Takashi Noguchi

Takashi Noguchi

Nacimiento : 1938-10-18, Saijo, Ehime Prefecture, Japan

Muerte : 2020-04-28


Born 1938 in Ehime, Japan, Takashi Noguchi (野口貴史) was a Japanese actor. He died in April 2020.


Takashi Noguchi
Takashi Noguchi


125 Years Memory
Village Elder
Two historical incidents that deepened the friendship between Japan and Turkey are connected in this story of friendship and compassion: In the night of 16 September 1890 the Turkish frigate Ertuğrul is caught up in a typhoon and sinks off the Japanese coast. Risking their own lives, local villagers are able to rescue 69 Turkish sailors. Although being very poor and having hardly to eat, the villagers share what little they have with strangers from a country 9,000 kilometers away. 95 years later, during the Iran-Iraq War, more than 300 Japanese are stranded in Tehran. In the morning of 19 March 1985 a Turkish Airlines aircraft takes off for Tehran to evacuate the Japanese. But the remaining Turks at Tehran Mehrabad Airport still need to be convinced that they won't be able to board their own country's rescue flight.
La La La at Rock Bottom
Kotaro Sato
Shigeo is released from prison and immediately beaten up by some old associates, which results in him losing his memory. Kasumi, who just by chance happens to be the manager of a band, takes him in and discovers his talent for singing.
El último samurái
Kyogen Player #2
1870. El capitán Nathan Algren es un hombre a la deriva. Las batallas que libró en otro tiempo parecen ahora lejanas e inútiles. Una vez arriesgó su vida por el honor y por la patria, pero, en los años transcurridos desde la Guerra de Secesión estadounidense, el mundo ha cambiado. El pragmatismo ha reemplazado al valor, el interés personal ha ocupado el lugar del sacrificio y el honor no se encuentra en ninguna parte, especialmente en el Oeste, donde su papel en las campañas contra los indios acabó en desilusión y tristeza. En algún lugar de las implacables llanuras junto a la ribera del río Washita, Algren perdió su alma. En un mundo completamente distinto, otro soldado ve como su modo de vida está a punto de desintegrarse.
Another Battle
Former childhood friends Kadoya Kaneo and Tochino Masatatsu cross paths again. Kaneo is now a yakuza member, while Masatatsu is a nightclub owner with a distaste for crime gangs. When a yakuza boss dies, a struggle for his position takes place between Kaneo's boss Awano and the young Nakahira. Nakahira's men try to extort money from Masatatsu, bringing him in between a yakuza battle.
1994 sequel to Satoru Kobayashi's "The Blind Cat".
The Blind Cat
The first film about Kiriko - a blind woman with a sword.
Yakuza Warfare
Two childhood friends find themselves caught in the midst of an all-out turf war between rival factions in the yakuza-stained region of Kyushu.
Yakuza Ladies Revisited
The wife of a yakuza lieutenant tries to keep the peace when the clan's heir suddenly dies and a succession conflict threatens to break out.
Labyrinth Romanesque
Based on Edogawa Ranpo Award winner "Hanazono no Meikyu" by Yoko Yamazaki. A serial killing occurs at a port town brothel.
The Man Who Assassinated Ryoma
The Man Who Assassinated Ryoma is a movie about a haunted blood-thirsty Bakufu officer who might have killed Ryoma Sakamoto.
House on Fire
In the 50s, the complicated life of a popular writer who must share his life with his family, his numerous mistresses and his work
This story is based on the novel "Jo no mai" by Tomiko Miyao which is based on the life of painter Shōen Uemura (1875–1949), the first woman to be awarded the Order of Culture. The title refers to the masterpiece bijinga ("picture of a beautiful woman") that Uemura painted at the age of 61. The main character, Tsuya Shimamura, is born in Kyoto as the second daughter of a tea trader who dies before her birth. Tsuya, who loves painting more than anything and is hopeless at housework, attends art school and at age 15 receives the name Shōsui (from the characters for "pine" and "green") from her teacher. The crown prince of England purchases one of her works, propelling her to fame overnight. The novel portrays the remainder of her stormy life, during which she is impregnated by her teacher and raises a fatherless child; through it all she devotes herself to her painting, undaunted.
