Garrell Clark


Sin piedad
Sound Mixer
Myrl Redding es un honrado tratante de caballos de Wyoming que tiene problemas con el cacique local. Éste, abusando de su poder, le obliga a entregarle dos valiosos sementales como peaje para pasar por sus tierras. Cuando Redding, después de recurrir a los cauces legales, no obtiene justicia, intentará tomársela por su propia mano.
Noche de lobos
Sound Mixer
Después de la muerte de tres niños sospechosos de ser asesinados por lobos, el experto en lobos Russell Core, es contratado por los padres de un niño desaparecido de seis años para localizar a su hijo en la Alaska salvaje.
La batalla de Passchendaele
Sound Mixer
En 1917, en Ypres, Bélgica, 50.000 canadienses lucharon heroicamente contra las tropas alemanas. Filme bélico de corte épico que inauguró el Festival de Toronto de 2008.
El verdadero Santa
Production Sound Mixer
Esta vez, Papá Noel es un demonio malvado que perdió una apuesta con un angel, la cual le obliga a regalar juguetes a los niños y a ser bondadoso, pero la apuesta termina y volverá a sembrar el mal...
Forgotten Warriors
This documentary introduces us to thousands of Indigenous Canadians who enlisted and fought alongside their countrymen and women during World War II, even though they could not be conscripted. Ironically, while they fought for the freedom of others, they were being denied equality in their own country and returned home to find their land seized.
Picturing a People: George Johnston, Tlingit Photographer
The life and times of George Johnston, photographer and keeper of memories for the Tlingit nation.
Hands of History
This documentary follows four female First Nations artists—Doreen Jensen, Rena Point Bolton, Jane Ash Poitras and Joane Cardinal-Schubert are First Nations artists who seek to find a continuum from traditional to contemporary forms of expression. These exceptional artists reveal their philosophies as artists, their techniques and creative styles, and the exaltation they feel when they create. A moving testimony to the role that Indigenous women artists have played in maintaining the voice of their culture.
Bye Bye Blues
Sound Mixer
Story about a WWII wife & mother who joins a local dance band to provide for family while husband at war. Romantic involvement with one of the band members make her decisions difficult when husband returns from war. Story watches the progression of the band as it grows into a popular, successful recording and touring group. Excellent music and soundtrack.
Prairie Women
This film illustrates the struggles of Canadian prairies women to achieve a more just and humane society within the farm movement and at large. During the early 1900s, women on the prairies looked for ways to overcome their isolation. Out of the resulting farm women's organizations grew a group of women possessing remarkable intellectual abilities, social and cultural awareness, and advanced worldviews.