Miguel Ortega


The Voice in the Hollow
An African fable of sisterhood, envy and ancient evil. The story of Ala and Coa from the Leopards tribe. When her sister outshines her once again, Coa meets a mysterious entity, the morning star and the bestower of gifts, that can grant her wish...
The Voice in the Hollow
An African fable of sisterhood, envy and ancient evil. The story of Ala and Coa from the Leopards tribe. When her sister outshines her once again, Coa meets a mysterious entity, the morning star and the bestower of gifts, that can grant her wish...
The Voice in the Hollow
Motion Capture Artist
An African fable of sisterhood, envy and ancient evil. The story of Ala and Coa from the Leopards tribe. When her sister outshines her once again, Coa meets a mysterious entity, the morning star and the bestower of gifts, that can grant her wish...
The Voice in the Hollow
An African fable of sisterhood, envy and ancient evil. The story of Ala and Coa from the Leopards tribe. When her sister outshines her once again, Coa meets a mysterious entity, the morning star and the bestower of gifts, that can grant her wish...
The Voice in the Hollow
An African fable of sisterhood, envy and ancient evil. The story of Ala and Coa from the Leopards tribe. When her sister outshines her once again, Coa meets a mysterious entity, the morning star and the bestower of gifts, that can grant her wish...
The Voice in the Hollow
Visual Effects
An African fable of sisterhood, envy and ancient evil. The story of Ala and Coa from the Leopards tribe. When her sister outshines her once again, Coa meets a mysterious entity, the morning star and the bestower of gifts, that can grant her wish...
The Man in the Woods
Visual Effects
En una noche nevada de 1963, una estudiante desaparece en el bosque. Mientras sus amigos la buscan, se enfrentan a la proyección de sombras y la demonización sobre la que se construyó su idílica escuela.
The Ningyo
Visual Effects Supervisor
Dr. Marlowe, a paleontologist and professor, finds a piece of a map pointing to the place where the Ningyo, the mythical Japanese creature, could be found. The legend claims whomever consumes its flesh will attain remarkable longevity. He presents the project to his peers, who mock and dismiss him as a fraud. He decides to risk everything and go after the Ningyo on his own in hopes to bring to light what could be one of the greatest contributions to science. What he could not anticipate is that, in his search, he is confronted with a choice that puts the very foundations of his morality to the test.
The Ningyo
Dr. Marlowe, a paleontologist and professor, finds a piece of a map pointing to the place where the Ningyo, the mythical Japanese creature, could be found. The legend claims whomever consumes its flesh will attain remarkable longevity. He presents the project to his peers, who mock and dismiss him as a fraud. He decides to risk everything and go after the Ningyo on his own in hopes to bring to light what could be one of the greatest contributions to science. What he could not anticipate is that, in his search, he is confronted with a choice that puts the very foundations of his morality to the test.
The Ningyo
Executive Producer
Dr. Marlowe, a paleontologist and professor, finds a piece of a map pointing to the place where the Ningyo, the mythical Japanese creature, could be found. The legend claims whomever consumes its flesh will attain remarkable longevity. He presents the project to his peers, who mock and dismiss him as a fraud. He decides to risk everything and go after the Ningyo on his own in hopes to bring to light what could be one of the greatest contributions to science. What he could not anticipate is that, in his search, he is confronted with a choice that puts the very foundations of his morality to the test.
The Ningyo
Dr. Marlowe, a paleontologist and professor, finds a piece of a map pointing to the place where the Ningyo, the mythical Japanese creature, could be found. The legend claims whomever consumes its flesh will attain remarkable longevity. He presents the project to his peers, who mock and dismiss him as a fraud. He decides to risk everything and go after the Ningyo on his own in hopes to bring to light what could be one of the greatest contributions to science. What he could not anticipate is that, in his search, he is confronted with a choice that puts the very foundations of his morality to the test.
The Ningyo
Dr. Marlowe, a paleontologist and professor, finds a piece of a map pointing to the place where the Ningyo, the mythical Japanese creature, could be found. The legend claims whomever consumes its flesh will attain remarkable longevity. He presents the project to his peers, who mock and dismiss him as a fraud. He decides to risk everything and go after the Ningyo on his own in hopes to bring to light what could be one of the greatest contributions to science. What he could not anticipate is that, in his search, he is confronted with a choice that puts the very foundations of his morality to the test.
The Ningyo
Dr. Marlowe, a paleontologist and professor, finds a piece of a map pointing to the place where the Ningyo, the mythical Japanese creature, could be found. The legend claims whomever consumes its flesh will attain remarkable longevity. He presents the project to his peers, who mock and dismiss him as a fraud. He decides to risk everything and go after the Ningyo on his own in hopes to bring to light what could be one of the greatest contributions to science. What he could not anticipate is that, in his search, he is confronted with a choice that puts the very foundations of his morality to the test.
