Lon Stratton

참여 작품

문트랩: 타겟 어스
Director of Photography
아주 오래전 인류 역사가 기록되기 이전부터 존재했을지 모를 우주 비행선이 발견됐다. 문자 해독가 스카웃과 그녀의 동료 교수 다니엘은 그 존재의 비밀을 파헤치고자 하지만 알 수 없는 조직의 권력가로부터 제지를 당하고 연구를 이어갈 수 없게 된다. 하지만 미지의 존재로부터 이끌림을 받는 스카웃의 고집으로 조사를 이어나가는 도중 그녀에게 특별한 비밀이 있다는 것을 알게 된다.
Director of Photography
When a scientist and a pilot volunteer for a high profile space mission they are told their goal will be to do what no one has ever done before to find the end of the universe. After 13 years in space the ship crashes through the end of the known universe and into the unknown...
Director of Photography
A group of horror fans find themselves unwilling participants in a nightmarish role playing game that pays homage to a classic horror film.
Ocean of Pearls
Director of Photography
As a Sikh man with a full beard and turban, AMRIT SINGH is often the target of racial profiling. But when he sees his dreams of becoming Chief of Surgery at a state-of-the-art transplant center dwindle because of his appearance, Amrit goes against a tradition he's maintained his whole life and cuts his hair. Hiding this decision from his girlfriend and family in Toronto is only the start of a series of compromises Amrit finds himself making as he deals with hospital politics and health care injustices. When his compromises result in the death of a patient, Amrit begins to reexamine the value of the religious traditions he'd turned his back on.
Life Goes On
Vince and Amy were the stereotypical high school power couple - Vince the captain of the football team, Amy the head cheerleader. Life after high school wasn't so charmed and now, eight years later, as Amy finishes law school she gives drug-dealing Vince an ultimatum - a sober life together or a drug-addled life alone.