John Cadenhead


Caribbean Kill
This barely-released international spy thriller takes place on the beaches of Cozumel, Mexico and promises lots of gun battles, explosions and fight scenes.
Ernest contra los trolls
Tom Tulip
En el siglo pasado el párroco del pueblo de Briarville, el reverendo Phineas Warren, logró capturar al troll Trantor, una monstruosa criatura que atrapa niños y los convierte en muñecos enterrándolos bajo un roble. Antes de ser sepultado, Trantor lanza sobre él una maldición: sus descendientes serán cada vez más tontos.
Steele's Law
Redneck in Park
Steele, a plainclothes Chicago cop, is recruited by the FBI to foil an assassination plot in Dallas, Texas. It seems that Joe Keno, a former nemesis of Steele, is planning to assassinate the Iraqi ambassador to the U.S. Keno is funded by several prominent Texas businessmen. Steele travels to Dallas, where he makes friends with Barnes; Steele is contacted by a Dallas-based FBI agent who sets him up with his contact, "Peacekeeper." Joe Keno has abandoned previous ways and methods; the assassin is now also a serial killer. While Keno's victims are found in abandoned warehouses and parks, Steele encounters numerous obstacles. The Chicago cop encounters friendly Texas racists, is ambushed in a redneck saloon, and battles the incompetence and petty jealousy of Dallas police. Meanwhile Steele tries to stop Keno before the Iraqi ambassador becomes his next victim.