Sieghardt Rupp

Sieghardt Rupp

Nacimiento : 1931-06-14, Bregenz, Austria

Muerte : 2015-07-20


Sieghardt Rupp (14 June 1931 – 20 July 2015) was an Austrian actor who performed in film, television and theatre.


Sieghardt Rupp


Die spanische Fliege
Ludwig Baumann
Etwas am Herzen
A tectonic displacement at the centre of a large family. No member of the family stays clear of the quake's reverberations.
Weininger's Last Night
Leopold, his father / Sigmund Freud
This film, dramatizing Weininger's life, is an adaptation of the 1982 play Soul of a Jew by Israeli writer Joshua Sobol. Weininger's last despondent hours are depicted in a dramatic furioso. His whole life passes by like distorted images in a mirror. The young genius fights a desperate battle against time, his fellow men - and against himself.
Professor Bernhardi
Prof. Dr. Flint
A politically naive Viennese butcher (Bockerer) manages to survive the Nazi occupation of Austria and the second world war.
Cerco roto
Corporal Rothe
Rusia, junio de 1944. La ofensiva rusa obliga al ejército alemán a abandonar la cabeza del puente Kwai y la Península de Crimea. La división del sargento Steiner, incluso su propio pelotón, ha sufrido terribles bajas. A pesar de todo, logra reunir a los supervivientes y deslizarse a través de las líneas americanas para reunirse con el capitán Stransky. Ambos librarán una dura batalla en una ciudad francesa el mismo día en que el general Patton rompe las líneas alemanas en Avranche.
Wer stirbt schon gerne unter Palmen
The wealthy plantation owner Pinaud is brutally murdered in Ceylon. His attractive German wife Anne is suspected of the crime and arrested by Inspector Cerdan. He is ordered to take her to Colombo. But the plane on the way there gets caught in a heavy storm and crashes shortly afterwards. Anne Pinaud and Cerdan are the only survivors of the crew and save themselves on a desert island. There they come across Werner Becker, who has been shipwrecked with his yacht and is also stranded here. While Cerdan continues to believe Anne is guilty of the crime, Werner believes she is innocent. Soon the tension between the two men builds up and they become rivals for Anne's favor.
Dead Pigeon on Beethoven Street
Viktor Kressin
A private detective (Glenn Corbett) infiltrates a gang of drug-dealing extortionists who prey on politicians.
Der Tod des Ministers
Kapitän Michal
Nurses for Sale
El capitán del barco de Hamburgo, Markus Jolly, es contratado para transportar una vacuna a un puerto latinoamericano, pero cuando los mafiosos roban el precioso cargamento, se le acusa falsamente de diseñar el robo.
Heißer Sand
Arthur Durban
Die Kobibs'chen des Mr. Miggletwitcher
Pressefotograf Wilden
Spion unter der Haube
John Marple
Heintje - A Heart Goes on a Journey
Günter Schelle
The Seven Red Berets
Sergente Vlasky
Deep in the African Congo, revolution rages and explosive documents have fallen into the hands of nationalist guerillas. The Red Berets are the government's only hope of retrieving papers which could change the course of the war.
Placeres de mujer
Un conde y un coronel reclaman la propiedad del mismo castillo (incluido un criado) al dividirlo con una línea roja. Se apostaron el uno al otro que el primer hombre que se acostara con una virgen local de su elección se queda con el castillo.
Ven, querida damisela, y hazlo
Un conde y una condesa cuya vida amorosa está perdiendo brillo, invitan a algunas personas
Little Vampire
Achims Vater
A strange case baffles the police and the citizens of a German small town. A two-year old girl has disappeared. There are suspects, innocents, guilty ones and a web of lies. It's saturday afternoon, and Achim's parents are invited for a topping-out ceremony. The neighbour's daughter, Monika (Renate Roland), is the babysitter for Achim (Sascha Urchs) and his little sister Kathrin, but Monika doesn't take the job too serious. She'd rather go for a ride with her boyfriend. Through a unforeseen row of circumstances, Achim becomes the murderer of his sister, and hides the body in a wrecked car on the scrapyard. When the parents return home, a frantic search for the little child begins. Only the father (Sieghardt Rupp) seems to know the truth…