Theater Of Life
Adaptation of Shiro Ozaki's novel.
The Blazing Valiant
Jo has just come back to Japan for the funeral of his parents, who were killed in tribal warfare in Africa where the family had been living throughout most of Jo's life. Once the funeral was over, he missed the boat that was going to take him back home, and, because of an altered itinerary, he ends up stopping in a town for awhile -- striking up an acquaintance with a teenager and her grandfather when he captures their runaway horse. He would have been glad to leave after the proper amenities were completed, but the girl's journalist brother is murdered -- he was getting too close to wrapping a major news story. At that point, Jo and a friend cannot easily drop the matter as though nothing had occurred, and the two start to track down the source of the trouble -- a factory that makes poison gas for Third World buyers. Now their task is to dismantle the operation, prevent one train shipment from arriving at a transfer point, and find the journalist's killer.
Samurai Reincarnation
Un samurai vende su alma al diablo para cobrarse venganza contra Dios. Satán le otorga el poder de levantar a los muertos para que lo ayuden en su personal carnicería.
Exterminio (Virus)
Doctor's Assistant
El mundo sufre un auténtico apocalipsis a causa de la liberación accidental de un virus que había sido desarrollado como una letal arma biológica. En la Antártida, donde el intenso frío evita su proliferación, las personas que ahí se encuentran (principalmente científicos y militares) intentan organizarse para sobrevivir y repoblar el planeta. Esta versión japonesa de la película es considerada "de culto" habiéndose remasterizado para versiones en DVD y Bluray en esa nación asiática. El gobierno de Chile cooperó con la producción de esta película comisionando al submarino SS-21 Simpson, comandado por el Capitán de Fragata Carlos Toledo de la Maza, y al rompehielos BA Piloto Pardo, bajo el mando del Capitán de Fragata Roberto Suazo Francis, para apoyo logístico y artístico (el Simpson aparece caracterizado como un submarino inglés y luego uno ruso). Notables son las tomas exteriores del Territorio Antártico Chileno.
Japanese Godfather: Conclusion
Kazuo Miyanoura
The three-film saga comes to a conclusion as three leaders of the underworld battle it out to determine who will become Don of Japan.
Doberman Cop
Joji Kano (Sonny Chiba) es un detective de una pequeña ciudad de Okinawa que ha sido contratado por una mujer que quiere encontrar a su hija Yuna que desapareció hace cinco años. Cuando el cuerpo de una prostituta es quemado de forma que es imposible de reconocer quien era en un incendio provocado, la policía vincula este cuerpo con el de la niña desaparecida llamada Yuna que Jiro ha estado buscando. Poco convencido de que ese cuerpo es verdaderamente el de Yuna, Jiro comienza a investigar por su cuenta.
Legend of Dinosaurs and Monster Birds
A Japanese geologist discovers that dinosaurs still exist in caves beneath the surface of a volcanic lake.
Nuns That Bite
A woman on the run is raped, rescued, then raped again. Escaping, she heads for the hills and finds safe haven at a convent. After becoming a postulant (trainee nun), she catches her fellow sisters engaging in lesbianism, fighting over nothing, hurling snakes at each other, and engaging in mild flesh eating.
Hokuriku Proxy War
In the setting of the Hokuriku region, where the snow and cold winds rage, for the first time in true-life yakuza film history, director Kinji Fukasaku shows battles among yakuza who value land over tradition. Hiroki Matsukata stars as Noboru Kawada, a Hokuriku yakuza who will use any measure for survival, disregarding parents, brothers, and tradition.
El general y su imperio de los sentidos
Para una dama de palacio, el más alto honor es tener un hijo con el poderoso gobernador. Pero estas ilusiones tienen un peligroso camino..
