Áron Molnár

Áron Molnár

Nacimiento : 1987-12-18, Novi Sad, Serbia


Áron Molnár


Historical movie on the life of András Hadik
Szabó Győző
Biopoic of actor Győző Szabó's younger years struggling with his drug addiction.
Second Round
Zsolt Váradi
In a world where childbirth is state-regulated, a couple applies for a license to have a child. They pass the first round of the process, but have no idea what awaits them in the second round.
Neither with You
Gergő’s mother is obsessed with having a grandchild. She has a serious heart disease and has only days left to live. To give his mum some joy during her final hours, Gergő asks his neighbour Saci, who is five months pregnant, to visit his mother in hospital with him and tell her that she is carrying his child. It all goes smoothly, but a new heart arrives, and his mum is operated. Therefore, Gergő and Saci are forced to play the roles of the loving couple.
The Ark of Nino
The story focuses on people who suffer from different kinds of disabilities, but they also live whole lifes, they are people who just want to lead a normal life, to work and to prevail.
In another life
To inherit the fortune he made in his previous life a man must become his previous incarnation again.
X - The eXploited
¿Creería en una mujer policía que sufre de trastornos de pánico tan graves que teme acercarse a cualquier escena del crimen y ha estado en servicio permanente durante más de una década? ¿Le creerías a una madre solitaria que no es apta para pagar su hipoteca y también cría a su rebelde hija adolescente? De hecho, nadie cree que el problemático ex detective haya descubierto un caso de asesinato en serie. Los dramas personales y el misterio de un asesinato se desarrollan en la actual Budapest, donde las manifestaciones son parte de la vida preelectoral de una ciudad que todavía intenta hacer frente a las sombras de su pasado histórico y reciente. Es una ciudad donde nada parece honesto y verdadero, excepto a través de los ojos de una mujer policía emocionalmente inestable y su hija inadaptada que quiere saber quién era realmente su padre.
The Whiskey Bandit
Adaptación de la historia real de Attila Ambrus, un “caballero del crimen”, a menudo comparado en Hungría con Sándor Rózsa, la versión de Robin Hood en el país. Attila creció en Transilvania en la década de los 80 y escapó ilegalmente a Hungría enganchado a un tren de mercancías. Vemos cómo se convierte en portero en un equipo de hockey del equipo de Budapest y conoce a su novia, Kata, de padre burgués, el cual no acepta al joven pues considera que no tiene futuro por no tener trabajo y pocas posibilidades de encontrar uno. Fue entonces cuando Attila comenzó a atracar bancos sin lastimar a nadie. Pronto se ganó la reputación de héroe popular. Este apodo viene del olor a whisky que va dejando, ya que siempre bebe antes de un atraco. En un principio era simplemente para calmar los nervios, después, para mantener su reputación.
Ervin Seress
An ambitious psychiatrist is researching a strange and unique mental state: hypermnesia, first of all because he would like to help his amnesic father. When he finds a patient with hypermnesia, he decides to take him out of the mental hospital at his own risk and study him. An unusual relationship is formed between the two men, which starts to endanger the doctor's career, his marriage and even the patient himself.
Dear Betrayed Friends
János fia
Andor Czettl, in his early sixties, visits the secret service archives one day to read into the reports about himself and discovers a shocking fact. His very best friend János Pásztor was an informer, spying on him and writing reports about him for decades. Sára Cserhalmi's first feature focuses not so much on the actual problem of informing and betrayal as on the contradictory relationship of the two protagonists. It avoids any final judgments. First and foremost, it seeks answers to questions like how an informer can live in our present times and how the one being reported on can cope with this state. Can a close friendship that began decades ago last if such betrayal comes to light? How can someone live and cope with this fact?