Oleg Yudin

Nacimiento : 1962-11-03, Ленинград, СССР (Санкт-Петербург, Россия)


Chef's Life Is Available
While visiting the old pub Andrey suddenly gets an opportunity to try to live somebody's else life. Available for rent is a life of famous chef and restaurants owner...
The Stoker
A shell-shocked Afghanistan war hero named Ivan Skryabin (Mikhail Skryabin) spends his days stoking the fire in a giant coal furnace. When he isn’t tending the flames, he keeps busy with other activities. He works on a historical novel. His adult daughter Sasha (Aida Tumutova) comes to visit. Local kids come to gaze at the flames. Gangsters, including a former Army sergeant (Aleksandr Mosin) and a sniper known as Bison (Yuri Matveyev), drop by to add special kindling to the fire.
Ventana a París
Un profesor de música que ha perdido su trabajo se tiene que mudar a una habitación en un modesto edificio, cuyo último ocupante fue una anciana muerta hace más de un año. Esxtrañamente, encuentra a su gato encerrado en el armario, perfectamente sano y bien alimentado. Pronto se descubrirá el por qué del misterio, en esa habitación hay una ventana que comunica directamente la fría y empobrecida capital rusa nada más y nada menos que con París.
A small provincial town is home to two rival teenage gangs, one devoted to loose living and punk music and the other a collection of narrow-minded bodybuilders obsessed with order and convinced of their own moral rectitude. However, this cosy state of affairs is upset by the arrival of two strangers dressed like Pushkin, the famous early 19th century Russian poet, who proceed to found their own organisation, dedicated ostensibly to the memory of the great writer and the "salvation of Russia". Gradually, they begin to assume control of the town...