Katsuma Kanazawa

Muerte : 2009-03-08


Katsuma Kanazawa (Unknown - March 8, 2009) was a Japanese animation director and animator. Matsugawa Shinsho was an alias used by Kanazawa Katsuma.


Crimson Climax
Returning to her mother's home island after her sudden demise, Ryou feels that the answer to her mother's odd behaviour is within her mother's origins. Despite how her mother had bade her never to return to that island and to never associate herself with Hotaruko, Ryou nonetheless feels that something should be done in order to explain her mother's eccentric sexual behavior and what caused her to act so oddly. However, what Ryou never counted on was that the island contained a dark carnal cult that lured unsuspecting woman for blood sacrifice, seduced them to their highest points of ecstasy and then brutally slew them in blood as an offering to their god; Master Mizuno.
Crimson Climax
Returning to her mother's home island after her sudden demise, Ryou feels that the answer to her mother's odd behaviour is within her mother's origins. Despite how her mother had bade her never to return to that island and to never associate herself with Hotaruko, Ryou nonetheless feels that something should be done in order to explain her mother's eccentric sexual behavior and what caused her to act so oddly. However, what Ryou never counted on was that the island contained a dark carnal cult that lured unsuspecting woman for blood sacrifice, seduced them to their highest points of ecstasy and then brutally slew them in blood as an offering to their god; Master Mizuno.
Nakoruru ~The Gift From That Person~
Nakoruru finalmente regresa a su pueblo natal tras una larga y feroz batalla, donde sus habitantes la reciben con una cálida bienvenida. Su alma rebosa paz y tranquilidad al encontrarse con Manari y Yantamu. Pero cuando parece que el fantasma de la lucha comienza a desvanecerse, Rera aparece y reta a Nakoruru, haciendo que la sombra de la desgracia comience a deslizarse de nuevo hacia ella...
Bride of Deimos
Key Animation
A brother and sister grow beautiful and rare orchids out in the middle of nowhere, however, anyone who visits their house seems to vanish suspiciously. What is the secret of this orchid house?
Dirty Pair: Project Eden
Key Animation
Sent to the planet Agerna to investigate a feud between two opposing factions, Kei and Yuri must find out why strange creatures are attacking vezorium test plants.
Key Animation
Es el año 2099, y el hombre es capaz de atravesar las vastas distancias del espacio. Se ha llegado hasta el cinturón de asteroides. Y ahora el Starlight, el crucero espacial más grande jamás construido, empieza su andadura espacial. Un viaje que no se podrá comparar con nada anterior. Todo empezó con una llamada desesperada. La Starlight acudió rápida y se rescató a un superviviente. Repentinamente, el crucero se vio arrojado hacia el interior de un agujero espacial y también hacia un gran misterio. Un misterio en el que reviven una vieja leyenda y una civilización olvidada. Lo próximo que acontecerá llevará a la Starlight y a su tripulación a lugares que ni siquiera han sido soñados. Pero el límite de su capacidad también se verá forzado al enfrentarse a peligros inimaginados. Todo por la búsqueda del planeta llamado Odín. ¿Llegará la Starlight a buen puerto?