Un verano en La Goulette (1996)
Género : Drama, Comedia
Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 40M
Director : Férid Boughedir
1967. En la Goulette, una pequeña ciudad portuaria tunecina, conviven en perfecta armonía distintos grupos étnicos. Yousseí, el musulmán, Jojo, el judío tunecino, y Giuseppe, el siciliano católico, eran tan inseparables como sus tres hijas de 16 años. En una especie de conspiración adolescente, las tres chicas deciden perder su virginidad el 15 de Agosto, el día de la Virgen. Lo malo es que se fijan en chicos de distinta religión, lo que supone violar un tabú. Todo ello ocurre en vísperas de la guerra de los Seis Días, contienda que enfrentará para siempre a judíos y musulmanes.
The zany adventures of two undercover Hollywood cops, Malcolm Cain and John Abel.
Once upon a time there were the tsar with the tsaritsa also there was at them a son Ivan-Tsarevich. And everything would be good if Ivan parents didn't come one morning and didn't tell them about the Beloved Beauty about which to it nurses sang, and now every day dreams. Also he wants to go in this world to look for to Beloved Beauty. Ivan-Tsarevich went, and to him the robber Bulat who became a sworn brother on the way. They began to look for Beauty.
Isa is blamed for a robbery. He is badly beaten and given twenty four hours to return the money. Instead of finding the money, Isa finds a gun.
Anastácio lives in Lisbon and is fanatic for Sporting, one of the city's football teams. When the team travels to face Porto, he follows it with the family, staying in house of his friend, Mr. Barata, pretending to be rich.
Based on a series of posts published on popular Thai website pantip.com. The story became so popular that it was later turned into a best selling novel. "Boring Love" consists of a love triangle with Ped (Anurak Yingnakorn) squarely in the center. Ped works as a flight attendant and has a girlfriend. His life becomes much more complicated when a male co-worker named Oiy decides to make a move on Ped.
Four guys sit around drinking beer and talking, trying to figure out the meaning of "the pompatus of love" (from the Steve Miller song "Joker") and analyzing their relationships with women.
The feature film directing debut of Spike Lee protege Lee Davis takes the viewer into the world of taxi drivers. Developed in the Sundance Laboratory, this film offers dove-tailing stories centering on the lives of individual taxi drivers as they reflect on and experience romance, politics, sociology, and spirituality.
Siva, an investigator, is in a live-in relationship with the rich and bratty Madhu. When Madhu starts a restaurant with her friend's brother, it leads to their break up.
This is the story about Joy who falls in love with an older man (she has been looking for her missing father all her life), and then travels around Paris with him and his other female companion, experiencing a broad range of sexual encounters.
First love and the fickleness of adolescence is the theme in this charming drama. The story follows a pretty blonde French youth who is sent with his classmates to an English seaside resort for the summer to study English. It is there that he first meets and "falls in love" with a girl, but when the girl spurns him for an older teenager, his attentions and affections are soon shifted to him. A touching and sensitive tale.
Receptionist Anne’s new relationship with nascent writer Peter is opening her eyes to a new lifestyle, one far removed from her comfortable middle-class background.
Frank is an ex-soldier, haunted by a violent past. He lives alone, drowning his nightmares with alcohol. Christine - smart and successful... on the surface, tackles life as a single working mother by immersing herself in drugs, parties and sex. Lynette, a young rough sleeper watches Christine stumble out of a club whilst she sits in the cold waiting for loose change to fall on her lap; her luck seems to change when she meets Frank who despite his misgivings, offers her a place to stay.
'Escúchame' relata la historia de tres estudiantes que se matriculan por primera vez en el Kemmont College, empezando a afrontar la vida desde una perspectiva más adulta y real. Los protagonistas son dos chicos y una chica que quieren triunfar y conseguir sus sueños, pero antes de alcanzar sus metas deberán enfrentarse a sus propios miedos y aprender a luchar contra sus fantasmas.
EEUU /// August narra la historia de dos antiguos amantes, Troy y Jonathan, que se reencuentran después de una larga y dolorosa ruptura. Después de pasar varios años en España, Troy regresa a Los Ángeles y decide llamar a Jonathan para tomar un café. Un encuentro aparentemente inocente se convierte en un intento de revivir pasiones pasadas. Sólo que esta vez no es tan simple ya que Jonathan tiene un nuevo novio, Raúl, y está tratando de tomar la decisión correcta por segunda vez.
In Puritan Boston, seamstress Hester Prynne and kindly Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale fall in love. After Dimmesdale must go away for a time to England, he returns to discover that Hester has given birth to their child and is the focus of local censure.
Carlos es el jefe de una agencia de publicidad de Santo Domingo quien tiene una relación extramatrimonial con Mónica, una modelo y la relación transcurre sin más contratiempos hasta que un buen día él lleva a su amante a una casa abandonada, ubicada en las afueras de la ciudad, en la cual vivió allí durante su niñez y adolescencia. Por otra parte Gloria, la riquísima e igualmente ambiciosa esposa de Carlos, comienza a sospechar de su marido y contrata a un detective privado para investigarlo. Ambos terminan sorprendiendo in fraganti a Carlos y Mónica en el cuarto de un hotel y, ya en casa, los esposos discuten por el divorcio hasta que súbitamente ella cae accidentalmente de la escalera y Carlos, creyéndola muerta, la lleva a la casa abandonada y la esconde dentro de un baúl. Sin embargo al huir del lugar, Carlos atropella en forma accidental a un niño, siendo éste el comienzo de una serie de extraños y fatídicos acontecimientos.
El teniente Thomas Glahn llega a las regiones del norte para vivir tranquilamente en el bosque y cazar para su propia subsistencia. Solo en el bosque, con un perro como única compañía, oscila entre la calma y el desasosiego. En su trato con las gentes del lugar conoce y se obsesiona con Edvarda, la hija del mercader. Un epílogo, ambientado en el trópico y contado por un compañero de caza, habla del suicidio de Glahn.
Saar y Johan viajan a Buenos Aires, donde se enamoraron, para ver si pueden arreglar su matrimonio que se está haciendo pedazos. Pero parece que es una causa perdida. Desilusionados, esperan al autobus que les llevará al aeropuerto de regreso a casa cuando filman de manera accidental un tiroteo. Una mujer muere frente a ellos, convirtiendo a la pareja en testigos de un asesinato y con la evidencia en su cámara de video. Lo que sigue será un verdadero suplicio, pero será algo que finalmente puede llegar a revitalizar su amor. (FILMAFFINITY)
An interracial couple is attacked and the woman is gang-raped in a random attack. This prompts the woman to commit suicide and the man decides to seek revenge from the inside by joining the gang. However, once inside he learns of the reasons (poverty, social rejection) for their existence and starts developing a kinship until he is asked to kill someone to prove his loyalty.
Ana Maria loves a modest guitar player, Júlio; when she herself in a 'retiro' (typical fado tavern), public and critics rend major applause. Fame brings about new friends, namely bohemian young who play and sing the fado with her, and not so young men but who rich and powerful enough to patronize her, promote her, and wish to become intimate with her. Júlio the guitarist feel betrayed, and he sets his mind to depart to the African colonies, to leave her forever. Knowing that he's going to embark, Ana Maria's heart between her first love, and the appeal of the rich and famous.