Japan's Don
A yakuza leader must balance his violent tactics necessary for the rough streets of 1960s Tokyo with the domestic needs of his daughters.
Yoake no hata matsumoto jiichirō Den
Oxen Split Torturing
Two short stories set in Edo during the Shogun era. 1 - During a time when Christians are persecuted vehemently, Iori falls in love with young Christian girl. When she and her family are captured during a raid, his sadistic master takes her as his personal slave to torment Iori, and tries breaking her spirit by means of rape, torture and pure sadism. After Iori refuses to participate any longer he is exiled, but vows to get her back no matter what it takes. 2 - When Sutezo is forced to serve the barbarous master of a brothel in order to repay his debts, he becomes friends with a young girl named Sato in process. Together, they both escape and try to get by on scams and petty theft.
A Savage Beast Goes Mad
Test driver Hayami loses control of his car and rolls over. His company then learns that he has kept secret that he is visually impaired, and he is fired. Without the prospect of returning to his old job he makes a plan to rob several jewelry stores. A few days later, Hayami escapes with stolen goods worth 80 million yen in a violin case on a Kyoto city bus. A wild chase ensues.
Operation Plazma in Osaka
Amidst Japan's postwar economic boom, yakuza factions in Osaka fight for survival when Japan's largest crime syndicate plans a hostile takeover.
The Power of Aikido
Esta película trata de cómo Morihei Ueshiba desarrolló el aikido aprendiendo diferentes artes marciales, y de algunas de las cosas que le fueron sucediendo a lo largo de su vida para llegar a crear este arte marcial.
Scoundrel Boss
The International Gang of Kobe
In 1947, in Kobe, Japan, a local street gang fights for their survival when its turf is overrun by United States occupation forces and international gangs.
Story of a Nymphomaniac
Natsu, the older of two sisters, has a relationship with Yonosuke, the local kimono trader. Unlike her more conservative sister Oshichi she tries to use sex as a means to climb to a better social position. To even attempt that she first needs to get out of the Buddhist monastery she is working at...
Company Buggers
Hiroshi, a small-time racketeer, makes a name for himself extorting vulnerable companies and their directors for financial gain.
The Viper Brothers and the Young General
The Rapacious Jailbreaker
Convicted of murder, Masayuki Ueda is sent to Hiroshima Prison along with his accomplice. But for a man like him, breaking out of prison is easy.
The Yakuza Papers, Vol. 5: Final Episode
Quinta y última entrega de la saga "The Yakuza Papers" de Kinji Fukasaku. Entrados ya en la década de los 70, hace dos años que la antigua familia Muraoka se convirtió en coalición política, a modo de lavado de cara ante los medios de comunicación y la sociedad. Sin embargo, la confrontación interna con las facciones favorables a una restauración del código yakuza será inevitable, y la inminente salida de prisión de Shozo Hirono, jefe del grupo rival, no hará más que avivar las tensiones.
The Tattooed Hitman
The most dangerous hired gun in Tokyo's underworld has managed to trigger a vicious gang war, and now, there's a contract on his life. Though nobody is more skilled in the arts of dealing death, can the tattooed hitman fend off the entire Japanese mafia as he searches for the man who wants him dead?
The Street Fighter
Sonny Chiba es Takuma Tsurugi, un mercenario experto en artes marciales que es contratado por un grupo de yakuzas para secuestrar a la hija de un millonario fallecido, la cual ha heredado toda la fortuna de su padre. Pero cuando los yakuzas se niegan a pagarle lo prometido. Takuma decidirá proteger a la niña y enfrentarse a los temibles yakuza.
The Yakuza Papers, Vol. 4: Police Tactics
Cuarta entrega de la saga "The Yakuza Papers" de Kinji Fukasaku. En esta ocasión los grupos yakuza se verán cercados por la policía y la prensa, debido a las protestas sociales de ciudadanos de a pie en contra de los altos niveles de violencia callejera que se vivían en ciertas ciudades japonesas durante la década de los 60.
