Simona Ghita


Night Patrol
Women and men in the middle of the night, without their own clothes, without personal papers and money, without their car keys and mobile phones. In a deserted city the only solution would be, regardless of how far home is, to walk alone all the way there.
An Arab father and his teenage Romanian daughter are spending time for the first time together, trying to create a relationship and reconcile their cultural differences.
Daniela Niculae
An Arab father and his teenage Romanian daughter are spending time for the first time together, trying to create a relationship and reconcile their cultural differences.
Casting Director
Un grupo de invitados pasa las vacaciones de Navidad en la mansión de un aristócrata de Transilvania. Según van surgiendo los diferentes debates y el ambiente se va caldeando, la tensión llega a cotas insoportables.
Un grupo de invitados pasa las vacaciones de Navidad en la mansión de un aristócrata de Transilvania. Según van surgiendo los diferentes debates y el ambiente se va caldeando, la tensión llega a cotas insoportables.
Tres días después del atentado contra Charlie Hebdo y cuarenta días después de la muerte de su padre, Lary – 40 años, médico – va a pasar el sábado con su familia, reunida en memoria del difunto. El evento, sin embargo, no se desarrolla como estaba previsto. Obligado a afrontar sus miedos y su pasado y forzado a reconsiderar el lugar que ocupa dentro de la familia, Lary tendrá que decir su verdad.
A Month in Thailand
In Bucharest on a winter’s morning, a couple make love. Adina wants to move in with her boyfriend Radu as soon as possible. He, on the other hand, is slightly more reluctant but appears to simply tolerate her plans. Today is New Year’s Eve and Radu and Adina have a lot to do: the two have planned a visit to Adina’s parents followed by a party with friends. While buying last-minute gifts at the supermarket, Radu thinks he spots ex-girlfriend Nadja, who he has never forgotten. In one small moment, Radu’s insecurities about Adina come bubbling to the surface. No sooner have the corks begin to pop, the relationship comes to an abrupt end. This is followed by the perfectly timed offer from Radu’s friend Alex to hit the town with him and his friends. Radu accepts the offer in the hope that Nadja is also out. Director Paul Negogescu draws a portrait of Radu with precision and subtle irony – and captures the atmosphere of a New Year’s evening with great authenticity.
A Month in Thailand
In Bucharest on a winter’s morning, a couple make love. Adina wants to move in with her boyfriend Radu as soon as possible. He, on the other hand, is slightly more reluctant but appears to simply tolerate her plans. Today is New Year’s Eve and Radu and Adina have a lot to do: the two have planned a visit to Adina’s parents followed by a party with friends. While buying last-minute gifts at the supermarket, Radu thinks he spots ex-girlfriend Nadja, who he has never forgotten. In one small moment, Radu’s insecurities about Adina come bubbling to the surface. No sooner have the corks begin to pop, the relationship comes to an abrupt end. This is followed by the perfectly timed offer from Radu’s friend Alex to hit the town with him and his friends. Radu accepts the offer in the hope that Nadja is also out. Director Paul Negogescu draws a portrait of Radu with precision and subtle irony – and captures the atmosphere of a New Year’s evening with great authenticity.
Aurora, un asesino muy común
La última película del director rumano Cristi Puiu ('La muerte del señor Lazarescu') gira en torno a Viorel (interpretado por el propio Cristi Puiu), un hombre divorciado padre de dos niñas, tiene 42 años y que se encuentra sumergido en una profunda crisis. Aunque aparentemente es un tipo normal y corriente, algunas de sus actitudes hacen presagiar lo peor: conduce por toda la ciudad en posesión de un rifle de caza y no sabemos qué intenciones puede tener de utilizarlo... ¿qué busca? ¿qué pretende? ¿hacia dónde se dirige? Pronto descubriremos que Viorel es en realidad un despiadado asesino, cuando lo veamos acechar a una familia en un solar abandonado. Después, continuará su viaje incierto rodeado de terribles pensamientos.
A story which might take place in anybody's life. The death of a person starts a chain reaction which involves the neighbours. A satire of the world we live in based on a true story.