Bobbie Sierks

Рождение : 1910-08-22, Los Angeles, California, USA

Смерть : 1978-03-04


Злые улицы
Script Supervisor
Чарли, племянник мафиозного босса из нью-йоркского квартала под названием Маленькая Италия, хочет стать владельцем собственного ресторана. Для этого ему необходимо добиться расположения богатого дядюшки, соблюдать приличия, проявлять респектабельность, но главное — держаться подальше от шизанутого дружка Джонни Боя, взламывающего почтовые ящики и занимающего деньги у ростовщиков без всякого намерения их вернуть.
Берта по прозвищу Товарный вагон
Script Supervisor
США, годы Великой депрессии. Тяжелые времена вынуждают профсоюзного активиста Билла Шелли (Дэвид Кэррадайн) стать во главе банды грабителей поездов. Так он получает прозвище Дылда и любовь Берты Томпсон (Барбара Херши), девушки из маленького городка в Арканзасе с воровским прозвищем Товарный Вагон.
Incident in an Alley
Script Supervisor
A policeman is accused of manslaughtering a 14-year-old boy but is acquitted of all charges. Still, he feels a lot of guilt and begins to doubt if he really is innocent after all.
Dragstrip Riot
Script Supervisor
An adolescent arrives in a new town where he tries to join the drag-racing crowd.
Strange Intruder
A Korean War veteran must find his buddy's widow and children to keep a bizarre promise.
The Girl on the Bridge
A young woman's suicide attempt is stopped by an old man passing by. The two fall in love -- but the relationship between the young girl and old man is threatened when a blackmailer from her past shows up.
Leave It to the Marines
Script Supervisor
Gerald Meek and Myrna McAllister go to city hall to apply for a marriage license. Gerald wanders into the Marine Recruiting office by mistake and Sergeant Delaney signs him into the Marine Corps and sends him for a medical examination before Gerald realizes what has happened. He finds himself in uniform and ready to be shipped to boot camp without any delay, other than explain to his intended-bride that Uncle Sam has other plans for him.
The Underworld Story
A blacklisted reporter brings his shady ways to a small-town newspaper after being fired from a big city daily.
Bomba on Panther Island
In this second film in the "Bomba, the Jungle Boy" series, Bomba tracks a dangerous panther.
Campus Sleuth
A photographer is choked to death just outside of where a college dance is being held. The body is discovered by Lee Watson, but promptly disappears, as it is being whisked from one point to another on the campus by a night watchman, who is an ex-convict.