Tom Palmer


“I was born in New York under the signs of prohibition and Tammany Hall. The urge to draw substituting the proverbial spoon in the infant's mouth, I decided to be a bleck shipp. After studying life drawings at the Academy and various other social clubs. got tired of looking at contours and drifted into commercial business. The lure of the flickering funnies was irresistible so I entered the animation business with Mutt and Jeff. Then worked with Oswald the Rabbit, until Mickey asked me over to his studio.” -TP (June 20, 1931 edition of The Motion Picture Daily)


La caravana de Mickey
Mickey se compra una caravana último modelo, y se va de viaje en ella con Goofy, al volante, y Donald
Moth and the Flame
A group of moths invades a costume shop through a badly plugged hole in a window and makes quick work of the contents. A male moth ignores his lady to chow down on a hat and she's soon seduced by a candle flame, which rapidly spreads. He notices her trapped in a spider web with the fire attacking and makes some attempts to save her, but pours benzene on the fire by mistake. The rest of the moths are summoned, and they fight the fire with water-filled bagpipes, an air drop with a water-filled funnel, etc., while our hero works to free his lady from the spider web.
Concurso de aficionados
Mickey presenta un programa radiofónico en el que actúan aficionados.
Cupid Gets His Man
A look into the whole cupid operation; we see how the process is supposed to work, with cupids practicing their archery, and the couples handed off to the stork. But there's one particularly resistant couple (the man is a W.C. Fields caricature) who takes the whole crew to finally corral.
Trolley Ahoy
The terrible tempered Mr. Bang is commuting to work. When the trolley takes more than 5 seconds to arrive, he follows the tracks to the Skipper's house, where he bets him $10 he won't get to work on time. So motivated, the Skipper cuts breakfast short, but he hasn't paid the bill and his power is off. His wife rigs a sail, which gets him going, but a typhoon blows them off course. They land atop Mr. Bang's train...
A Waif's Welcome
Troublemaking kid not happy with new adopted brother.
Molly Moo-Cow and Robinson Crusoe
Molly Moo-Cow washes to shore on an island, the one occupied by Robinson Crusoe. Much of the short is Crusoe extolling the virtues of the solitary life, Molly trying to ingratiate herself to Crusoe and Crusoe trying to get rid of her. He finally succeeds-just before cannibals come ashore, capture Crusoe and dump him in a pot. From the time they grab him Crusoe is yelling for help (from whom is unclear, given that he wants the island to himself).
The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg
Felix is handing out relief, thanks to a goose that lays golden eggs. The evil Captain Kidd sees the goose and breaks into Felix's house to get it. He brings the goose to his pirate ship. Felix arrives too late to catch the ship. Goldie won't lay for the pirates. Felix sees a cannon and turns himself into a human cannonball to catch teh ship. With help from Goldie and another cannon, he subdues the crew, wrapping them in the sail and depositing them in the hold. He and Kidd have a swordfight, but their swords melt together. Kidd chases Felix up the mast, then foolishly cuts off his own support. He falls into the hold. They sail for home, where Felix fires off cannonloads of gold coins.
Toonerville Trolley
The Skipper's morning trolley run is disrupted by several forces.
Molly Moo-Cow and Rip Van Winkle
Despite the warnings from her conscience, Molly drinks the same brew that got poor Rip Van Winkle drunk and made him sleep for 20 years. The bizarre bovine has a close encounter with little men, throws her own private keg party, bowls against her ghostly double and awakens the famous Washington Irving character just in time for the iris out. Just plain weird!
Molly Moo-Cow and the Indians
A Conestoga Wagon leads Molly Moo-Cow and some ducks through the hills. The ducks stop for a swim by a tepee and go to explore the settlement. Molly misses her friends and goes to look for them; when she finds them she discovers they're behaving like Native Americans, and she joins in. Meanwhile, a Native woman downstream loses her baby in the stream and chases after her. Seeing the baby's in trouble, Molly pursues it as well, and eventually retrieves it.
Molly Moo-Cow and the Butterflies
Molly rescues a bunch of butterflies after they are captured by a butterfly collector.
Bird Scouts
13th Cartoon in the Van Beuren Rainbow Parade Series.
The Hunting Season
There is peace in the forest and among all of the animals there, including a pair of ducks who befriend Molly Moo-Cow. A pair of hunters come on the scene, go hunting and hurt the ducks, so it's Molly to the rescue.
Parrotville Post Office
A mother and her two rowdy children come into the Parrotville Post Office. The postmaster is annoyed by the children at first. Later, the children come in handy. A notorious mail thief sneaks into the post office, and the kids and postmaster apprehend him. They put the thief in a mail sack and send him to prison via the next mail delivery.
