Raphaël is 50-something and in a rut. Without telling his wife, he buys a sailboat and convinces his childhood friend Patrick, an eternal teenager, and Alain, a hypochondriac, to go on a tour of the Mediterranean Sea with him. Holidays just like in the old days! The three friends however soon notice that they are not as fit as they used to be and don't really share the same interests anymore. All that changes when they take two much younger women on board who join them on their tour...
나폴리에서 생선 장수를 하는 평범한 가장 루치아노, 넘치는 끼와 재능으로 친지들에게 즐거움을 주는 그는 어느 날 가족들의 권유로 리얼리티 쇼 ‘빅 브라더’ 에 도전, 1차 면접에 합격하여 마을의 스타가 된다. 동네 스타로서의 유명세를 만끽하던 루치아노는 로마에 가서 2차 면접을 치루고 돌아오지만 아무리 기다려도 최종 합격 소식은 오지 않는다. 하지만 그토록 염원하던 텔레비전 출연을 할 수 없게 된 현실을 그는 받아들이지 못한다. 그 후 스타가 되고 싶은 강박관념에 점점 더 깊이 빠져들며 자신의 평범한 삶에서 멀어져 간다. 스타 강박증에 빠진 그에게 현실 세계는 가짜처럼 느껴지고 반대로 꿈꾸는 세계는 점점 더 진짜처럼 느껴지기 시작하는데…
A brilliant business lawyer finds that an old Rumanian homeless woman looks a lot like his grandmother. One night, he makes a cardboard sigh for her "I could be your grandmother". Passers by become much more generous. Other homeless people request signs from him. Their demands are soon too much for him.
A brilliant business lawyer finds that an old Rumanian homeless woman looks a lot like his grandmother. One night, he makes a cardboard sigh for her "I could be your grandmother". Passers by become much more generous. Other homeless people request signs from him. Their demands are soon too much for him.