n un callejón oscuro, una misteriosa enfermera aborda un taxi. Ella quiere llegar a la carretera lo más pronto posible. Durante el viaje, el conductor ve una excelente oportunidad para el romance, mientras ella ve una excelente oportunidad para cambiar su vida
Como joven aspirante a chef en México, Iván trabaja en un restaurante esperando que haya un puesto en la cocina. Tiene mujer e hijo. Una noche conoce a Gerardo, un atractivo profesor que, a diferencia de Iván, no oculta su homosexualidad. La química entre ellos es inmediata, pero su romance genera problemas e Iván recibe la noticia de que ya no va a poder ver a su hijo. Desesperado, decide cruzar la frontera para avanzar en su carrera culinaria, prometiendo a su hijo y a su nuevo amor que regresará.
Miguel is the perfect coyote: dedicated, single-minded, his record unblemished. His home is the winding path of the migrant: the back alley gravel, the crumbled pavement, and last - the river. Despite this perfect record, Miguel is no stranger to death. His nickname, "El Maldito" hints of what we will soon see for ourselves, for Miguel seems haunted by the dead and dying. He comes upon them on desert roads; he hears their confessions, and takes part in their dying wishes. Miguel's house, much like the man himself, stands alone; yellowed photographs breathe the sigh of a life given over to a singular purpose - crossing his people to a new life. There are signs that this quiet struggle is soon to break. When a terrible wreck draws Miguel to the roadside, the order of his life comes to ruin, for Elena, the wreck's lone survivor, recognizes Miguel.