Montserrat Casanova


Hasta el fin del mundo
Costume Design
1999. Mientras conduce, una mujer (Dommartin) choca con el coche de unos delincuentes que acaban de atracar un banco y que la obligan a colaborar con ellos en el traslado del dinero a un lugar de París. En el trayecto, conoce a Sam (Hurt), un fugitivo perseguido por la CIA, que le explica que los delitos que le imputan son falsos y que lo que, en realidad, quieren es arrebatarle un invento de su padre que permite revisar los sueños.
I Have You Under My Skin
Costume Design
Jeanne is a woman who is driven by her very active conscience. She attempts to assuage her idealistic bent by trying out life as a nun, but this doesn't work out. After she leaves the convent, she takes a job at a factory, where the callousness of management spurs her to become a labor activist. Her efforts are marked by great persistence and fervor, but she lacks any kind of diplomacy or persuasiveness, and as the years progress, she manages to alienate everyone in her life. By the end of the film, there is only one way that she can see to resolve the horrible situation she finds herself in.
Set Designer
This unusual and intriguing interpretation of the ballet Cinderella with choreography and staging by the renowned choreographer, Maguy Marin, is set in a doll’s house with costumes to suit. This avant-garde, breakthrough version of the tale of Cinderella, described as a brilliant theatrical triumph, has toured the world since its premiere in 1985 and is acclaimed for its amazing manipulation of mood, its intriguing narrative and innovative staging. The production is regarded by some critics as a stepping stone from classical ballet to something radically new.
Costume Design
This unusual and intriguing interpretation of the ballet Cinderella with choreography and staging by the renowned choreographer, Maguy Marin, is set in a doll’s house with costumes to suit. This avant-garde, breakthrough version of the tale of Cinderella, described as a brilliant theatrical triumph, has toured the world since its premiere in 1985 and is acclaimed for its amazing manipulation of mood, its intriguing narrative and innovative staging. The production is regarded by some critics as a stepping stone from classical ballet to something radically new.