Miguel Ortega


The Voice in the Hollow
An African fable of sisterhood, envy and ancient evil. The story of Ala and Coa from the Leopards tribe. When her sister outshines her once again, Coa meets a mysterious entity, the morning star and the bestower of gifts, that can grant her wish...
The Voice in the Hollow
An African fable of sisterhood, envy and ancient evil. The story of Ala and Coa from the Leopards tribe. When her sister outshines her once again, Coa meets a mysterious entity, the morning star and the bestower of gifts, that can grant her wish...
The Voice in the Hollow
Motion Capture Artist
An African fable of sisterhood, envy and ancient evil. The story of Ala and Coa from the Leopards tribe. When her sister outshines her once again, Coa meets a mysterious entity, the morning star and the bestower of gifts, that can grant her wish...
The Voice in the Hollow
An African fable of sisterhood, envy and ancient evil. The story of Ala and Coa from the Leopards tribe. When her sister outshines her once again, Coa meets a mysterious entity, the morning star and the bestower of gifts, that can grant her wish...
The Voice in the Hollow
An African fable of sisterhood, envy and ancient evil. The story of Ala and Coa from the Leopards tribe. When her sister outshines her once again, Coa meets a mysterious entity, the morning star and the bestower of gifts, that can grant her wish...
The Voice in the Hollow
Visual Effects
An African fable of sisterhood, envy and ancient evil. The story of Ala and Coa from the Leopards tribe. When her sister outshines her once again, Coa meets a mysterious entity, the morning star and the bestower of gifts, that can grant her wish...
The Man in the Woods
Visual Effects
On a snowy night in 1963 Pennsylvania, a boarding school student goes missing in the woods. Her friends, a disgraced quarterback, a shunned ex-cop, and the headmaster's wife, agree to go search for her. As they do, they confront the lies, ghost stories, and demonization that their idyllic school was built on.
The Ningyo
Visual Effects Supervisor
Dr. Marlowe, a paleontologist and professor, finds a piece of a map pointing to the place where the Ningyo, the mythical Japanese creature, could be found. The legend claims whomever consumes its flesh will attain remarkable longevity. He presents the project to his peers, who mock and dismiss him as a fraud. He decides to risk everything and go after the Ningyo on his own in hopes to bring to light what could be one of the greatest contributions to science. What he could not anticipate is that, in his search, he is confronted with a choice that puts the very foundations of his morality to the test.
The Ningyo
Dr. Marlowe, a paleontologist and professor, finds a piece of a map pointing to the place where the Ningyo, the mythical Japanese creature, could be found. The legend claims whomever consumes its flesh will attain remarkable longevity. He presents the project to his peers, who mock and dismiss him as a fraud. He decides to risk everything and go after the Ningyo on his own in hopes to bring to light what could be one of the greatest contributions to science. What he could not anticipate is that, in his search, he is confronted with a choice that puts the very foundations of his morality to the test.
The Ningyo
Executive Producer
Dr. Marlowe, a paleontologist and professor, finds a piece of a map pointing to the place where the Ningyo, the mythical Japanese creature, could be found. The legend claims whomever consumes its flesh will attain remarkable longevity. He presents the project to his peers, who mock and dismiss him as a fraud. He decides to risk everything and go after the Ningyo on his own in hopes to bring to light what could be one of the greatest contributions to science. What he could not anticipate is that, in his search, he is confronted with a choice that puts the very foundations of his morality to the test.
The Ningyo
Dr. Marlowe, a paleontologist and professor, finds a piece of a map pointing to the place where the Ningyo, the mythical Japanese creature, could be found. The legend claims whomever consumes its flesh will attain remarkable longevity. He presents the project to his peers, who mock and dismiss him as a fraud. He decides to risk everything and go after the Ningyo on his own in hopes to bring to light what could be one of the greatest contributions to science. What he could not anticipate is that, in his search, he is confronted with a choice that puts the very foundations of his morality to the test.
