Village Elder
1890년 일본에서 좌초된 터키해군들을 사력으로 구조한 일본인을 위해 95년 후 중동전쟁에서 일본인을 도운다는 스토리
Kotaro Sato
야쿠자였던 푸치는 출소 직후 기억을 잃는다. 그는 한 소녀의 도움으로 밴드 보컬로 서게 된다. 두 사람 사이의 미묘한 터치와 음악 영화의 에너지가 넘치는 영화. 주연으로 등장하는 시부타니 스바루는 일본의 인기그룹 칸쟈니8의 멤버다.
Kyogen Player #2
조국과 명예를 위해 목숨을 걸고 전장터를 누볐던 네이든 알그렌 대위. 그러나 남북전쟁이 끝난 후, 세상은 변했다. 용기와 희생, 명예와 같은 군인의 덕목은 실용주의와 개인의 이익을 추구하는 시대 흐름에 밀려 설 자리를 잃게 되고, 그가 참여했던 전쟁의 명분조차 퇴색해버리자 알그렌은 허탈감에 빠진다. 그리고 지구 반대편에선 또 한명의 무사가 가치관의 혼란 속에 갈등을 겪고 있었다. 황제와 국가에 목숨 바쳐 충성해온 사무라이의 마지막 지도자 카츠모토가 바로 그. 미국이 신문명의 조류 속에서 변혁의 소용돌이에 휘말려있던 그 시기에, 일본의 전통 문화 역시 서양 문물의 도입으로 개혁의 홍역을 앓고 있었다. 새롭게 도입된 철도와 우편제도는 사무라이가 수세기 동안 목숨 걸고 지켜온 가치관을 뒤흔들어 놓고 있었던 것이다. 그러나, 카츠모토에게 전쟁 없는 삶은 곧 죽음이었다.
Former childhood friends Kadoya Kaneo and Tochino Masatatsu cross paths again. Kaneo is now a yakuza member, while Masatatsu is a nightclub owner with a distaste for crime gangs. When a yakuza boss dies, a struggle for his position takes place between Kaneo's boss Awano and the young Nakahira. Nakahira's men try to extort money from Masatatsu, bringing him in between a yakuza battle.
1994 sequel to Satoru Kobayashi's "The Blind Cat".
The first film about Kiriko - a blind woman with a sword.
Two childhood friends find themselves caught in the midst of an all-out turf war between rival factions in the yakuza-stained region of Kyushu.
아마가사키를 거점으로 하는 후지나미파는 2대 두목의 죽음 이후 사실상 두목의 부인 '카나에'의 통솔 하에 있다. '카나에'가 3대 두목 자리에 여동생 '요리코'의 남편 '마츠오카'를 앉히려고 하던 찰나, '마츠오카'는 사살을 당하고 후지나미파에 큰 균열이 발생하는데...
Based on Edogawa Ranpo Award winner "Hanazono no Meikyu" by Yoko Yamazaki. A serial killing occurs at a port town brothel.
The Man Who Assassinated Ryoma is a movie about a haunted blood-thirsty Bakufu officer who might have killed Ryoma Sakamoto.
작가인 가쓰라 가쓰오는 본부인 리쓰코와 사별하고 후처로 요리코와 결혼한다. 요리코는 이복형제인 이치로를 비롯하여 5형제를 키워왔다. 1956년 여름 가쓰오는 신극배우인 야지마 게이코와 일을 저지른다. 이 일은 8년 전으로 거슬러 올라간다. 그녀는 아는 사람의 소개장을 들고 찾아온다. 가쓰오의 솔직함에 매력을 느낀 게이코는 가쓰오 옆에서 원고를 정리하는 등 가쓰오를 돕게 된다.
This story is based on the novel "Jo no mai" by Tomiko Miyao which is based on the life of painter Shōen Uemura (1875–1949), the first woman to be awarded the Order of Culture. The title refers to the masterpiece bijinga ("picture of a beautiful woman") that Uemura painted at the age of 61. The main character, Tsuya Shimamura, is born in Kyoto as the second daughter of a tea trader who dies before her birth. Tsuya, who loves painting more than anything and is hopeless at housework, attends art school and at age 15 receives the name Shōsui (from the characters for "pine" and "green") from her teacher. The crown prince of England purchases one of her works, propelling her to fame overnight. The novel portrays the remainder of her stormy life, during which she is impregnated by her teacher and raises a fatherless child; through it all she devotes herself to her painting, undaunted.
Adaptation of Shiro Ozaki's novel.
