Sharon Belle

Sharon Belle


Sharon Belle is a Canadian web, film and television actress and producer, best known for playing regular character Danny Lawrence in the web series "Carmilla". She holds a degree in Acting for Film and Television from Humber College, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.


Sharon Belle
Sharon Belle
Sharon Belle
Sharon Belle


Terminally in Love
A first-person journey through the mind of a neurotic stoner struggling to get over her ex-girlfriend, as she slips from reality into a stream of heroic fantasies, wistful memories, and cringe-worthy dreams.
The Control
To send humanity to a distant galaxy, the mysterious CEO of The Fuller Corporation must develop a cutting-edge computer-brain interface to keep his hibernating colonizers safe and sane for a journey of unknown length.
The Carmilla Movie
Danielle "Danny" Lawrence
It has been five years since Laura and Carmilla vanquished the apocalypse and Carmilla became a bonafide mortal human. They have settled in to a cozy apartment in downtown Toronto, Laura continues to hone her journalism skills while Carmilla adjusts to a non-vampire lifestyle. Their domestic bliss is suddenly ruptured when Carmilla begins to show signs of "re-vamping" – from a fondness for bloody treats to accidental biting – while Laura has started having bizarre, ghostly dreams. The couple must now enlist their old friends from Silas University to uncover the unknown supernatural threat and save humanity – including Carmilla's.
Operación Avalancha
Estamos en 1967, y la Guerra Fría está caliente, caliente, con la carrera espacial como punta de lanza. La CIA cree que un espía ruso se ha infiltrado en la NASA para sabotear el programa Apollo, y tienen la “brillante” idea de mandar a unos agentes del departamento de audiovisual para que se hagan pasar por documentalistas y desenmascaren al topo. Lo que descubrirán, sin embargo, será algo mucho peor.
Fuck Buddies
Platonic room-mates Joseph and Ellie try to 'keep it casual' when they find themselves manipulated by an otherworldly force to begin having sex with each other.