Sharon Belle

Sharon Belle


Sharon Belle is a Canadian web, film and television actress and producer, best known for playing regular character Danny Lawrence in the web series "Carmilla". She holds a degree in Acting for Film and Television from Humber College, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.


Sharon Belle
Sharon Belle
Sharon Belle
Sharon Belle


Terminally in Love
A first-person journey through the mind of a neurotic stoner struggling to get over her ex-girlfriend, as she slips from reality into a stream of heroic fantasies, wistful memories, and cringe-worthy dreams.
The Control
To send humanity to a distant galaxy, the mysterious CEO of The Fuller Corporation must develop a cutting-edge computer-brain interface to keep his hibernating colonizers safe and sane for a journey of unknown length.
The Carmilla Movie
Danielle "Danny" Lawrence
It has been five years since Laura and Carmilla vanquished the apocalypse and Carmilla became a bonafide mortal human. They have settled in to a cozy apartment in downtown Toronto, Laura continues to hone her journalism skills while Carmilla adjusts to a non-vampire lifestyle. Their domestic bliss is suddenly ruptured when Carmilla begins to show signs of "re-vamping" – from a fondness for bloody treats to accidental biting – while Laura has started having bizarre, ghostly dreams. The couple must now enlist their old friends from Silas University to uncover the unknown supernatural threat and save humanity – including Carmilla's.
Operação Avalanche
Em 1967, durante a guerra fria, quatro agentes da CIA se dirfançam de cineastas com a tarefa de se infiltrar na NASA e descobrir espiões. Fingindo ter a intenção de documentar a viagem da Terra à Lua, o que eles descobrem leva a uma das maiores conspirações na história dos Estados Unidos.
Fuck Buddies
Platonic room-mates Joseph and Ellie try to 'keep it casual' when they find themselves manipulated by an otherworldly force to begin having sex with each other.