Maria Cristina La Parola


El Paraíso
Pablo’s life is ruled by drugs and by the intense and oppressive relationship he has with his mother, a former cocaine mule who escaped from Colombia and with whom he shares a small house in the outskirts of Rome. After her death, following her relapse into drug addiction caused by his emotional involvement with a young Colombian girl mixed up in the smuggling ring, Pablo’s guilt pushes him to try and bring her ashes back to Colombia. When the embassy denies his request on the basis of the fake identity and passport of his mother, the protagonist will be forced to tackle the journey by ingesting ovules containing ashes instead of drugs and he will find himself in his home country for the first time, desperately looking for redemption and his mother’s house on the Madgalena river.
The old and overcrowded penitentiaries are just a memory. Inmates now serve their sentence in a state of deep sleep that renders them harmless, and has drastically reduced recidivism. Until one day, a psychologist in charge of monitoring the mental state of inmates finds himself confronted with a prisoner over whom he's lost all control.
El juego del bunker
Después de varios accidentes misteriosos, se interrumpe un juego de rol de acción en vivo y los jugadores abandonan el búnker mientras el personal se queda atrás para investigar la desaparición de Greg, el autor intelectual del juego.
With or Without You
Alice and Tommaso have been together for fifteen years; they don’t have children, he‘s a musician, she’s an actress. Invited to dinner for an announcement, their friends think it’s going to be a marriage announcement, but instead discover that decided to break up: but without drama or emotional rifts, staying friends with each other. A legitimate but naive ambition. Love stories end, because people change. And no change is, nor can it be, painless.
Mujer y marido
Costume Design
Casado por diez años, en plena crisis, pensando en el divorcio... Sin embargo, después de un experimento científico fallido, de repente , se encuentran uno dentro del cuerpo del otro.
Veloz como el viento
Costume Design
La familia De Martino siempre ha tenido la pasión por los motores corriendo por sus venas. Mario, el cabeza de familia, se ve forzado a despejar el camino para la muy joven y talentosa Giulia, su hija. A ella se unirá su hermano mayor Loris, ex-piloto, poco fiable ahora pero que conserva un agudísimo sentido para trayectorias y motores. Juntos deberán regresar a la carrera, mientras intentan escapar de sus propios demonios y aprenden lo que significa y lo duro que puede llegar a ser el ser una familia.
Costume Design
The life of a melancholy professor is turned upside down when he discovers that a rebellious teenager he is tutoring is actually his son.
7 and 8
Assistant Costume Designer
6th January 1975, in an infant nursery in Palermo (Italy), for a mysterious reason, a male nurse exchanges the labels of baby number 7 and 8. Thirty-one years later Tommaso (7) and Daniele (8) meet each other by accident.