Igor is 33 years old, he has been living for 5 years in a converted truck in his native Vosges. His ambition is to be self-sufficient thanks to his vegetable garden and the few bargains he makes at night in the garbage cans of DIY hypermarkets. Anticonsumerist, respectful of nature and of the people he lives with, Igor is a pure heart. Very attached to his freedom, he does not militate. But sometimes, he would like to share his existence with others, sometimes he thinks about the future...
In Brazzaville, an invisible world governs the visible world. The apostle Medard struggles to heal the sick victims of bad spells. But his life changes when he is publicly accused of practicing black magic.
Original Music Composer
Just vagabundea por las calles de París, recogiendo el último recuerdo de algunas personas antes de que pasen a otro mundo. Un día, se cruza con una chica de cabellera pelirroja y ojos azulados, que dice conocerle. ¿Podrían amarse? No será fácil, pues ella está viva, y él es un fantasma.
Original Music Composer
Kabwita, a young man living with his wife and daughters in Kolwezi, a town in the southwest of the Democratic Republic of Congo, dreams of buying land to build a house. To do so, he produces charcoal (makala), extracted from the ashes of a mighty hardwood tree. Carrying the sacks of charcoal on the back of his bicycle, he embarks on a dangerous journey to sell them on the market.
Sound Recordist
A mini-documentary about avant-garde Japanese musician Kazuki Tomokawa. Tomokawa is a prolific Japanese musician, active in the Japanese music scene since the early 1970s. He is often described as a "screaming philosopher" due to his idiosyncratic singing style. His music has been used in the films of cult directors Takashi Miike and Koji Wakamatsu, and he also appears in person in Miike's Izo (2004).
Pierced German
Cuando la I Guerra Mundial (1914-1918) se acerca a su fin, para una joven francesa está a punto de comenzar la más cruel de las batallas. Mathilde ha recibido la noticia de que su prometido Manech es uno de los cinco soldados heridos que, tras haber sido sometidos a un consejo de guerra, han sido enviados a la tierra de nadie que hay entre el ejército francés y el alemán, lo cual supone una muerte casi segura. Mathilde, que se niega a aceptar esa situación, emprende un extraordinario viaje para conocer el destino de su prometido. Las noticias que va recibiendo sobre Manech son desalentadoras. Aún así, animada por una fe y una esperanza inquebrantables y también por un gran optimismo, sigue su investigación hasta el final. A medida que se acerca a la verdad sobre los desafortunados soldados y su brutal castigo, se ve más envuelta en los horrores de la guerra y en las marcas indelebles que deja en quienes la han vivido.