Nano Chesnais


Looking for Jimmy
Al has invited a few friends over for a barbecue to celebrate V’s birthday. The party atmosphere changes when Al realizes that her boyfriend Jimmy, who is also V’s best friend, has disappeared. Al and V set out across Los Angeles to look for Jimmy.
Bintou wants to make sure that her daughter goes to school, but her husband Abel doesn’t think it’s worth it and claims there is only enough money to educate their sons. But Bintou won’t give up and starts her own business to make the extra money. Abel, wary of losing control and scared that Bintou’s newfound financial freedom will lead her to adultery, tries to sabotage her efforts. Bintou tackles sexuality, gender relations, and the fraught relationship between tradition and modernity with joyful satire.
Un verano en La Goulette
Assistant Editor
1967. En la Goulette, una pequeña ciudad portuaria tunecina, conviven en perfecta armonía distintos grupos étnicos. Yousseí, el musulmán, Jojo, el judío tunecino, y Giuseppe, el siciliano católico, eran tan inseparables como sus tres hijas de 16 años. En una especie de conspiración adolescente, las tres chicas deciden perder su virginidad el 15 de Agosto, el día de la Virgen. Lo malo es que se fijan en chicos de distinta religión, lo que supone violar un tabú. Todo ello ocurre en vísperas de la guerra de los Seis Días, contienda que enfrentará para siempre a judíos y musulmanes.
The Red Shade
Assistant Editor
The time is the 1930s and two Soviet spies (both Frenchmen by nationality) have been helping Communist factions during the Civil War in Spain. It is the time of Stalin's iron rule in the USSR, and the two agents are suddenly called to Moscow by the KGB. Knowing that they are in trouble for no fault of their own, fear drives one of them to suicide while the other gets his lover and her child and begins a run for his life, knowing that the KGB will never let him go free.