Aleksandra Urošević


La carga
Serbia, 1999. Vlada trabaja como conductor de camiones para la OTAN. Un día recibe el encargo de transportar un misterioso cargamento de Kosovo a Belgrado. En el camino atravesará un territorio que no le es familiar, y tratará de ubicarse a través de un país marcado por la guerra. Vlada sabe que, una vez que termine el trabajo, tendrá que volver a casa y enfrentarse a las consecuencias de sus actos.
Five Minutes Each
A metaphorical story about the constant struggle of the artist to reach those five minutes of limelight. A tale about an upswing and downfall, with the climax appearing concurrently and unexpectedly. The hermetical life of artists, who are enclosed into their own world of ideas, striving to create the epochal masterpiece. Even if they succeed, the image they create is the reflection of themselves. And with the same fervor, they repeat the process in endless cycles.