A surreal period film following an university professor and his eerie nomad friend as they go through loose romantic triangles and face death in peculiar ways.
Music Supervisor
Shirō raids the office of the organization that attacked his lover, wreaking havoc and escaping with a stolen handgun. In retaliation, the organization hires two killers to get rid of Shirō. The duo begin to develop a strange kinship with their target...
Music Supervisor
Young slacker couple accidentially kills a friend. They burn his body and hang out on a beach.
Music Director
Un detective es contratado para encontrar a una mujer que, dicen, fue asesinada en el rodaje de una película snuff. Tras recorrer el mundo del hampa en una monocromática y surreal Tokio, la encuentra viva e inician un tórrido romance que lo llevará a cuestionarse su propia percepción de la realidad.