The film follows the actions of a corrupt police captain, the title-character Ángel Lugo. Lugo is responsible for the wrongful imprisonment of Mariano Farías and the murder of his pregnant wife. After 15 years in a federal prison, Farías is still determined to prove his innocence.
Junte de comediantes que cuentan historias cotidianas de una barriada.
Alex, un niño de 10 años e hijo único, se enfrenta al trauma del divorcio de sus padres, una nueva casa, vecindario y escuela. Alex sueña con ser un pelotero famoso como su padre, pero la inestabilidad de su nueva vida hace de él un niño inseguro e incapaz de reconocer su talento. La llegada de Zompi, un animal virtual con inteligencia, lo transforma y lo ayuda a superar todos sus miedos.
Santiago, a retired accountant, casually meets Angelina during one of his daily walks in Old San Juan. They soon become friends, even though she refuses to give out any personal information.
Returning to Puerto Rico after living abroad for a long time, Paco, out of work, meets successful Nicolás, an old friend from his college years. Nicolás invites him to his house, where Paco meets a woman from his past.