Rachel St. Gelais

Rachel St. Gelais

프로필 사진

Rachel St. Gelais

참여 작품

Moving Mountains
Kayla Bragg
A determined housewife goes head-to-head with a $1 billion mining company after its negligent operation ruins her town's water supply.
Jet is an unfortunate man whose best-laid plans are foiled by a little girl. Caught up in the middle of a disturbing crime, will he be able to save the little girl's life, and his own, or will his decisions destroy them both?
The Shunning
Benjamin's Daughter
Beautiful Katie Lapp has always felt something missing in her simple Amish existence -- until a mysterious "Englisher" comes to Lancaster County looking for the baby girl she gave up for adoption 19 years ago.
The Visions of Dylan Bradley
As a result of a quirky childhood accident, sixteen-year-old Dylan Bradley doesn't always see things 'eye to eye' until a sweet Christian boy steals her heart and tempts Dylan with the one thing he won't give her: sex.
블라인드 사이드
Little Girl on Playground
어린 시절 약물 중독에 걸린 엄마와 강제로 헤어진 후, 여러 가정을 전전하며 커가던 ‘마이클 오어’. 건장한 체격과 남다른 운동 신경을 눈여겨 본 미식축구 코치에 의해 상류 사립학교로 전학하게 되지만 이전 학교에서의 성적 미달로 운동은 시작할 수도 없게 된다. 급기야 그를 돌봐주던 마지막 집에서조차 머물 수 없게 된 마이클. 이제 그에겐 학교, 수업, 운동보다 하루하루 잘 곳과 먹을 것을 걱정해야 하는 날들만이 남았다.
School Girl
The year is 1732. John Wesley, an irritatingly self-righteous instructor at Oxford is offered the chance to go to the new colony of Georgia, where he hopes to preach to the Indians. John struggles with his failure and fears and is finally experiences the peace he longed for: "I felt my heart strangely warmed." Wesley begins to preach about his experience of saving faith, but is turned out of most churches in London. Despite opposition, mob violence that seeks to break up their meetings, Wesley and his "Methodies" establish social ministries to the poor that transformed the face of England. Today, almost 75 million people worldwide trace their spiritual heritage back to John Wesley.