Mia Katigbak

Mia Katigbak


Mia Katigbak


I Smile Back
Mrs. Mattingly
No todo está bien en los suburbios. Laney Brooks, una esposa y madre al límite, ha dejado de tomar sus medicamentos, sustituyéndolos por drogas recreativas y los hombres equivocados. Avecinándose la destrucción de su familia, Laney hace un último y desesperado intento de redimirse.
Charlie Bradford, an aspiring filmmaker in his 30s, is doing the best he can to distance himself from the chaos of his childhood home. But his eccentric mother Linda, a compulsive hoarder who suffers from depression punctuated by spells of manic consumption, has a tendency to keep the people and things she loves close at hand. Charlie's younger sisters still live at home with Linda: Lisa, the older of the two has a history of petty theft and works as a home healthcare aid, and Penny, who is trying to overcome her agonizing shyness is starting a a new career as a home stager in a beleaguered real estate market.