I Smile Back (2015)
Amar desesperadamente, vivir imprudentemente.
Género : Drama
Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 25M
Director : Adam Salky
No todo está bien en los suburbios. Laney Brooks, una esposa y madre al límite, ha dejado de tomar sus medicamentos, sustituyéndolos por drogas recreativas y los hombres equivocados. Avecinándose la destrucción de su familia, Laney hace un último y desesperado intento de redimirse.
In Porto Alegre, the unemployed Ciro has a dull life in a simple apartment with a nameless stray dog that he had found on the streets. Ciro is supported by his parents and works every now and then in translation of Russian. When he meets the aspirant actress Marcela, who dreams on traveling to other places, they immediately fall in love for each other. However, Marcela has a lymphoma and travels for a treatment, and alone Marcelo becomes depressed and returns to his parents home.
Antônio Martins, respected theatrical critic, is a very rational man. But a chance meeting with young Inês, a nude painting model, is going to rock him. Inês keeps a relationship with painter José Torres Campana, an older man with a deep influence over her. Antônio gets jealous, and the three become characters of a drama saturated with desire and danger.
Clive, un humilde trabajador, está a punto de conquistar a una rica heredera, cuando Roberta, su antigua novia, le comunica que está embarazada; Roberta se ahoga en circunstancias extrañas y él es acusado de asesinato.
Katrin es una atractiva mujer que realiza un viaje por China mientras atraviesa una etapa de soledad. Decide casarse con el doctor Walter Fane, pero éste, debido a su profesión, no puede dedicarle mucho tiempo a su esposa, y ella comienza un romance secreto con un amante.
Crónica de siete semanas sobre la vida de doce niños con trastornos emocionales, y el método experimental de tratamiento llevado a cabo en las instalaciones del centro Warrendale, en Toronto.
Adaptación de la novela homónima "La locura de Almayer" de Joseph Conrad. Cuenta la historia de la ruina moral de Almayer, un joven holandés que va a Malasia en busca de un tesoro. Contratado por el rey de los piratas, se casa con su hija, pero a pesar de su buena suerte no renuncia a su objetivo, que se transforma rápidamente en una quimera destructiva.
Leo, a young Japanese college student, travels to Hawaii and eventually falls in love with Maray, an older Japanese-Caucasion woman.
Tashiro coincidentally meets his best friend Sugimoto in a bar very close to the apartment in which Sugimoto’s wayward wife is found dead. Although Tashiro is not a suspect in the police investigation, he is racked with guilt and confesses to his wife, Masako. In an effort to further relieve his tortured sense of guilt, he then confesses to Sugimoto. Neither his wife nor his friend can believe that he could have been involved.
When Kelly meets Victor on the dance floor of a Liverpool nightclub, the attraction is instant. After wandering through the night they find themselves at her flat, making love with a passion and urgency that neither had experienced before. Both Kelly and Victor are struggling to get by as best they can, while the people around them are choosing illegal lifestyles; she is escaping a brutish former lover, while he is being dragged into a world of drugs. It's when they make love that their darker instincts take over.
Protagonizada por la estrella mexicana Pedro Infante, "Angelitos negros" trata sobre una pareja formada por una hermosa mujer y un cantante, ambos blancos, que son padres de una niña negra. La mujer lo culpa a él, pero es la niña quién sufrirá el trato racista de su propia madre. Versión mexicana de la famosa novela de Fannie Hurst "Imitación a la vida" que también fue adaptada en otras dos conocidas películas de Douglas Sirk y John M.Stahl.
Edwin Porter, a Methodist minister, is sent to a little church in the small town of Sterling, Texas, to try to save it from financial insolvency. The move is sudden and is complicated by the fact that Porter’s wife and eight children are all very comfortable in the large, successful church they have been serving in Dallas.
Un grupo de científicos, bajo la supervisión del Profesor Sewell (Peter Cushing), llevan a cabo una investigación para desarrollar una fórmula que permita combatir las plagas del tifus y la peste bubónica. Dado que el compuesto incluye la utilización de un germen particularmente virulento que podría ser utilizado por una potencia enemiga como arma bacteriológica, el Ministro de Defensa prohibe terminantemente al Profesor Sewell publicar sus descubrimientos.
Hard-nosed Jefferson Russett runs a logging company; his brother, Steve, is the prodigal son. Steve becomes stranded on the competition's property and slowly learns the business and of his brother's dirty tricks.
Película basada en la novela del mismo título. Esta versión está situada en 1930 en Shanghai donde una mujer de la alta sociedad se encapricha en un juego arriesgado con su ex amante, que consiste en seducir y luego abandonar a una chica joven e ingenua.
In 2009, Swansea drug agencies reported a 180 percent rise in heroin use, and it's visible on the city's streets. Early one morning we meet a young, homeless couple named Amy and Cornelius in a city centre alley. As heroin-addicted alcoholics, they're smack in the middle of two of South Wales's most harrowing epidemics. An award-winning look at a generation lost to heroin, as told through the tragic love story of Amy and Cornelius.
Una mujer soltera regresa a Sarajevo 16 años después del asedio que sufrió la ciudad durante la guerra de los Balcanes. En esta vuelta le acompaña su hijo adolescente, que nunca llegó a conocer a su padre.
The Pickwick Club sends Mr. Pickwick and a group of friends to travel across England and to report back on the interesting things they find...
Un superhéroe se convierte en invisible después de ingerir un brebaje indio.
A university student finds himself wrapped up in the bizarre world of his next door neighbor, learning about his history and relationship with a girl who changed his life.
A youth drama set in a Japanese university which is home to a group of active, leftist students.