Yakuza of the Present
The Yakuza Papers, Vol. 3: Proxy War
Iwame Masuo
Tercer volumen de la saga "The Yakuza Papers" de Kinji Fukasaku, acerca del convulso mundo mafioso japonés en el Japón de la posguerra. En este capítulo, el jefe de la familia Muraoka decide retirarse por motivos de salud, lo que comportará una lucha de poder por el puesto vacante entre el jefe de la familia Yamamori y un subjefe de la familia Muraoka llamado Uchimoto. Shozo Hirono, protagonista de la saga, deberá calcular bien sus movimientos a la hora de alinearse con uno u otro.
The Viper Brothers: The Blackmailers
Upon his release from prison, Masa (Bunta Sugawara) is disappointed to not be picked up by his brother Katsu (Tamio Kawaji). After hitching a ride on a bus full of old women, Masa finds out that Katsu tried to fake a car accident and get some money for Masa to live on after prison. Together, the two decide to blackmail the woman (Yoko Horikoshi) who hit Katsu, who happens to be the daughter of a rich company president (Seizaburo Kawazu). 6th film in a series of 8.
The Hard Core Criminal
In the 20th century, the Japanese government exploits prisoners as expendable slave laborers in a coal mine, which results in conflict between the prisoners and the warden to escalate.
The Yakuza Papers, Vol. 2: Deadly Fight in Hiroshima
Segunda parte de la quintología de Fukasaku acerca de la ascensión mafiosa del yakuza Shozo Hirono (Bunta Sugawara) durante el convulso Japón de la posguerra. En este episodio, mientras Hirono establece su propia pequeña familia, el joven Shoji Yamanaka (Kinya Kitaoji), solitario y arruinado en Hiroshima, encuentra cobijo trabajando como matón para el jefe de la familia Muraoka. Por otro lado, Katsutoshi (Sonny Chiba), el hijo del jefe de la familia Otomo, viejo amigo y aliado de Muraoka, es expulsado por querer iniciar una guerra fratricida entre los dos clanes.
The Yakuza Papers, Vol. 1: Battles Without Honor and Humanity
Iwami Masuo
En el Japón de la posguerra el caos impera en todo el país. Las luchas por controlar el mercado negro son continuas. Shozo Hirono va a parar a la cárcel por haber disparado a un yakuza. Allí conocerá a Wakasuji, con quien hará un pacto para alzarse con el poder.
A Yakuza Has His Way
The Brawling Angel
Ninkyo with Hideki Takahashi.
The Pledge
When Omuro Yahachi of the Omuro family is selected as Mutsumikai Soke's successor, the conflict between the Kitakyushu and Wakamatsu begins.
Bloodiest Flower
A dramatic captivating tale tells of widowed Tei (Junko Fuji), she has become a coalmine operator and is determined to be successful despite mining being a predominately male domain. Overcoming the natural hardships, a more serious threat to Tei and her mine, the menacing presence of rival mining gangs who sense her vulnerability... Nihon jokyo-den:ketto midarw-bana is an outstanding drama, highlighted by wonderful characterizations/performances. Yamashita's excellent direction maintains a rich emotional flow from the opening seconds to the last. Intense and bloody encounters punctuate throughout the engaging multi layered tale!
Fate Deals the Card of Death
Seijiro and Shizue meet in Niigata and fall in love. Seijiro has to go back to Tokyo soon after, and they promise each other to meet again a year later. However, Seijiro gets jailed for five years. Unable to find him, Shizue gets married to a yakuza boss who can help her family business.
Japan's Violent Gangs: The Boss and the Killers
An honorable yakuza syndicate deeply rooted in Kyoto fights for survival when a new breed of gangsters threaten their very existence.
Memoir of Japanese Assassinations
This anthology film consists of nine incidents in the late 19th and early 20th centuries when assassins changed the course of Japanese history.