Jo has just come back to Japan for the funeral of his parents, who were killed in tribal warfare in Africa where the family had been living throughout most of Jo's life. Once the funeral was over, he missed the boat that was going to take him back home, and, because of an altered itinerary, he ends up stopping in a town for awhile -- striking up an acquaintance with a teenager and her grandfather when he captures their runaway horse. He would have been glad to leave after the proper amenities were completed, but the girl's journalist brother is murdered -- he was getting too close to wrapping a major news story. At that point, Jo and a friend cannot easily drop the matter as though nothing had occurred, and the two start to track down the source of the trouble -- a factory that makes poison gas for Third World buyers. Now their task is to dismantle the operation, prevent one train shipment from arriving at a transfer point, and find the journalist's killer.
1638년, 시마바라의 난. 기독교 신자들에 대한 박해에 대항하는 마지막 몸부림. 도쿠가와 막부는 3만 7000몀의 농부에 대해 12만명에 달하는 군대를 동원한다. 아마쿠사 시로를 필두로 한 기독교 집단의 요술에 대한 두려움이 일으킨 과민반응이 었다. 100일에 거친 살육이 끝났을 때 그 땅에 살고 있던 모든 사람들의 머리는 잘려 있었고 그곳에 신은 없었다.
Doctor's Assistant
치명적인 바이러스가 퍼지며 지구상 인구의 대부분이 죽는다. 유일한 생존자는 아탁티카의 과학자 집단. 이들은 완전한 파멸에서 지구를 구하고 치료약을 개발하기 위해 고군분투한다.
당시 나온 일본영화 중 가장 큰 예산으로 제작된 영화이며, 대부분 미국 배우들이 캐스팅되었다. 전설적인 배우 글렌 포드나 영원한 줄리엣 올리비아 핫세 등이 주인공을 맡고 있으며, 소니 치바도 몇 안 되는 일본인 배우 중 한 명으로 출연하고 있다.
Kazuo Miyanoura
The three-film saga comes to a conclusion as three leaders of the underworld battle it out to determine who will become Don of Japan.
살해당한 여자의 유골을 거두려고 신주쿠에 온 오키나와 이시가키 섬의 형사. 그러나 그는 그곳에서 연예계의 소용돌이치는 음모에 연루되는데... 흉악범죄 전문 경찰청 특수범죄 수사과, 통칭 "특범과" 소속 카노 조지. 강력 범죄자를 매번 사살하는 카노를 언론과 세상은 비난하지만 본인은 상관치 않는다. 극악 범죄자에게는 비정한 카노인데, 어린이나 노인, 갱생하는 경범죄자에게는 물론 살인 등 과거에 무거운 죄를 짊어진 범죄자도 사정에 따라서는 일자리 등을 봐주거나 하는 착한 면도 있다.
당초는 카노와 그 상사인 특범과장 니시타니 경시 2명뿐이었다. 특범과로 신주쿠 경찰서에 온 폭력단 담당 형사 미야타, 여형사의 미모리, 여경 아야카와 사키, 미국에서 온 캬티·쿠라사와 등의 멤버가 추가된다. 특범과는 강력범죄 전문이지만 특히 각 과가 경원시하는 사건을 담당한다. 원작은 "주간 소년 점프"에 연재된 인기 극화이지만 영화에서는 극화되기 이전 주인공의 서막 편을 담고 있다.
A Japanese geologist discovers that dinosaurs still exist in caves beneath the surface of a volcanic lake.
한 절박한 여자가 수도원에서 은신처를 찾는다. 무엇이 자신을 기다리고 있는지 거의 모른채...
In the setting of the Hokuriku region, where the snow and cold winds rage, for the first time in true-life yakuza film history, director Kinji Fukasaku shows battles among yakuza who value land over tradition. Hiroki Matsukata stars as Noboru Kawada, a Hokuriku yakuza who will use any measure for survival, disregarding parents, brothers, and tradition.
Zenjiro (Masaru Shiga) is a lowlife criminal, roaming the country with his merry band of crooks, gamblers and rapists. When he gets done with his latest escapade of banging a samurai's wife, he finds that his love Okoyo (Eiko Matsuda), has managed to be recruited as one of Shogun Tokugawa Ietsuna's (Kantaro Suga) concubines. While attempting to win her back, Zenjiro becomes involved in increasingly murderous palace intrigues.
A yakuza leader must balance his violent tactics necessary for the rough streets of 1960s Tokyo with the domestic needs of his daughters.