A Picnic Panic
Three singing kettles go on a picnic.
Spinning Mice
A girl is sewing in her playroom when a boy sneaks in and lets loose a horde of mice into her doll house. She discovers them and is fascinated by them, one in particular who can speak.
Parrotville Old Folks
Some elderly parrots are washing and cleaning up around the house, when one of them is phoned by Matron Birdkins, who invites them over to the Old Folks Home to play some tunes. They're hindered by a snowstorm, but make it none the worse for wear, warming themselves by a fire they help stoke. They play and sing some songs, and then a chaotic dinner ensues. This is followed by more singing and dancing, and a good time is had by all.
Mickey Mouse: Mickey juega a ser papá
Mickey Mouse y Pluto se encuentran a cargo de un bebé que abandonaron en la puerta de su casa.
I've Got to Sing a Torch Song
Blackout gags and music, including the title song originated in the movie musical Gold Diggers of 1933. Hollywood figures caricatured include Tallulah Bankhead, Joan Blondell, James Cagney, Bing Crosby, Guy Kibbee, Zasu Pitts, Mae West, Bert Wheeler and Bob Woolsey, Ed Wynn, George Bernard Shaw, Mussolini, Ben Bernie, The Boswell Sisters and Greta Garbo, who does the "Dat's all, folks!".
Buddy's Day Out
This cartoon has some amusing sight gags like a car going back through a fence and crashing into various animals before landing in Cookie's yard or a train that seems on its way into crashing into a car with Elmer and Happy inside when Buddy and Cookie use a ladder to derail the locomotive in another direction.
Mickey Mouse: El piloto cartero
Mickey deberá entregar un paquete usando su avioneta como medio de transporte.
Mickey Mouse: El melodrama de Mickey
Mickey y su pandilla realizan su propia representación de la obra "La cabaña del tío Tom" en una granja utilizada para la ocasión como teatro.
Mickey Mouse: El doctor loco
La trama gira en torno a un científico loco llamado Mad, que ha capturado al perro de Mickey, Pluto, con la intención de realizar un terrible experimento: cortar la cabeza del animal y unirla al cuerpo de una gallina para ver si de los huevos nacen gallinas con cabeza de perro.
Mickey Mouse: La buena obra de Mickey
Mickey se encuentra en la calle cantando villancicos en Navidad, pero todo lo que obtiene es la indiferencia de la gente.
El Taller de Santa
Los pequeños ayudantes de Santa deben darse prisa para terminar los juguetes antes del día de Navidad.
Niños en el bosque
Revisión del cuento de Hanser y Gretel
Mickey Mouse: Al rescate de Minnie
Mickey es un pianista en un bar en mitad de la nieve. En el exterior, Minnie llega exhausta hasta que Mickey la rescata, pero el malvado Pete secuestra a Minnie, y Mickey y Pluto tendrán que ir a su rescate.
Bugs in Love
Insects have made a playground/carnival out of castoffs, featuring "ice skating" on mirrors. Two love bugs head off to a more private area. But their fun is interrupted when a crow comes by. He bottles up the male bug and chases the female into her home. The male bug escapes in the nick of time, and another bug notices the battle and rallies the rest of the bugs to attack, which they do, using false teeth, an eggbeater, a mousetrap, castor oil, and other things.
Mickey Mouse: La fiesta encantada
Una fiesta casera en la que todos los invitados contribuyen: Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy, etcétera.
Mickey Mouse: La aventura salvaje de Mickey
De viaje por África, Mickey y Pluto son capturados por una tribu de caníbales que tienen como objetivo comérselos.
Flores y árboles
Un viejo tocón celoso amenaza a dos árboles enamorados e intenta destruirlos prendiéndole fuego al bosque.
Mickey Mouse: Mickey en Arabia
Mickey y Minnie están de vacaciones por Arabia cuando el sultán Pete intenta secuestrar a Minnie.
Just Dogs
Pluto's cage-mate at the dog pound breaks out and lets all the other dogs out as well. In the park, that terrier keeps following Pluto too closely for Pluto's tastes, until he digs up a huge bone and gives it to Pluto (who doesn't particularly want to share). But soon all the other escaped dogs are chasing after the bone.
The Bird Store
A pet shop specializing in birds. The various caged birds chirp along to the score in their various styles (including a set of birds that looks like the Marx Brothers). A cat eyes the proceedings hungrily and makes his way in through an open transom, causing panic and an organized counterattack.
