Sieghardt Rupp

Sieghardt Rupp

Рождение : 1931-06-14, Bregenz, Austria

Смерть : 2015-07-20


Sieghardt Rupp (14 June 1931 – 20 July 2015) was an Austrian actor who performed in film, television and theatre.


Sieghardt Rupp


Die spanische Fliege
Ludwig Baumann
Etwas am Herzen
A tectonic displacement at the centre of a large family. No member of the family stays clear of the quake's reverberations.
Weininger's Last Night
Leopold, his father / Sigmund Freud
This film, dramatizing Weininger's life, is an adaptation of the 1982 play Soul of a Jew by Israeli writer Joshua Sobol. Weininger's last despondent hours are depicted in a dramatic furioso. His whole life passes by like distorted images in a mirror. The young genius fights a desperate battle against time, his fellow men - and against himself.
Professor Bernhardi
Prof. Dr. Flint
A politically naive Viennese butcher (Bockerer) manages to survive the Nazi occupation of Austria and the second world war.
Железный крест 2: Штайнер
Corporal Rothe
1944 год, германский Западный фронт. Немецкие солдаты давно уже сражаются не за Гитлера и не за идеи национал-социализма, а лишь для того, чтобы спасти свою жизнь. .. Жесткий, немногословный фельдфебель Рольф Штайнер завоевал репутацию бунтаря, не признающего высших чинов, и непререкаемый авторитет в своем отряде. Однако никто, кроме самого Штайнера, не знает, как давно опротивела ему война, и с какой радостью он бы скинул с себя ненавистную форму. Действуя на свой страх и риск, вопреки приказам, любой бой он старается закончить малой кровью, с наименьшими потерями для отряда.
Wer stirbt schon gerne unter Palmen
The wealthy plantation owner Pinaud is brutally murdered in Ceylon. His attractive German wife Anne is suspected of the crime and arrested by Inspector Cerdan. He is ordered to take her to Colombo. But the plane on the way there gets caught in a heavy storm and crashes shortly afterwards. Anne Pinaud and Cerdan are the only survivors of the crew and save themselves on a desert island. There they come across Werner Becker, who has been shipwrecked with his yacht and is also stranded here. While Cerdan continues to believe Anne is guilty of the crime, Werner believes she is innocent. Soon the tension between the two men builds up and they become rivals for Anne's favor.
Dead Pigeon on Beethoven Street
Viktor Kressin
A private detective (Glenn Corbett) infiltrates a gang of drug-dealing extortionists who prey on politicians.
Der Tod des Ministers
Kapitän Michal
Nurses for Sale
Hamburg ship captain Markus Jolly is hired to transport a vaccine to a Latin American port, but when the precious cargo is stolen by mobsters, he is falsely accused of engineering the theft.
Heißer Sand
Arthur Durban
Die Kobibs'chen des Mr. Miggletwitcher
Pressefotograf Wilden
Spion unter der Haube
John Marple
Heintje - A Heart Goes on a Journey
Günter Schelle
The Seven Red Berets
Sergente Vlasky
Deep in the African Congo, revolution rages and explosive documents have fallen into the hands of nationalist guerillas. The Red Berets are the government's only hope of retrieving papers which could change the course of the war.
The Sweet Pussycats
An officer and a count who live in opposite ends of the same castle bet each other who will be the first to bed their respective new 'virgin' maid. The winner will get ownership of the castle. In order to attain his goal, the officer ignores his lusty fiancee but she soon finds a luitenant to turn her attention to. Eventually a whole stable of local prostitutes gets in on the act.
The Brazen Women of Balzac
A Count and Countess, their lovelife losing luster, invite some people over ...
Little Vampire
Achims Vater
