Nobuko Sendo

Nobuko Sendo

Nacimiento : 1969-09-28, Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, Japan


Nobuko Sendo


Small, Slow But Steady
Chiharu Sasaki
A hearing-impaired woman with dreams of becoming a professional boxer due to the pandemic is threatened closure of her boxing club and the illness of its ageing president, who has been her biggest supporter, push her to the limit.
Over the Sky. Más allá del cielo
Sachi Miyamasu (voice)
La historia se centra en Mio, una chica que está preocupada porque su amigo de la infancia no corresponde a sus sentimientos. Después de una pelea trivial entre los dos y durante un día lluvioso, Mio sufre un accidente de tráfico y cae inconsciente. Al despertar se encuentra con un misterioso mundo del que nunca había escuchado o leído…
Goldfish Princess
One day, Ezawa Jun, who has trouble with work and in love, gets a ryukin from a goldfish scooping game at a festival. However, she is actually a beautiful girl and she suddenly turns into a human form and appears in front of Jun. Called Ryu, she is looking for the legendary black ranchu and asks Jun for his help. The two strangers begin living together and growing closer. Their fate goes in an unexpected direction.
All's Quiet on the Recruit Front
New graduates Ohara, Kitamachi and Tachikawa take part in the battle of job-hunting, so as big companies recruiting talents and potentials. Interviews, tests and activities with odd ideas are carried out. Ohara looks successful in getting an offer from a famous TV station but he is surprised to know he is being set up. With his intelligence, he soon gets the offer, but things never go the way as expected...
Summer of the Lion Kings
Katsu, who belongs to the Murai group of the Sakagami Union, was frustrated by the distance from the yakuza world he had envisioned. At that time, Katsu, who met Osamu who belongs to the conflicting Dainippon Kyokushinkai, feels the real gangster scent of Osamu.
Takeshi: tiempo de niños
Akiko (Futoshi's older sister)
Durante la II Guerra mundial, los bombardeos en las ciudades japonesas provocan el éxodo de gran parte la población, desplazada hacia el medio rural y provocando el encuentro entre ambas comunidades, rural y urbana. Shinji, un niño evacuado desde Tokio, conoce de esta manera a nuevos amigos en el campo.
Music Box
Kiyo Kanzaki
A former yakuza returns to gangster life after an old enemy threatens his son.
Akiko Miura
On August 9, 1945, the Americans dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki. This film, based on a story by Mitsukaru Inoue, describes the daily life of people in Nagasaki the day before that fateful event. It presents the human drama of people's lives, and their feelings of joy and sadness. These include a newlywed couple, an expectant mother, and lovers who must say farewell because the boy is called to serve in the army. Each of these people, like others in the city, hoped to live with their dreams for ‘tomorrow’. But tomorrow never comes for them, as their lives are brought to an abrupt and unexpected end. Knowing how the story ends, in this case, doesn't detract from it at all; rather, it enhances the emotional impact, which is further heightened by the poignant musical score from Teizo Matsumura. 'Ashita' is the first film in Kazuo Kuroki's 'War Requiem Trilogy,' which also includes 'Utsukushii Natsu Kirishima' (2002) and 'Chichi to Kuraseba' (2004).
Early Spring Story
Asako Maki
A university student Hitomi falls in love with a middle-aged man Okawa, who was the lover of her deceased mother. Hitomi's feelings shift back and forth as she is not sure whether it is true love or just a realization of her mother's romantic dream...
Cursed Village in Yudono Mountains
Awaji, the president of a famous food company, is found murdered in a locked bathroom. with mummified human hands found all over the body. Taki, a Young bonze, begins to privately investigate.
Las hermanas Makioka
Hashidera's Daughter
Cuatro hermanas que viven en Kyoto acuden a ver los cerezos en flor. Kon Ichikawa adapta una novela de Tanizaki y pinta un vivo retrato del estilo de vida de la preguerra en Japón.
The Fir Trees Remain
The 21-year-old feudal on Sendai, Tsunamune Date, was prohibited to go out in the daytime for his misbehavior during his short stay in Edo. On the next day, his 4 attendants were killed one after another. Sakai Utanokamike, the Rozyu, is turned out to be involved in this scheme, and the aim is to destroy the Date family. Tsunamune's brother Munekatsu Date who is willing to take over the family doesn't know the real purpose of Utanokami and helps him. Munesuku Harada gets to know the whole picture of the incident and takes action alone for the sake of protecting the Date family, leaving his own family. His lonely fight continues for 10 years and he got in danger in Utanokamike's house, and...
White Snake Enchantment
Uta married a priest who saved her when she tried to commit suicide at a waterfall. The love triangle between a lustful priest, his second wife and his son Masao.
Onimasa: A Japanese Godfather
Matsue Kiryûin as a girl
Onimasa is the egocentric boss of a small yakuza clan on Shikoku Island, whose criminal duties conflict with his self-image as a chivalrous samurai. His struggles with his boss, the Shikoku Godfather, and the tumultuous life of his adopted daughter, Matsue, form the backdrop of this epic tale of justice, obedience, and bloody vengeance.
傑作推理劇場 不安な階段