첫번째, 1628년 나가시키현을 관할하는 도쿠가와 쇼군이 천주교인들을 박해하는데 사사키이오리와 그의 연인 토요 토요는 천주교인으로 도쿠가와 쇼군에 잡히게 되고 그의 가족들은 도쿠가와 쇼군의 온갖박해를 받게되고 토요는 사랑하는 사사키이로리의 앞에서 도쿠가와 쇼군에게 능욕을 당하는데... 두번째, 1821년 후카가와 한 유곽에서 부자집 아들행세를 하는 수테조는 시골에서만 살던 사토와 하룻밤을 보낸다 하지만 곳 수테조가 가난뱅이인것을 알자 술값대신에 술집에서 일을 하기로 하는데 천국인줄만 알았던 유곽은 알고보니 그곳은 지옥...
Test driver Hayami loses control of his car and rolls over. His company then learns that he has kept secret that he is visually impaired, and he is fired. Without the prospect of returning to his old job he makes a plan to rob several jewelry stores. A few days later, Hayami escapes with stolen goods worth 80 million yen in a violin case on a Kyoto city bus. A wild chase ensues.
Amidst Japan's postwar economic boom, yakuza factions in Osaka fight for survival when Japan's largest crime syndicate plans a hostile takeover.
It is about the life of Ueshiba - the founder of aikido. We can see how he decided to develop aikido and how he did it. We can see why he developed aikido and where he has learned martial arts.
In 1947, in Kobe, Japan, a local street gang fights for their survival when its turf is overrun by United States occupation forces and international gangs.
Natsu, the older of two sisters, has a relationship with Yonosuke, the local kimono trader. Unlike her more conservative sister Oshichi she tries to use sex as a means to climb to a better social position. To even attempt that she first needs to get out of the Buddhist monastery she is working at...
Hiroshi, a small-time racketeer, makes a name for himself extorting vulnerable companies and their directors for financial gain.
Convicted of murder, Masayuki Ueda is sent to Hiroshima Prison along with his accomplice. But for a man like him, breaking out of prison is easy.
While Hirono is in prison, his rival Takeda turns his own crime organization into a political party, whose two executives stir up new tensions in their thirst for power.
The most dangerous hired gun in Tokyo's underworld has managed to trigger a vicious gang war, and now, there's a contract on his life. Though nobody is more skilled in the arts of dealing death, can the tattooed hitman fend off the entire Japanese mafia as he searches for the man who wants him dead?
Terry is a tough mercenary and a master of martial arts. When an important business magnate dies, leaving billions to his daughter, the Mafia and Yakuza try to hire Terry to kidnap the daughter. When they refuse to meet his exorbitant price, then try to kill him to conceal their secret plans, he promptly offers his services to protect her. Much ultra-violent martial-arts fighting action, as expected, ensues. This also includes a subplot of a family's blood-feud with Terry over a disputed debt.
As Japan gears up for the 1964 Olympic games, the cops start to crack down on the gangs, under pressure from the public and the press, adding a new dimension in the war for power among the yakuza families of Hiroshima.
Iwame Masuo
Shozo Hirono has managed to separate from the Yamamori family and create his own small family, and extend his circle of acquaintances. These new friendships include a powerful underboss of the Muraoka family, Noboru Uchimoto.
Upon his release from prison, Masa (Bunta Sugawara) is disappointed to not be picked up by his brother Katsu (Tamio Kawaji). After hitching a ride on a bus full of old women, Masa finds out that Katsu tried to fake a car accident and get some money for Masa to live on after prison. Together, the two decide to blackmail the woman (Yoko Horikoshi) who hit Katsu, who happens to be the daughter of a rich company president (Seizaburo Kawazu). 6th film in a series of 8.
In the 20th century, the Japanese government exploits prisoners as expendable slave laborers in a coal mine, which results in conflict between the prisoners and the warden to escalate.
Repeatedly beat to a pulp by gamblers, cops, and gangsters, lone wolf Shoji Yamanaka finally finds a home as a Muraoka family hitman and falls in love with boss Muraoka's niece. Meanwhile, the ambitions of mad dog Katsutoshi Otomo draws our series' hero, Shozo Hirono, and the other yakuza into a new round of bloodshed.
Iwami Masuo
전후, 암시장이 왕성하던 시기, 히로노쇼조와 그의 동료들은 가득한 야심으로 파벌싸움을 일삼는 야쿠자들의 또 다른 전쟁을 마주한다. 야마모리를 보스로 한 새로운 조직에 가입한 일로 쇼조는 도이라는 그의 의형제의 가족과 불화를 빚는다. 하지만 그것은 기사도의 종말이자 위선과 배신, 그리고 피의 암살의 시작에 불과했다.
Ninkyo with Hideki Takahashi.
When Omuro Yahachi of the Omuro family is selected as Mutsumikai Soke's successor, the conflict between the Kitakyushu and Wakamatsu begins.
