Carri Gibbs


Baby Driver
Location Scout
Baby, un joven y talentoso conductor especializado en fugas, depende del ritmo de su banda sonora personal para ser el mejor en lo suyo. Cuando conoce a la chica de sus sueños, Baby ve una oportunidad de abandonar su vida criminal y realizar una huida limpia. Pero después de haber sido forzado a trabajar para un jefe del crimen, deberá dar la cara cuando un malogrado golpe amenaza su vida, su amor y su libertad.
Paris Trout
Location Manager
Paris Trout is a vile Southern bigot. He owns a store and is a loanshark. He often sues people, and so his lawyer, Harry Seagraves, eventually meets Paris' wife Hannah. A former schoolteacher, she made the mistake of her life when she married Paris, who brutalizes her. Soon Paris goes beyond the overgenerous bounds of what a man in his position can get away with even in the segregated South, leading to a spiral of perverse insanity.