Mickey Mouse: Los huérfanos de Mickey
Un día lluvioso, Mickey, Minnie y Pluto son sorprendidos cuando alguien abandona una canasta llena de gatitos recién nacidos en su puerta, justo para la Navidad. Su caridad es retribuída con caos total, pero Mickey lo toma con muy buen humor, como siempre. Primer cortometraje de Mickey Mouse nominado al Oscar en la categoría de Mejor corto animado, con la voz de Mickey realizada por el propio Walt Disney.
Mickey Mouse: La fiesta de la playa
Mickey pasa un día en la playa con sus amigos, pero tendrá que rescatar a Pluto de los tentáculos de un pulpo.
Mickey Mouse: Ritmo azul
Mickey toca una melodía de blues en un piano en un escenario.
Los castores trabajadores
A group of beavers cheerily build a dam.
Melodías de mamá oca
Un libro de canciones infantiles toca para Old King Cole.
Mickey Mouse: El taxi de Mickey
Mickey trabaja como taxista en una gran ciudad. Después de perder a su primer cliente, Mickey recoge a Minnie de camino a una clase de música. Pero al taxi se pincha una rueda que Mickey no puede reparar. Pete aparece como un vendedor de aceite de serpiente, una fórmula milagrosa para el taxi. Esto hace que el vehículo se salga de control. Mickey, Minnie, y el taxi se estrellan a través de un granero y terminan cubiertos de plumas.
Pájaros de diferente plumaje
Cisnes, pavos reales, patos y más pájaros bailan.
Mickey Mouse: El cumpleaños
Los amigos de Mickey le hacen una fiesta sorpresa de cumpleaños en la casa de Minnie.
Playful Pan
The mythological satyr plays some tunes on his pipes and gets various flora and fauna dancing to them. Two clouds also dance; they bump into each other, causing lightning strikes that start a forest fire. The animals rush to escape the fire. Finally, an animal comes to tell Pan of the fire; he rushes to it, and gets it to dance to his tune, right into the lake.
Mickey Mouse: Mickey y Minnie en el Oeste
Mickey y Minnie están en una diligencia. Tras acampar para hacer noche, son atacados por unos indios...
In the last of the Silly Symphonies season cycle, bears hibernate (or try to), raccoons sneeze, moose swim, and pretty much everyone ice skates. Everyone gathers around the groundhog to see what happens.
Mickey Mouse: El misterio del gorila
Un gorila se ha escapado. Mickey, aterrorizado, llama a Minnie para advertirla. Pero ella le canta una canción para calmarle...
Monkey Melodies
The monkeys are swinging; their song and dance routine has other jungle creatures joining in. And two monkeys in love chase and kiss. But the hungry crocodiles lie in wait (and dance the soft shoe).
Mickey Mouse: La banda encadenada
Mickey es un preso controlado por el malvado Pete, pero aprovechará un motín para poder escapar.
Mickey Mouse: Los bomberos
Mickey y su equipo de bomberos deben salvar a Minnie de una casa en llamas. Cortometraje en blanco y negro; no confundir con el posterior y en color "La brigada de bomberos de Mickey", de 1935.
The moon and two owls sing to the Blue Danube Waltz, celebrating the night. Moths dance around a candle flame, fireflies glow, frogs chorus, and so forth.
Midnight in a Toy Shop
A spider seeks shelter inside an old toy store, where he soon discovers that the merchandise comes to life after dark.
Frolicking Fish
The title pretty much says it: fish and other marine life dance and frolic to various tunes. An octopus keeps spoiling the fun in various ways.
Cannibal Capers
A group of cannibals gather together for a tribal dance. In the middle of their gala, they are interrupted by a ferocious lion!
Nutty Notes
When Oswald gets a new job at a music store, his "bruin" boss tasks him with hoisting a piano to "Ozzie's girl's" apartment—on the top floor of a skyscraper! After several efforts fail, Oswald tricks a goat into kicking the piano upward, but the kick is delivered with "too much English," and the hurtling piano rips the roof off the building. Upon Oswald's descent, he is united with his girl and the two kiss happily.
Pussy Willie
An Oswald the Lucky Rabbit cartoon.
Alpine Antics
Oswald and his dog go up the mountains to rescue a pussycat dangling from a ridge.
Yanky Clippers
A puppy is forced into a barber shop run by Oswald the Rabbit. Oswald can't shave the dog's back at first, as the hair keeps growing back. He eventually realizes the mutt's drinking hair tonic and so he takes the bottle away and finishes the job. A hippo's next in line, then an elephant, then a truculent and lascivious bear, all with equally humorous results.
A Horse Tale
An Oswald the Lucky Rabbit cartoon.
An Oswald the Lucky Rabbit cartoon.