liney.
An awkward teenage outcast finds unlikely companions in two aged residents of the retirement home in which she works.
Después de que se cometa una brutal injusticia en una reserva nativa americana, un hijo busca la redención para sus acciones en el pasado. "Road to Paloma" retrata el viaje de dos motoristas a través de la costa oeste de los Estados Unidos, mientras el protagonista es perseguido por el FBI tras haberse tomado la justicia por su mano después de la violación y asesinato de su madre.
Gigi abandoned her young daughter, Zarianne, to pursue her dreams of movie stardom but instead becomes a starlet in horror films. Years later, Zarianne is a single mom and artist who creates portraits entirely out of butterfly wings. Her bickering kids are 12 year old Ryder and 14 year old Tate. Gigi returns to Zarianne claiming she is dying and seeking redemption for leaving her motherless. But is Gigi a drifter, grifter or ghost who will destroy their family? Only Tate, Ryder and a mysterious swarm of Sunset Moths hold the secret.
Unfolding on three continents, this engaging documentary follows four groups of people whose lives are wrapped up in the complex world of chocolate.
Original Music Composer
Before the body-threatening antics of Jackass came crashing into public consciousness, there was Ontario's Ralph Zavadil, aka Cap'n Video, who cascaded off roofs into snowbanks, jumped off ladders into half-empty swimming pools, and drank eggs through his nostrils. Beauty Day is a rambunctious documentary about this irrepressible pioneer of local-access cable shenanigans who entertained and outraged viewers in the small city of St. Catharines-until a special Easter Show, featuring a fat rabbit and adorable puppies (none of which were hurt), got him kicked off the air for good. With a nod to Werner Herzog, Cheel follows the life and times of Cap'n Video and finds that the Cap'n is still quite a firecracker. Written by Laurence Kardish
Original Music Composer
Caroline Wexler (Kat Dennings), una atractiva e inteligente joven de 17 años, comprende muy pronto que tiene muy poco en común con sus pueblerinos compañeros de instituto. Tiene una aventura con el señor Anderson (Josh Lucas), su joven y apuesto profesor, pero en seguida se da cuenta de que se trata de una persona profundamente desequilibrada que vive torturada por su misterioso pasado. Cuando Caroline decide romper con él y sustituirlo por un compañero de clase, Anderson intentará sabotear esa nueva relación. De repente, una serie de asesinatos alteran la vida del pequeño pueblo.
A meditative and philosophical exploration of rhythm and synchronization. A complex, artfully constructed and densely layered film that creates an immersive experience that can, at times, make the viewer feel almost in situ with the images and sounds on the screen. Interview subjects span a broad range of disciplines. As individuals and as a society, we have a tendency to keep in step.
Caleb is 27, and was raised in the majestic Kootenays by his bush hippie parents. He loves his father Jim and understands his reverence for wood working, coriander and Soya products, but he just doesn't get Jim's determined effort to achieve economic disaster at every turn. His father is a relentlessly unsuccessful business man, and as the junior partner in their carpentry shop, Caleb is powerless to stop the fiscal self sabotage. When Matthew, an old friend of Jim's, arrives in the valley to develop a high-end fishing lodge, Caleb sees fortune looming, provided he can keep his father distracted long enough. But a small deception leads to colossal betrayal, and soon Caleb must face the fact that he's reached that treasured day when a boy becomes man enough to tell his father get lost.
Original Music Composer
The Perfect Story offers a riveting, intimate look at the ethical and moral challenges sparked by the relationship between a foreign correspondent and a young Somali refugee. By revealing the boundaries of journalism and filmmaking, the film questions what stories are told, why, and who gets to tell them.