Una historia de autodescubrimiento enmascarada como un romance adolescente, un drama familiar, una historia de misterio y un thriller. Sakuta Minami profesa abiertamente sus pasiones: el anime de “Matsumoto Leiji”, su familia y la natación; pero las preguntas sin respuesta que rodean la separación de sus padres la han molestado toda su vida. Moji Shouhei, un otaku con un talento prodigioso para la caligrafía, tiene en sus manos la llave hacia el techo de la escuela así como las respuestas sobre el misterio que ha aquejado a Sakuta.
One summer day, 400 goldfish were found in the swimming pool of a secondary school. This is a story about the four 15-year-old girls who put them there.
Director Nakamura is mesmerized by a piece at the Teshima Art Museum called "Matrix," a major work about the mysteries of existence by the artist Naito, and she goes to cover her work. However, Naito calls off the shoot in the middle, saying that her creations are getting lost because of the filming. There, the film turns a new corner to depict the women who gather at the "Matrix."…
Only 3 days after A-bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, a streetcar started running through the town burned to the ground. The drivers were teenage girls working for the train company in place of men. The drama is based on a true story of people who strived for the restoration.