Tobias Hochstein


La fiesta de despedida
Director of Photography
En una residencia de ancianos de Jerusalén, un grupo de amigos construye una máquina para practicar la eutanasia con el fin de ayudar a un amigo enfermo terminal. Pero cuando se extienden los rumores sobre la máquina, otros ancianos les pedirán ayuda, lo que les plantea un dilema emocional y los implica en una aventura disparatada.
Caminar sobre las aguas
Director of Photography
Eyal es un “liquidador” profesional del Mosad, el servicio secreto israelí. Eyal espía a Pia, la nieta de Himmelman, un ex-oficial nazi que, al parecer, sigue vivo. Se hace pasar por guía profesional y aprovecha que Axel, el hermano de Pia, ha ido a Israel, para enseñarle Jerusalén y las orillas del mar Muerto. Aunque los dos hombres tienen personalidades muy diferentes, Eyal se deja conquistar por las ideas liberales y el inagotable entusiasmo del joven.
Short Stories About Love
Israeli short films mini-series.
Amos Guttman, Film Director
Director of Photography
From 1977 to his untimely death in 1993, Amos Guttman directed six films, all of them deeply personal reflections of his own life. Interviews with lovers, family and friends--including some of the most important people in Israeli cinema--tell the gripping story of a strikingly handsome, charismatic and deeply passionate gay man who has become a revered cult figure in Israeli cinema.Interviews with the late filmmaker and fascinating footage of him on the set convey the same passion that comes through in scenes from his films, lovingly selected by documentarian Ran Kotzer. Like Fellini, Guttman transformed his dreams and everyday conversations with friends and family into integral parts of his pictures. He is most remarkable for his striking and original use of the frame. Every shot is a treasure. Amos Guttman dared to portray subjects that were taboo in his society, and his search for the right of individual expression is the connecting link of his works.