Katsuma Kanazawa

死亡 : 2009-03-08


幼児向けのテレビアニメから成人向けのアダルトアニメまで、手広くこなせる演出家。元はアニメーターであり、1970年代後半から1980年代後半にかけてのテレビアニメを多々手掛けていた。 1990年代には演出家へ転身すると共に、OVAの新たなジャンルとして確立していたアダルトアニメに活躍の場を見出す。やがて『遺作』など凌辱系作品を手掛けた際の高い評価から、業界の内外を問わず名を知られるようになった。とくに『ハイヌウェレ 収穫の夜』ではバイオレンスとともに幻想的な「境界線のある世界」を描き、前作『luv wave』で組んだ飯島弘也とともにアダルトアニメ専門誌のG-typeに取り上げられるなど、同ジャンルの人気クリエイターとなった。


Returning to her mother's home island after her sudden demise, Ryou feels that the answer to her mother's odd behaviour is within her mother's origins. Despite how her mother had bade her never to return to that island and to never associate herself with Hotaruko, Ryou nonetheless feels that something should be done in order to explain her mother's eccentric sexual behavior and what caused her to act so oddly. However, what Ryou never counted on was that the island contained a dark carnal cult that lured unsuspecting woman for blood sacrifice, seduced them to their highest points of ecstasy and then brutally slew them in blood as an offering to their god; Master Mizuno.
Returning to her mother's home island after her sudden demise, Ryou feels that the answer to her mother's odd behaviour is within her mother's origins. Despite how her mother had bade her never to return to that island and to never associate herself with Hotaruko, Ryou nonetheless feels that something should be done in order to explain her mother's eccentric sexual behavior and what caused her to act so oddly. However, what Ryou never counted on was that the island contained a dark carnal cult that lured unsuspecting woman for blood sacrifice, seduced them to their highest points of ecstasy and then brutally slew them in blood as an offering to their god; Master Mizuno.
Nakoruru, finally returned to her home Kamuikotan after a long, fierce battle, receives a warm welcome from dear friends and the village children. Her spirit is uplifted by her reunion with companions Manari and Yantamuu. But as the trauma of battle falls away, Rela appears and challenges Nakoruru and the shadow of misfortune creeps closer...
悪魔の花嫁 蘭の組曲
Key Animation
A brother and sister grow beautiful and rare orchids out in the middle of nowhere, however, anyone who visits their house seems to vanish suspiciously. What is the secret of this orchid house?
ダーティペア 劇場版
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金塊同様に高値で取引される希少鉱石「ヴィゾリウム」。その数少ない産出地である鉱山惑星「アガーナ」には、ヴィゾリウムを巡って対立する2つの国家があった。その一方、「ウルダス」のヴィゾリウム実験プラントが何者かに攻撃されたことから両国間の緊張が高まり、無実を主張するもう一方の国家「エディア」がWWWAに事件の調査を依頼する。 事件を担当することになったケイとユリは、早速両国の指導者に面会し、閉鎖されたプラントの調査を開始した。しかし息抜きにシャワーを浴びているところへ、自称大泥棒の「カースン・D・カースン」と鉢合わせしてしまう。逮捕したカースンから、「ワッツマン教授」なる人物を突き止めたケイとユリは、カースンと共に博士の研究所に侵入を開始した。そこで、博士がヴィゾリウムを使った人工進化の研究をしていることを突き止める。
オーディーン 光子帆船スターライト
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Odin centers around the novice crew of the laser sailing space schooner Starlight as they embark on an historic interstellar test flight. They are intercepted by what seems to be a wrecked spaceship only to find that it contains a lone survivor; a young woman named Sara Cyanbaker. Unknown to the crew at this time, a mechanized space fleet approaches Earth and a scout vessel from that fleet was responsible for the destruction of Sara's ship.