The Ningyo
Dr. Marlowe, a paleontologist and professor, finds a piece of a map pointing to the place where the Ningyo, the mythical Japanese creature, could be found. The legend claims whomever consumes its flesh will attain remarkable longevity. He presents the project to his peers, who mock and dismiss him as a fraud. He decides to risk everything and go after the Ningyo on his own in hopes to bring to light what could be one of the greatest contributions to science. What he could not anticipate is that, in his search, he is confronted with a choice that puts the very foundations of his morality to the test.
The Ningyo
Dr. Marlowe, a paleontologist and professor, finds a piece of a map pointing to the place where the Ningyo, the mythical Japanese creature, could be found. The legend claims whomever consumes its flesh will attain remarkable longevity. He presents the project to his peers, who mock and dismiss him as a fraud. He decides to risk everything and go after the Ningyo on his own in hopes to bring to light what could be one of the greatest contributions to science. What he could not anticipate is that, in his search, he is confronted with a choice that puts the very foundations of his morality to the test.
The Green Ruby Pumpkin
On Halloween night kids come from afar to call on Miss Deats who holds the green ruby pumpkin that’s brimming with sweets.
The Green Ruby Pumpkin
On Halloween night kids come from afar to call on Miss Deats who holds the green ruby pumpkin that’s brimming with sweets.
The Green Ruby Pumpkin
On Halloween night kids come from afar to call on Miss Deats who holds the green ruby pumpkin that’s brimming with sweets.
The Green Ruby Pumpkin
On Halloween night kids come from afar to call on Miss Deats who holds the green ruby pumpkin that’s brimming with sweets.
3D Modeller
Далекое будущее. Миром правят религия и церковь. Священник, нарушая все церковные запреты, пытается выследить банду вампиров, похитивших его племянницу. В поисках ему помогают шериф и монахиня.
300 спартанцев
События картины повествуют о кровопролитной битве при Фермопилах в 480 году до н. э., в которой триста отважных спартанцев во главе со своим царём Леонидом преградили путь многотысячной армии персидского царя Ксеркса. Несмотря на численный перевес персов, спартанцы продолжали упорную оборону, проявив мужество и отвагу. Их бесстрашие и героизм вдохновили всю Грецию на объединение против непобедимого врага, переломив тем самым ход Греко-персидских войн...
Возвращение Супермена
3D Modeller
Возвратившись на Землю после своего многолетнего и загадочного отсутствия, Супермен обнаруживает, что его заклятый враг Лекс Лютор опять строит ему козни, а его возлюбленная Лоис Лэйн вроде бы уже устроила свою личную жизнь. Кроме того, Супермен понимает, что за то время, когда его не было, люди научились прекрасно обходиться без него. Чтобы защитить мир, который он любит, от катастрофических разрушений, Супермену приходится преодолевать огромные расстояния: он опускается в океанские глубины и поднимается на космические высоты…
Сайлент Хилл
3D Modeller
Молодая мать, отчаявшись найти лекарство от таинственного заболевания своей дочери Шэрон, отказывается отдать ее в психиатрическую лечебницу. Вместе с Шэрон она отправляется в Сайлент Хилл, город, название которого ее дочь постоянно твердит во сне.Несмотря на сопротивление мужа, Роуз убеждена, что найдет там ответы, в которых так нуждается. Но когда они подъезжают к заброшенному городу, на дороге появляется таинственная фигура, Роуз резко тормозит, и машина попадает в аварию… Придя в себя, она обнаруживает, что Шэрон исчезла…
Другой мир 2: Эволюция
В зловещем ночном мире, скрытом от взора простых смертных, не утихает беспощадная борьба между двумя кланами властителей мрака — вампирами и оборотнями. Настала пора узнать об истоках вековой вражды, ставшей для вампира-воительницы Селин и Майкла, полуоборотня-получеловека, проклятьем и смыслом существования.
3D Modeller
В лесах Румынии группа ученых наталкивается на руины аббатства XIII века. Обследовав их, они совершают удивительное открытие — это сооружение было построено над входом в гигантский подземный грот. В итоге ученые отправляются выведывать ее тайны вместе с американскими спелеологами — Джеком, его братом Тайлером и их группой. В их распоряжении — самое современное оборудование, позволяющее в течение суток оставаться под водой. Оказавшись в гроте, исследователи, к своему ужасу, находят не новую экосистему, а невиданных доселе существ…