Rachel St. Gelais

Rachel St. Gelais


Rachel St. Gelais


Moving Mountains
Kayla Bragg
A determined housewife goes head-to-head with a $1 billion mining company after its negligent operation ruins her town's water supply.
Jet is an unfortunate man whose best-laid plans are foiled by a little girl. Caught up in the middle of a disturbing crime, will he be able to save the little girl's life, and his own, or will his decisions destroy them both?
El desprecio
Benjamin's Daughter
Para sus padres es un honor que su bella hija Katie se vaya a casar con el obispo de la comunidad Amish donde viven. Pero ella siente inclinación por la cosas prohibidas, lo que vulnera gravemente la norma que impone su fe.
The Visions of Dylan Bradley
As a result of a quirky childhood accident, sixteen-year-old Dylan Bradley doesn't always see things 'eye to eye' until a sweet Christian boy steals her heart and tempts Dylan with the one thing he won't give her: sex.
The Blind Side: Un sueño posible
Little Girl on Playground
Basada en hechos reales, narra la historia de Michael Oher, un joven afroamericano sin hogar que encuentra ayuda y cobijo en una familia blanca, dispuesta a prestarle el apoyo necesario para que pueda desarrollar todo su potencial, tanto para triunfar como jugador de fútbol americano como en la vida. Por su parte Oher también influirá en la vida de los miembros de la familia Touhy, que atravesarán también por experiencias de descubrimiento personal. El cambio de ambiente significa también nuevos desafíos que el joven habrá de vencer, esforzándose por dar lo máximo de sí mismo como deportista y como persona.
School Girl
The year is 1732. John Wesley, an irritatingly self-righteous instructor at Oxford is offered the chance to go to the new colony of Georgia, where he hopes to preach to the Indians. John struggles with his failure and fears and is finally experiences the peace he longed for: "I felt my heart strangely warmed." Wesley begins to preach about his experience of saving faith, but is turned out of most churches in London. Despite opposition, mob violence that seeks to break up their meetings, Wesley and his "Methodies" establish social ministries to the poor that transformed the face of England. Today, almost 75 million people worldwide trace their spiritual heritage back to John Wesley.