Assistant Art Director
A village where everyone is wishing to protect it with all forces and together as a band. From a day becoming harder to fight everyone wishing to help each other and to complain for weak opinions but how it seems they will unite their powers its powers to protect all rights and object inside that village making possibility to be free to choose no corruptions or obligations, priority mentality and all cannons will be free for them and big knowledge.
Los vecinos de una pequeña población rural de Pennsylvania viven atemorizados por culpa de unos extraños seres que habitan en los bosques circundantes. Saben perfectamente que para salvarse deben cumplir escrupulosamente ciertas reglas: evitar que vean el color rojo porque los atrae, mantenerse alejados del bosque, donde esperan agazapados la llegada de alguien, y obedecer la campana de alerta, que indica que se acercan a la aldea.