A strange case baffles the police and the citizens of a German small town. A two-year old girl has disappeared. There are suspects, innocents, guilty ones and a web of lies. It's saturday afternoon, and Achim's parents are invited for a topping-out ceremony. The neighbour's daughter, Monika (Renate Roland), is the babysitter for Achim (Sascha Urchs) and his little sister Kathrin, but Monika doesn't take the job too serious. She'd rather go for a ride with her boyfriend. Through a unforeseen row of circumstances, Achim becomes the murderer of his sister, and hides the body in a wrecked car on the scrapyard. When the parents return home, a frantic search for the little child begins. Only the father (Sieghardt Rupp) seems to know the truth…
Immer nur Mordgeschichten
Paris Belmont
Sixty Nine Games of Love
Анжелика и султан
Анжелика оказывается на Востоке. Захваченная в плен воинами арабского султана, она попадает к нему в гарем, но в очередной раз доказывает свою преданность и любовь к мужу. Единственное чувство, согревающее сердце Анжелики, — это надежда вновь обрести своего возлюбленного…
La lunga sfida
Gert Schneider
A child is kidnapped by a secret organization to force his father to be part of a drug-smuggling ring.
A crime drama directed Paul May.
Alfred Schindler
Five Golden Dragons
While travelling through Hong Kong, Bob Mitchell accidentally stumbles into the middle of criminal negotiations between a mean gang, the Five Golden Dragons and the local mobsters.
Der Gürtel
Graf Sándor Lasztóczy
Неукротимая Анжелика
Поиски мужа приводят Анжелику к морскому побережью, где следы Жоффре де Пейрака обрываются… Капитан королевской галеры, пораженный красотой молодой женщины, принуждает ее подняться на борт и сопровождать его в плавании.
$1,000 on the Black
Johnny Liston has just been released from prison where he has wrongly served twelve years for a murder. He returns to Campos, the village of his birth, where the whole town is terrorized by Johnny's brother, Sartana, who has taken Manuela, Johnny's fiancèe to be his lover. With his only friend a mute, Johnny must seize all opportunity to find out why he was framed, who was involved and why he is not welcome. source: SWDB
Большая прогулка
Lieutenant Sturmer
Небо над Парижем, 1942 год. Английский бомбардировщик, выполняющий важное задание, подбит немцами. Летчики покидают горящую машину, договариваясь встретиться через некоторое время в турецкой бане. Один из них приземляется на крыше дома, где работает парижский маляр Огюстен Буве.Другой падает на крышу Гранд-Опера и прячется вместе с парашютом в апартаментах главного дирижера. А командир экипажа сэр Реджинальд «приводняется» в зоопарке — в пруду с тюленями.
Der Weibsteufel
Der Gendarm
A woman (Maria Emo) cares for her older husband (Hugo Gottschlich) who makes his living smuggling things across the Tyrolian Mountains in this tragic drama. The police know the husband is up to no good but have been unable to catch him in the act. A young policeman (Sieghardt Rupp) is assigned in hopes of cracking the case, and the wife falls in love with the cop. When the husband discovers the two are in love, he picks up a knife and goes to fight the policeman for the woman he loves.
Who Killed Johnny R.?
Captain Jason Conroy
One of the hardest kind Western
Ich suche einen Mann
Direktor Voss
The Fountain of Love
Nils Hansen
In this comedy, set in an Austrian mountain village, the town leaders conspire to attract tourists by touting a mythical "fountain of love" that runs nearby the village. When the minister of tourism discovers this, she immediately sends her agents to check out the veracity of the potentially scandalous water. After the village mayor declares a 3-day ban on sexual activity, he then plugs up the fountain. When the agents come, they find nothing. One of the agents wants to have his boss come and check it out personally, but changes his mind after he drinks some of the water. It really is an aphrodisiac! Soon tourists are arriving by the hundreds to sample the mysterious water. Unfortunately, the minister finds out and claims the water for the state.
Гнев сабель
Abu Seif