Lady Yakuza Red Peony Gambler 5: Biographies of a Gambling Room
Oryu es acogido por un ex jefe yakyuza. Ella promete ocultar su fondo yakuza y el trabajo como una mujer normal. Mientras tanto, el rebelde trabajadores contra nueva ley tributaria, lo que obliga a los operadores a llevar en una familia yakuza para resolver el asunto.
The Biggest Gamble
When Honjo is selected as Kansai district's chairman, Iwasa of the rival gang asks Itsuki to do everything possible to have Honjo step down, which puts Itsuki between a rock and a hard place.
Japan Organized Crime Boss
Nada más salir de la cárcel y esperando por una vida tranquila, un yakuza de Yokohama llamado Tetsuo Tsukamoto debe coger las riendas de su familia tras la muerte de su jefe. Su pequeña banda está en medio de una contienda entre un gran grupo yakuza de Osaka y la alianza de Tokyo por el control de la ciudad. Él trata de mantenerse fiel al viejo código yakuza, pero eso no le prepara para enfrentarse con los nuevos matones, que viven y luchan sin honor. (
Lady Yakuza Red Peony Gambler 3: The Flowers Cards Game
Esta historia ocurre en medio de la era Meiji en Nagoya. Oryu vaga por el país, tratando de limpiar su apellido. Con una recomendación escrita de Kumatora, ella aparece en la puerta de la familia Nishinomaru. Al mismo tiempo, la familia se prepara para la competición de juego en el Festival de Netsuda, que ellos han estado recibiendo para generaciones. Mientras tanto, la familia Kinbara conspira para asumir la competencia. Y ahora fuerzan a Oryu a estar implicado en la lucha …
The Cheating Underworld
Gangsters are robbed of five hundred million yens.
Big Time Gambling Boss
Tokyo, 1934. The boss of the clan that controls gambling agonizes and some of his followers propose to Nakai to take his place, but he refuses the offer and suggests they choose Matsuda, who is in prison. Other clan members oppose and Ishido is elected. When Matsuda is freed, he doesn't accept this decision.
Code Between Brothers 5
Saburo Kitajima, one of Japan’s most famous Enka singers, returns in the fifth of the Kyodai Jingi series. During the early 20th century, Ryuji from Asakusa, a wandering yakuza, joins the Narumi Family in Yokohama. However, when he confronts Shiotaro, the head of the rival family, Ryuji takes a liking to him. He ends up leaving his current family, and becomes close to Shiotaro like brothers swearing to become a full-fledged yakuza.
Tears of Banishment
Ninkyo with Kôji Tsuruta. An elderly yakuza brother tries to clear an underling’s name.
A story of young students trained to become Kamikaze pilots in World War II.
Showdown of Men 2
Part two.
Tsuruta is a respected tattoo artist working with comrades Machida and Yamashiro. His former boss, who also just happens to be the master who had tattooed the magnificent dragon on Tsuruta’s back, is now a dissolute, bitter drunk living with his son in law and sickly grandson. His daughter, the boy’s mom, is indentured at the brothel run by boss Nakamura and daughter Matsuo. Nakamura’s two faced second in command Amatsu will not let the mother see her son…
Three Gamblers
Three closely associated gamblers have adventures in Yokohama, Hokkaido, and Macao. Gambling trio endure hardships to rescue Naojiro’s family.
An adaptation of Akira Yoshimura's original suspense novel starring Rentaro Mikuni. 4th year of the Taishō era. About 15 families who moved in search of agricultural land to the land of the pioneers in Hokkaido led a peaceful life. One day, one of the pioneers, Mikio Shimakawa's wife Yura, and her child Taichi are attacked and killed by a bear that cannot hibernate. To resolve the situation, Shimakawa goes against all odds and turns to Ginshiro, the most hated hunter in the village, for help. While Shimakawa was away from the village, Yura and his friends were holding a funeral, the bear attacked again...