Immer nur Mordgeschichten
Paris Belmont
Sixty Nine Games of Love
Angelique and the Sultan
This film finds Angélique in a North African Muslim kingdom where she is now part of the Sultan's harem. The first part of the film consist of her angrily refusing to be bedded as well as their trying to literally beat some sense into her. It all seems to go on too long and I was surprised that the Sultan simply didn't have her killed. Late in the film, she finally decides to escape with the help of two Christian prisoners.
La lunga sfida
Gert Schneider
A child is kidnapped by a secret organization to force his father to be part of a drug-smuggling ring.
A crime drama directed Paul May.
Alfred Schindler
Cinco dragones dorados
Mientras viaja a través de Hong Kong, Bob Mitchell va a parar por casualidad al lugar donde se celebran las negociaciones entre la banda local de "Los Cinco dragones de oro" y un peligroso grupo de gangsters.
Der Gürtel
Graf Sándor Lasztóczy
Untamable Angelique
Angelique goes in search of her husband Joffrey de Peyrac who did not die on the stake.
Baño de sangre al salir el sol
Johnny Liston tras haber cumplido una condena de doce años por un asesinato que no cometió se encuentra con que su hermano, Sartana, alentado por su propia madre, se ha convertido en un temible forajido que, al más puro estilo mafioso, extorsiona a los habitantes de la región prometiéndoles seguridad a cambio del pago de unas cantidades abusivas. Johnny se dispondrá a cambiar esta situación, hecho que le llevará al enfrentamiento con su hermano.
La gran juerga
Lieutenant Sturmer
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Parodia de la ocupación de Francia por los alemanes. Terry-Thomas es un piloto inglés que se encuentra perdido en la Francia ocupada, mientras que Bourvil y Louis de Funès son dos parisinos que, casi involuntariamente, ayudan a la resistencia contra los nazis. Un film que en Francia obtuvo un enorme éxito de taquilla.
Der Weibsteufel
Der Gendarm
A woman (Maria Emo) cares for her older husband (Hugo Gottschlich) who makes his living smuggling things across the Tyrolian Mountains in this tragic drama. The police know the husband is up to no good but have been unable to catch him in the act. A young policeman (Sieghardt Rupp) is assigned in hopes of cracking the case, and the wife falls in love with the cop. When the husband discovers the two are in love, he picks up a knife and goes to fight the policeman for the woman he loves.
La balada de Johnny Ringo
Captain Jason Conroy
Johnny Ringo es un pistolero al que todos persiguen con la intención de matarlo. Tras refugiarse en el Rancho Conroy, es asediado y mueren todos sus hombres, así como los miembros de la familia Conroy. Ringo decide entonces huir y cambiar de identidad para poder sobrevivir.
Ich suche einen Mann
Direktor Voss
The Fountain of Love
Nils Hansen
In this comedy, set in an Austrian mountain village, the town leaders conspire to attract tourists by touting a mythical "fountain of love" that runs nearby the village. When the minister of tourism discovers this, she immediately sends her agents to check out the veracity of the potentially scandalous water. After the village mayor declares a 3-day ban on sexual activity, he then plugs up the fountain. When the agents come, they find nothing. One of the agents wants to have his boss come and check it out personally, but changes his mind after he drinks some of the water. It really is an aphrodisiac! Soon tourists are arriving by the hundreds to sample the mysterious water. Unfortunately, the minister finds out and claims the water for the state.
Kingdom of the Silver Lion
Abu Seif