Якобы умерший махараджа из Моссула и разбойник Абу Сейф хотят завладеть сокровищами Халдеев и похищают дочь Халдейского царя, Ингдшу. Кара Бен Немши и Хадши Халиф Омар отправляются на поиски принцессы. По дороге они встречают странноватого лорда Линдсея и его слугу Арчи. Всем вместе предстоит пережить массу приключений.
Red Dragon
Pierre Milot
An FBI agent goes to Hong Kong to short-circuit a smuggler of electrical parts to the communists.
Man called Gringo
Dakota, 1880. In Silver Springs, with the help of hired thugs, a lawyer tries to take over the town by sabotage, theft and brutal murders. The arrival in town of a new undercover sheriff hinder their plans.
Среди коршунов
Совершено жестокое нападение на ферму Бауманна, убиты жена и дочь фермера. Все улики говорят о том, что это были индейцы. Как нельзя кстати на ферме объявляется никому неизвестный проповедник, утверждающий, что на ферму действительно напали индейцы одного из племён. Виннету и Шаттерхэнд сомневаются в словах проповедника. Но удастся ли нашим героям доказать свою правоту?
Condemned to Sin
Hermann Starosta
After World War II, a lot of people, who lived in the eastern parts of the Third Reich had to be relocated. One of them is Hugo Starosta (Martin Held) with his family. They live in a fortress. Hugo is unemployed, his children don't seem to like school, but somehow they managa to get through.
Tim Frazer Hunts the Mysterious Mr. X
Jack van Druten
British detective Tim Frazer hunts a myserious murderer who kills smugglers in the city of Antwerpen.
The Last Ride to Santa Cruz
A former sheriff begins to persecute the gang led by Pedro Ortiz, after his wife is taken away.
За пригоршню долларов
Esteban Rojo
Фильм является вольным римейком самурайской драмы Акиры Куросавы «Телохранитель» (1961), действие которого перенесено на границу США и Мексики. В небольшой пограничный городок Сан-Мигель приезжает бродяга-стрелок (Клинт Иствуд). Жителей на улицах нет, первый, кого он встречает — усаженный на лошадь мертвец, к спине которого приколота издевательская записка «Adios, amigo» («Прощай, друг»). Со слов хозяина салуна стрелок узнаёт, что городок стал ареной противоборства двух банд, которые занимаются контрабандой — мексиканцев Рохо и американцев Бакстеров. Обе банды равно сильны, и ни одна не может взять верх над другой...
An Alibi for Death
Leopold Wasneck
Stop Train 349
Roaring across the danger zone of europe...A sealed international express, with a human cargo that can explode a continent!
Don Juan kommt zurück
Don Juan
Das Feuerschiff
Die Försterchristel
Franz Földessy aka Rittmeister Franz Koltai
Und ewig knallen die Räuber
Wild Waters
Markus Mautner
Mariandl's Homecoming
Crispin Sagenbacher
Maler Schwarz
A 14-year-old girl is caught while trying to pick a doctor's pocket. The doctor ends up taking her in and turning her into a sophisticated lady, whom he marries off to a wealthy man.
The Red Pastures
A serial killer is on the run, after escaping a mental institution. He befriends a woman and her child, but the urge to strangle women with red necklaces still haunts him.
Deutschland - deine Sternchen
Der Orgelbauer von St. Marien
Bruder Markus Burgmann
While on vacation, the young, Benedictine monk Markus runs into temptation in the form of his childhood sweetheart, Linda. Linda, the daughter of Baron Danning, is about to marry the rich manufacturer’s son, Walter Bertram, to save the Danning family estate from the Baron’s debtors. But her encounter with Markus is creating doubts about the sincerity of her love for Walter. So she keeps pushing back their wedding, using as a pretext the demand, that she’ll only marry when the now-silent church organ in the village once more plays. But the organ builder Franz is in a dispute with his twin brother Joseph and has no time to fix the disused organ.
Der Teufel spielte Balalaika
Heimweh nach dir, mein grünes Tal
Fred Schantl
Wegen Verführung Minderjähriger
At the age of 17 Inge falls in love with her teacher.
Am Galgen hängt die Liebe
Glocken läuten überall
Franz Stadler