The Green Ruby Pumpkin
On Halloween night kids come from afar to call on Miss Deats who holds the green ruby pumpkin that’s brimming with sweets.
The Green Ruby Pumpkin
On Halloween night kids come from afar to call on Miss Deats who holds the green ruby pumpkin that’s brimming with sweets.
The Green Ruby Pumpkin
On Halloween night kids come from afar to call on Miss Deats who holds the green ruby pumpkin that’s brimming with sweets.
The Green Ruby Pumpkin
On Halloween night kids come from afar to call on Miss Deats who holds the green ruby pumpkin that’s brimming with sweets.
El sicario de Dios
3D Modeller
En un mundo asolado por siglos de guerra entre el hombre y los vampiros, Paul Bettany es un legendario guerrero que destacó durante la última Guerra del Vampiro, pero ahora es sólo un sacerdote que vive en compañía de otros hombres en las amuralladas ciudades distópicas controladas por la Iglesia. Sin embargo, cuando su joven sobrina es secuestrada por un grupo de vampiros asesinos que viven en los páramos desolados del exterior, el sacerdote rompe sus sagrados votos y emprende su búsqueda decidido a vengarse de los secuestradores, especialmente de su brutal líder. En esta aventura le acompaña Hicks, el novio de la chica, un sheriff y una sacerdotisa, miembro de la legión de asesinos de vampiros y poseedora de habilidades de combate sobrenaturales.
Adaptación del cómic de Frank Miller (autor del cómic 'Sin City') sobre la famosa batalla de las Termópilas (480 a.C.). El objetivo de Jerjes, emperador de Persia, era la conquista de Grecia, lo que desencadenó las Guerras Médicas. Dada la gravedad de la situación, el rey Leónidas de Esparta (Gerard Butler) y 300 espartanos se enfrentaron a un ejército persa que era inmensamente superior.
Superman Returns: El regreso
3D Modeller
Tras varios años de misteriosa ausencia, Supermán regresa a la Tierra, pero un viejo enemigo intenta arrebatarle sus poderes. Tratando de proteger al mundo de una destrucción masiva, Supermán emprende una aventura épica de redención que lo lleva desde las profundidades del océano a las regiones más remotas del espacio.
Silent Hill
3D Modeller
Rose, desesperada por encontrar una cura para la misteriosa enfermedad de su hija Sharon, rehúsa ingresar a la niña en una institución psiquiátrica a pesar de las recomendaciones de los médicos, y decide huir a Silent Hill, un pueblo del que su hija habla constantemente en sueños. A pesar de que su marido Christopher se opone al viaje, Rose está convencida de que la respuesta se encuentra en este misterioso lugar. Al aproximarse al pueblo, una misteriosa figura se alza en medio de la carretera. Rose, para no atropellarla, tiene un accidente. Cuando vuelve en sí, Sharon ha desaparecido. A partir de ese momento, acompañada por una agente de policía, empieza una búsqueda desesperada en Silent Hill para encontrar a su hija. Las dos mujeres no tardan en darse cuenta de que el pueblo, que quedó desierto después de ser devastado por unos terribles incendios, no se parece a ningún otro.
Underworld: Evolution
La lucha milenaria entre depredadores ha adoptado nuevas dimensiones de violencia. Ha nacido una nueva raza en nada comparable a ninguna otra conocida. Traicionada por los de su propio clan, la guerrera vampiro Selene (Kate Beckinsale), busca venganza. Para ello, decide descubrir la verdad sobre la identidad del primer Inmortal verdadero. No es Marcus, el rey de los vampiros como se creía, sino Alexander Corvinus, padre de Marcus y de su hermano gemelo William. Selene y el híbrido Michael (Scott Speedman), protagonistas de un amor prohibido, lucharán juntos contra el poderoso Marcus, quien está decidido a liberar a su hermano preso y usar la sed de sangre de éste para llegar a dominar el mundo.
La caverna maldita
3D Modeller
En las profundidades de un bosque de Rumanía, un equipo de científicos se tropieza con las ruinas de una abadía del siglo XIII. Al realizar un reconocimiento más minucioso, hacen un descubrimiento inesperado: la abadía está construída sobre la entrada de un enorme sistema de cavernas subterráneas. Los biólogos del lugar consideran que la caverna podría albergar un nuevo ecosistema, por lo que contratan a un grupo norteamericano de exploradores de cavernas para que les ayuden a investigarla en profundidad.