Geneviève Fontanel

Geneviève Fontanel

Nacimiento : 1936-06-27, Bordeaux, Gironde, France

Muerte : 2018-03-17


Geneviève Fontanel


Marie et Tom
Marie Bertin is in at a dead end, both personally and professionally. When Pierre Gendreau, a former Canadian minister, asked for her help in writing his briefs, she saw the solution to a situation that had become unbearable. She hoped for a lot in this new life in Quebec, with her son, Tom, whom she had "all alone" a few months earlier. But, once in her new position, the situation is far from idyllic. The atmosphere of the house is heavy. The relations between Pierre, his wife, Nathalie, and their son François are tense.
J'ai peur d'oublier
La mère de Fabienne
One 4 All
Lola, la femme au chien
Olivia, Irina and Masha are improving their acting skills. They no longer believe in Prince Charming, and their career is waning. Olivia works at the front desk at the airport and offers a wonderful plan: he would do so that friends will be aboard the Paris - New York plane and will sit next to wealthy men. Their task is to seduce the rich and pull them out of money. But the fraudsters do not suspect that Comissaire Bayard and his young assistant are closely watching them...
La bascule
Nicole Beaucart
Fanny has been a paraplegic since a paragliding accident ten years before. She wants to pursue her vocation as a math teacher and is given one month to prove herself.
Mrs. Meriel
After raising her daughter, one would think that Julie's life was rather full. However, she recently got an offer from the French consul to a mission in Pondicherry, India to teach her skills to Indians. She can only do this if she gets her high-school diploma, something she neglected to do earlier. The idea of this new post motivates her to rectify her youthful omission, and she goes back to school in Montparnasse. Just before classes are to start, her current boyfriend's condescending ways prove too much for her, and she breaks up with him, reacting to that by getting drunk. Thus, when she has to take the subway to school on the first day, being unfamiliar with the route and somewhat the worse for wear, she gets lost. Fortunately, she meets an elderly man, a retired musician for the Paris Opera, who is headed for the very same destination. The two form a relationship of mutual encouragement and support.
Un jeu d'enfant
During the war in 1941, Antoine, 9, lived with his grandparents in Gironde. His mother prefers to keep him away in the free zone, with his cousins, where he discovers a more rigorous world.
Bonjour l'angoisse
Jacqueline Michaud
Anxious and shy, Michaud works for a company that specializes in alarms, safes and other security devices.
Au secours, elle me veut !
Nuestra historia
Madeleine Pecqueur
Robert Avranche es un hombre de mediana edad aficionado a la bebida. Un día, en un tren piensa en el enorme vacío y falta de sentido de su vida. Inesperadamente, Donatienne, una atractiva joven, entra en su compartimento y le propone hacer el amor...
Grain of Sand
Huguette Pommier
Delphine Seyrig plays a middle-aged woman coping with an ungovernable present and holding out hopes of escaping to a more pleasant past. She leaves her current residence to retreat to her provincial French hometown. Here she dreams of locating and rekindling an old love. Seyrig is less inscrutable here than in her debut feature-film appearance Last Year in Marienbad (61), though the character is just as complex and difficult to please. Grain of Sand was released in France in 1983 as Le Grain de Sable.
François Cremer is a truck driver who gets out of prison after having served a sentence of several months for a traffic of which he has always proclaimed himself innocent. He soon realizes that he is being followed and threatened by former acquaintances. Alone against all, he has no other recourse than to ask for help to a radio hostess, who had orchestrated a campaign for his release. She becomes frightened and refuses to help him, but he forces her to follow him in his escape. Translated with (free version)
Tête à claques
Mrs. Crispin-Vautier
Alex Berthier would love to be a famous songwriter. Meanwhile, he has to cope with unemployment, a witty 12 years old son and a rich and cute heiress who tries to help Alex as much as he tries to escape her: she brings nothing but trouble ! Fortunately, luck will strike again.
I Sent a Letter to My Love
A middle-aged disabled man unknowingly begins a lonely hearts correspondence with his own unmarried sister, who takes care of him. As he writes more and more to her, he begins to fall in love, and she, knowing that it is her brother who is writing, discovers a new, tender side to him. But trouble looms when he asks to meet her in person.
Cocktail Molotov
Anne's mother
Tres jóvenes con ansias de libertad, en tiempos de la revolución estudiantil del 68. Frédéric y Anne, de diecisiete años, son novios y vienen de estratos sociales muy diferentes. Están dispuestos a sortear cualquier obstáculo que les impida ser felices, así que Anne, presionada por problemas familiares, convence a Frédéric para marcharse de casa. Junto a Bruno, un amigo, los tres parten en coche rumbo a Venecia, desde donde pretenden ir hacia Israel. El padre de Frédéric está enfermo y éste desea regresar. En Italia sufren unos cuantos percances y cuando se enteran de los levantamientos de estudiantes y trabajadores de París, deciden volver...
Rodriguez au pays des merguez
In Bab El Oued, during the French colonization, the action takes place against the backdrop of elections. The unemployed Roro, son of skewer merchant Dodièze likes Chipette, daughter of hairdresser Gongormatz.
The Small Timers
Françoise de Saint-Géraud
A gang of small time crooks, prosecuted by an stubborn police inspector, is unfairly accused of a breaking and entering. After being set free by the inspector's wife, she becomes their boss and starts planning their first big score.
Votad al señor alcalde
