Lon Stratton


Moontrap: Target Earth
Director of Photography
Una antigua nave espacial olvidada descubierta en la Tierra. Las investigaciones llevadas a cabo por Scout la transportan a la Luna con lo cual encuentra las máquinas impresionantes que preservan la sabiduría de esa civilización perdida hace tiempo.
Director of Photography
Un científico y un voluntario piloto estan en una misión de alto perfil para llegar a la final del universo. Después de 13 años, la nave se estrella a través del extremo del universo y en lo desconocido.
Director of Photography
A group of horror fans find themselves unwilling participants in a nightmarish role playing game that pays homage to a classic horror film.
Ocean of Pearls
Director of Photography
As a Sikh man with a full beard and turban, AMRIT SINGH is often the target of racial profiling. But when he sees his dreams of becoming Chief of Surgery at a state-of-the-art transplant center dwindle because of his appearance, Amrit goes against a tradition he's maintained his whole life and cuts his hair. Hiding this decision from his girlfriend and family in Toronto is only the start of a series of compromises Amrit finds himself making as he deals with hospital politics and health care injustices. When his compromises result in the death of a patient, Amrit begins to reexamine the value of the religious traditions he'd turned his back on.
Life Goes On
Vince and Amy were the stereotypical high school power couple - Vince the captain of the football team, Amy the head cheerleader. Life after high school wasn't so charmed and now, eight years later, as Amy finishes law school she gives drug-dealing Vince an ultimatum - a sober life together or a drug-addled life alone.