Raphaël is 50-something and in a rut. Without telling his wife, he buys a sailboat and convinces his childhood friend Patrick, an eternal teenager, and Alain, a hypochondriac, to go on a tour of the Mediterranean Sea with him. Holidays just like in the old days! The three friends however soon notice that they are not as fit as they used to be and don't really share the same interests anymore. All that changes when they take two much younger women on board who join them on their tour...
Luciano es un padre de familia alegre y con don de gentes. Tiene una tienda de pescado en Nápoles y se desenvuelve a la perfección entre sus clientes. Un día, empujado por uno de sus hijos se apuntará sin demasiada convicción en los castings del Gran Hermano versión italiana, concurso de telerrealidad que se emite por televisión 24 horas al día. Tras ser elegido como participante su vida dará un giro radical. Ahora es famoso y tanto él como los suyos tendrán que acostumbrarse a una nueva realidad. Pero... ¿realmente le servirá para algo o se convertirá su cotidianeidad en una auténtica tortura? El director Matteo Garrone, después del éxito de su anterior película, 'Gomorra', se introduce en el terreno de la crítica social en esta sátira en torno al mundo de la televisión y los reality shows en la que explora de qué forma se ve afectada la intimidad dentro de un mundo en el que la línea entre lo privado y lo público parece haberse difuminado por completo.
A brilliant business lawyer finds that an old Rumanian homeless woman looks a lot like his grandmother. One night, he makes a cardboard sigh for her "I could be your grandmother". Passers by become much more generous. Other homeless people request signs from him. Their demands are soon too much for him.
A brilliant business lawyer finds that an old Rumanian homeless woman looks a lot like his grandmother. One night, he makes a cardboard sigh for her "I could be your grandmother". Passers by become much more generous. Other homeless people request signs from him. Their demands are soon too much for him.