A dramatic captivating tale tells of widowed Tei (Junko Fuji), she has become a coalmine operator and is determined to be successful despite mining being a predominately male domain. Overcoming the natural hardships, a more serious threat to Tei and her mine, the menacing presence of rival mining gangs who sense her vulnerability... Nihon jokyo-den:ketto midarw-bana is an outstanding drama, highlighted by wonderful characterizations/performances. Yamashita's excellent direction maintains a rich emotional flow from the opening seconds to the last. Intense and bloody encounters punctuate throughout the engaging multi layered tale!
Seijiro and Shizue meet in Niigata and fall in love. Seijiro has to go back to Tokyo soon after, and they promise each other to meet again a year later. However, Seijiro gets jailed for five years. Unable to find him, Shizue gets married to a yakuza boss who can help her family business.
An honorable yakuza syndicate deeply rooted in Kyoto fights for survival when a new breed of gangsters threaten their very existence.
This anthology film consists of nine incidents in the late 19th and early 20th centuries when assassins changed the course of Japanese history.
Junko Fuji returns as Oryu the Red Peony, a wandering female yakuza on a soul-searching journey after the death of her father. After collecting her sickly follower from jail, she is taken in by a fishing village. Feeling indebed to their generosity, she stays to work for the village and promises to leave her yakuza ways behind. When a dispute breaks out for the gambling rights to a local festival, the villagers are harrassed by a gang of thugs. When the harrassment turns violent, Oryu must decide wither to keep her promise or protect the villagers.
When Honjo is selected as Kansai district's chairman, Iwasa of the rival gang asks Itsuki to do everything possible to have Honjo step down, which puts Itsuki between a rock and a hard place.
Coming out of jail and hoping for a quiet life, Yokohama yakuza has to take the lead of his gang after the death of his boss. His small group is is taken in a crossfire between a big yakuza group from Osaka at war with the Tokyo alliance for the control of the city. He tries to keep to the old yakuza code but he is no match for the new thugs who live and fight without honor.
The third chapter of the ‘Red Peony Gambler’ saga depicts the happiness and sadness of Red Peony Oryu’s life as she seals her femininity with a red peony tattoo and lives in world of chivalry and honor of the yakuza. This story takes place in the middle of the Meiji era in Nagoya. Oryu is wandering the country, training herself to reinstate her family name. With a written recommendation from Kumatora, she appears at the door of the Nishinomaru family. At the same time, the family is preparing for the gambling competition at the Netsuda Shrine Festival, which they have been hosting for generations. Meanwhile, the crooked Kinbara family is plotting to take over the competition. And now Oryu is forced to get involved in the struggle…
Gangsters are robbed of five hundred million yens.
Tokyo, 1934. The boss of the clan that controls gambling agonizes and some of his followers propose to Nakai to take his place, but he refuses the offer and suggests they choose Matsuda, who is in prison. Other clan members oppose and Ishido is elected. When Matsuda is freed, he doesn't accept this decision.
Saburo Kitajima, one of Japan’s most famous Enka singers, returns in the fifth of the Kyodai Jingi series. During the early 20th century, Ryuji from Asakusa, a wandering yakuza, joins the Narumi Family in Yokohama. However, when he confronts Shiotaro, the head of the rival family, Ryuji takes a liking to him. He ends up leaving his current family, and becomes close to Shiotaro like brothers swearing to become a full-fledged yakuza.
Ninkyo with Kôji Tsuruta. An elderly yakuza brother tries to clear an underling’s name.
A story of young students trained to become Kamikaze pilots in World War II.
Part two.
Tsuruta is a respected tattoo artist working with comrades Machida and Yamashiro. His former boss, who also just happens to be the master who had tattooed the magnificent dragon on Tsuruta’s back, is now a dissolute, bitter drunk living with his son in law and sickly grandson. His daughter, the boy’s mom, is indentured at the brothel run by boss Nakamura and daughter Matsuo. Nakamura’s two faced second in command Amatsu will not let the mother see her son…
Three closely associated gamblers have adventures in Yokohama, Hokkaido, and Macao. Gambling trio endure hardships to rescue Naojiro’s family.
An adaptation of Akira Yoshimura's original suspense novel starring Rentaro Mikuni. 4th year of the Taishō era. About 15 families who moved in search of agricultural land to the land of the pioneers in Hokkaido led a peaceful life. One day, one of the pioneers, Mikio Shimakawa's wife Yura, and her child Taichi are attacked and killed by a bear that cannot hibernate. To resolve the situation, Shimakawa goes against all odds and turns to Ginshiro, the most hated hunter in the village, for help. While Shimakawa was away from the village, Yura and his friends were holding a funeral, the bear attacked again...