Dilip Bose


Lalan Fakir
The heartwarming story of a fakir named Lalon Kar that traces his journey from being a family man to a wandering minstrel and how he spread the message of love everywhere. Note: Though poster art is in color, the movie is B&W. And while released in '87, it had to have been filmed in '84 or earlier, since Baran died in Nov 1984
After being released from jail, Shyamu returns home to his village and his home to his mom, and blind sister, Radha. Shyamu and his mom try to get Radha married, but in vain, as no one wants to marry blind woman. Shyamu takes Radha for treatment to Dr. Ashok, who assures them that her vision can be restored, and the cost is around Rs.5000/-. Shyamu come up with the money, and soon Radha gets her eyesight back. One day, Shyamu rescues a beautiful young woman, Seema, from being raped by Gangu, takes her home, nurses her, and falls head-over-heels in love with her. He hopes to marry her. His mother is thrilled and plans the marriage of both Shyamu and Radha. But there is a hitch in the plans. Seema loves another man - a man to whom Shyamu is indebted to for life. Will this man permit Shyamu to marry Seema?
Las aventuras de Goopy y Bagha
Dos chicos aspiran, cada uno por su lado, a ser artistas: Goopy desea ser cantante y Bagha quiere tocar el tambor dhol. Ambos se conocen en la jungla, cuando el rey del pueblo los expulsa. Vagando por la jungla encuentran al rey de los fantasmas, que les concede tres favores: poder conseguir siempre comida, tener libertad para ir a cualquier parte y la posibilidad de convertirse en músicos expertos capaces de hechizar a todo el mundo. Cuando los chicos oyen hablar de un concurso de música en el reino de Shundi, se dirigen allí para probar sus poderes.
El santo (Mahapurush)
La llegada de un Hombre Santo y su ayudante a la casa de una familia adinerada pondrá de manifiesto los fanatismos religiosos de la sociedad local, pero también suscitará en algunos la sospecha de que el venerado personaje no sea más que un impostor. Emitida en cines en programa doble junto a Kapurush (El Cobarde).
La esposa solitaria
Basada en un relato de Rabindranath Tagore ambientado a finales del siglo XIX, cuando la India era todavía una colonia inglesa. Charu, una mujer de la alta sociedad bengalí que lleva una vida ociosa, está casada con Bhupati. Éste, que ha heredado una fortuna, utiliza su dinero para publicar un periódico político, y se siente orgulloso de no haberse dejado arrastrar por la comodidad y la desidia.
Shiromoni, a village priest sends his son on an errand to the house of Mr. Mukherjee. On his return Kashinath discovers his father is no more. With no kin to support him Mr. Mukherjee suggests that Kashinath should move over to live with Mr. Pitambar Chakraborty, the zamindar [Landlord]. Kashinath however, is in no mood to leave Mr. Mukherjee's home as he has started to grow attached to Mukherjee's daughter Bindu.