Bobbie Sierks

Nacimiento : 1910-08-22, Los Angeles, California, USA

Muerte : 1978-03-04


Malas calles
Script Supervisor
Nueva York, 1972. Charlie (Harvey Keitel) es un joven italoamericano de 27 años que trata de ascender en la mafia de Nueva York, pero dicho ascenso se ve obstaculizado por su sentimiento de responsabilidad hacia su imprudente amigo, Johnny Boy (Robert De Niro).
El tren de Bertha
Script Supervisor
"Boxcar" Bertha Thompson es una joven de la era de la Gran Depresión que al perder a su padre se une a un controvertido líder sindical llamado Bill Shelley. Acusados de comunistas por un grupo de conservadores y perseguidos por una corrupta compañía de ferrocarriles que busca venganza contra Shelley, la vida de Bertha se convierte en una permanente huida por el mundo del crimen y un emocionante capítulo de la historia americana.
Incident in an Alley
Script Supervisor
A policeman is accused of manslaughtering a 14-year-old boy but is acquitted of all charges. Still, he feels a lot of guilt and begins to doubt if he really is innocent after all.
Dragstrip Riot
Script Supervisor
An adolescent arrives in a new town where he tries to join the drag-racing crowd.
Strange Intruder
A Korean War veteran must find his buddy's widow and children to keep a bizarre promise.
The Girl on the Bridge
A young woman's suicide attempt is stopped by an old man passing by. The two fall in love -- but the relationship between the young girl and old man is threatened when a blackmailer from her past shows up.
Leave It to the Marines
Script Supervisor
Gerald Meek and Myrna McAllister go to city hall to apply for a marriage license. Gerald wanders into the Marine Recruiting office by mistake and Sergeant Delaney signs him into the Marine Corps and sends him for a medical examination before Gerald realizes what has happened. He finds himself in uniform and ready to be shipped to boot camp without any delay, other than explain to his intended-bride that Uncle Sam has other plans for him.
Historia del Hampa
Después de ser despedido del periódico donde trabaja, Mike Reese se hace socio de un pequeño periódico de provincias en donde intenta poner en práctica los métodos de la prensa de la gran ciudad. Un asesinato en el que está envuelto un magnate de la prensa será la oportunidad perfecta para sus planes.
Bomba on Panther Island
In this second film in the "Bomba, the Jungle Boy" series, Bomba tracks a dangerous panther.
Campus Sleuth
A photographer is choked to death just outside of where a college dance is being held. The body is discovered by Lee Watson, but promptly disappears, as it is being whisked from one point to another on the campus by a night watchman, who is an ex-convict.