Los caldeos celebran la victoria de su amigo Kara Ben Nemsi. Algo enturbia su alegría. No ha aparecido el cadáver de Machresch, el traidor que pretendía matar a Kara. El jefe de los caldeos pide a Kara que custodie a su hija Ingsha durante el viaje a la montaña de Nedjir. Cuando se pone en camino encuentra dos muertos y las ropas abandonadas de Machresch. Ahora saben que vive. En efecto, él se está poniendo de acuerdo con Abu Seif para atacarles. Pese a la vigilancia de Ahmen el Korda, quien se muestra enamorado de Ingscha, ésta es secuestrada por Machresch. (FILMAFFINITY)
Misión en Hong Kong
Pierre Milot
Un agente del FBI investiga en Hong Kong una red de contrabandistas de droga.
La ley del forastero
Dakota, año 1880. En Silver Springs, con la ayuda de varios matones a sueldo, un abogado trata de adueñarse del pueblo mediante sabotajes, robos o brutales asesinatos. La llegada al pueblo de incógnito de un nuevo sheriff entorpece sus planes.
Los buitres
Old Surehand y el jefe apache Winnetou deben desenmascarar a los responsables del asesinato de un grupo de colonos blancos. Se culpa a los indios de la tribu Shoshone pero realmente no han sido ellos, la famosa banda de Los Buitres está detrás de la terrible masacre.
Condemned to Sin
Hermann Starosta
After World War II, a lot of people, who lived in the eastern parts of the Third Reich had to be relocated. One of them is Hugo Starosta (Martin Held) with his family. They live in a fortress. Hugo is unemployed, his children don't seem to like school, but somehow they managa to get through.
Tim Frazer Hunts the Mysterious Mr. X
Jack van Druten
British detective Tim Frazer hunts a myserious murderer who kills smugglers in the city of Antwerpen.
El sheriff implacable
Rex Kelly es un representante de la ley que injustamente envía a Pedro Ortiz a prisión. Cuando el hombre sale de la cárcel regresa para vengarse.
Por un puñado de dólares
Esteban Rojo
Tras la muerte de Juárez, en México dominan la injusticia y el terror. Joe, un pistolero vagabundo, llega al pueblo fronterizo de San Miguel, donde dos familias se disputan el control del territorio, y entra al servicio del clan Rojo. Una noche, Joe es testigo del intercambio de oro por armas entre mexicanos y soldados de la Unión...
An Alibi for Death
Leopold Wasneck
El fugitivo del tren de Berlín
En pleno apogeo de la guerra fría, un refugiado de Alemania del Este se cuela en un tren militar estadounidense con la intención de salir del Berlín Oriental. Las autoridades rusas y alemanas orientales detienen el tren y demandan la entrega del "delincuente". (FILMAFFINITY)
Don Juan kommt zurück
Don Juan
Das Feuerschiff
Die Försterchristel
Franz Földessy aka Rittmeister Franz Koltai
Und ewig knallen die Räuber
Wild Waters
Markus Mautner
Mariandl's Homecoming
Crispin Sagenbacher
Maler Schwarz
A 14-year-old girl is caught while trying to pick a doctor's pocket. The doctor ends up taking her in and turning her into a sophisticated lady, whom he marries off to a wealthy man.
The Red Pastures
A serial killer is on the run, after escaping a mental institution. He befriends a woman and her child, but the urge to strangle women with red necklaces still haunts him.
Deutschland - deine Sternchen
Der Orgelbauer von St. Marien
Bruder Markus Burgmann
While on vacation, the young, Benedictine monk Markus runs into temptation in the form of his childhood sweetheart, Linda. Linda, the daughter of Baron Danning, is about to marry the rich manufacturer’s son, Walter Bertram, to save the Danning family estate from the Baron’s debtors. But her encounter with Markus is creating doubts about the sincerity of her love for Walter. So she keeps pushing back their wedding, using as a pretext the demand, that she’ll only marry when the now-silent church organ in the village once more plays. But the organ builder Franz is in a dispute with his twin brother Joseph and has no time to fix the disused organ.
Der Teufel spielte Balalaika
Heimweh nach dir, mein grünes Tal
Fred Schantl
Wegen Verführung Minderjähriger
At the age of 17 Inge falls in love with her teacher.
El amor se paga con la muerte
1944 en Grecia. La Wehrmacht alemana mantiene el país ocupado y lo controla con mano de hierro.
Glocken läuten überall
Franz Stadler