Madame Berger
Gillaume Daubray-Lacaze es el alcalde una pequeña ciudad. Pero además, ejerce de inventor, y un grupo de japoneses le han pedido tres mil unidades de su último invento, una máquina que elimina la contaminación atmosférica. Como no puede expandir su fábrica, tiene que desarrollar la producción en la propia casa, lo que le causará más de un problema con su mujer...
Madame Rosa
Madame Rosa es una exprostituta judía de unos 70 años que se gana la vida acogiendo en su casa de París a los hijos no deseados de las prostitutas del barrio. Cuida a doce chiquillos, a los que sus madres visitan cuando pueden y le entregan algo de dinero. Pero hay cuatro por los que no recibe dinero alguno, como Momo, un chico árabe de catorce años. Sabiendo que su salud y sus recursos se están agotando, Madame Rosa le confiesa al chico sus problemas, pero, al mismo tiempo, muy preocupada por su tristeza, llama al médico, que le dice que el único problema del muchacho es la falta de afecto. Como Momo no es admitido en la escuela, tiene que buscarse la vida en la calle. (FILMAFFINITY)
El amante del amor
Durante el funeral del protagonista, se hace una reflexión sobre las razones que podrían explicar la pasión de este soltero de mediana edad por las mujeres, su necesidad de amarlas y por qué también ellas le correspondían.
Run After Me Until I Catch You
Simone Daru
A love story between the pets hairdresser and accountant - both with significant life history.
Le père Amable
Celeste has failed with Victor and has a little boy. Césaire would still like to marry Céleste, a beautiful and hard-working girl. His father, old Amable, did not hear him that way but ended up giving in. Less than a year later, Césaire dies. Between Father Amable and his daughter-in-law, a cold and silent war begins.
Juegos de tres esposas liberadas
Pascaline Dorgeval
Dos parejas, proclives a frecuentes discusiones, se separan: los chicos se instalan en el despacho de su agencia de publicidad. No tarda en unírseles un tercero, su principal cliente y amigo. Las chicas, por su parte, liberadas del yugo de sus maridos, desarrollan cada una su propia personalidad...
My Husband, His Mistress and I
Middle-aged lust: a man, in his thirteenth and therefore omen-filled marriage year, cheats on his wife.
El Affaire Dominici
Yvette Dominici
En 1952, y a la edad de 75 años, Gaston Dominici fue oficialmente declarado culpable del brutal asesinato de Sir Jack Drummond, su mujer y su hija. La familia inglesa, de paso por la Provenza, había acampado en las tierras de una familia de granjeros, los Dominici, cuyo patriarca era Gaston. El suceso y el posterior juicio tuvo repercusión internacional. En el año 2003 se hizo una adaptación para la televisión de la historia, protagonizada por Michel Serrault y Michel Blanc. (FILMAFFINITY)
La dama de azul
Una tarde Pierre, un crítico musical, ve en una tienda a una misteriosa y elegante joven vestida completamente de azul, que llama poderosamente su atención. Desde entonces, no puede dejar de pensar en ella y empieza a buscarla por todo París. Aurélie, la mujer con la que mantiene una relación, primero se enfada, pero después acepta la situación y le ayuda a buscarla con la secreta esperanza de que acabe cansándose y olvidando esa extravagancia.
The Black Indies
In 1870s Scotland mining engineer James Starr is asked by former colleague Simon Ford, who's living inside the abandoned Aberfoyle mine, to help solve mysterious occurrences taking place inside the mine.
Angélica, marquesa de los ángeles
Mediados del siglo XVII- Francia: el joven Louis XIV lucha por mantener su poder. Angélique de Sancé de Monteloup, quinta hija de un empobrecido noble del país, crece en las marismas del Poitou. A los 17 años se encuentra comprometida con el rico conde Joffrey de Peyrac, el cual es 12 años mayor que ella, cojo, y lleno de cicatrices. Por el bien de su familia, Angélique acepta a regañadientes. Peyrac respeta su decisión y no reclama sus derechos conyugales, con el deseo de conquistarla. Con el paso de los meses, Angelique descubre los talentos y las virtudes de su notable marido: científico, músico, filósofo, y para su sorpresa, se enamora apasionadamente de él. Pero la inusual vida de Joffrey se ve amenazada por las ambiciones del arzobispo de Toulouse, y pronto despierta la envidia del mismo joven rey, Louis XIV. Joffrey es arrestado y acusado de brujería.
The Adventures of Salavin
Marthe Lanoue
Finding himself unemployed overnight, Louis Salavin lets himself go into an incurable laziness despite the support of his friends and his mother...
Male Companion
L'amie de Socratès (uncredited)
Antoine es un tipo que ha llevado una vida a lo grande, sin trabajar, gracias a la fortuna de su abuelo. Se pasa los días pescando y perdiendo el tiempo. Pero cuando su abuelo muere, el dinero se acaba, y Antoine tiene que aprender a buscarse el sustento por sí mismo. En su periplo tendrá que relacionarse con diversos individuos de distinto pelaje.
Un mono en invierno
Marie-Jo, la serveuse de l'hôtel
Gabriel llega a las costas de Normandía para visitar a su hija, interna en un colegio de señoritas. Allí traba amistad con Albert, un hombre mayor y amargado que ahoga sus penas en alcohol. (FILMAFFINITY)
Quai Notre-Dame
Eloi is a twenty-year-old secondhand goods dealer who does his job without particular enthusiasm. He has a girlfriend, Nénette, but immature as he is, he feels just as happy in the company of Fortunée, his young sister, whose little girl's games he shares as often as he can. The three of them live with Eloi and Fortunée's grandmother, nicknamed by all the "Queen of the Flea Market". In possession of a mirror of Venice, Eloi decides to present it to Dormoy, an antique dealer who keeps up shop in the fashionable districts of Paris. On that occasion Eloi meets and falls in love at first sight with Dormoy's rich mistress. The latter, half-moved, half-consenting, does not discourage him.