David Greenwald


The Blech Effect
How much money does one need to be rich? For David Blech, all the money in the world couldn't buy peace of mind. Mental Illness and addiction are the powerful nemesis that brings down the one-time King of Biotech.
The Blech Effect
Director of Photography
How much money does one need to be rich? For David Blech, all the money in the world couldn't buy peace of mind. Mental Illness and addiction are the powerful nemesis that brings down the one-time King of Biotech.
The Blech Effect
How much money does one need to be rich? For David Blech, all the money in the world couldn't buy peace of mind. Mental Illness and addiction are the powerful nemesis that brings down the one-time King of Biotech.
Miércoles de ceniza
Los hermanos Sullivan tratan de escapar de su pasado. Francis, después de falsificar la muerte de su hermano menor para salvarlo de un asesino a sueldo, trata de comenzar una nueva vida. Cuando su hermano vuelve para reunirse con su familia, Francis se ve envuelto otra vez en el peligroso mundo de las mafias italianas e irlandesas.
Las aceras de Nueva York
Tommy es un neoyorquino del barrio de Queens que ha conseguido el éxito y vive en Midtown. Ahora que parece tenerlo todo, busca formar una familia. Tras romper un largo noviazgo, regresa cautelosamente al mundo de las citas de mano de Carpo, un seductor que asegura haberse acostado con más de quinientas mujeres. Siempre se comporta como el presentador de televisión que es, y contempla el sexo como un concurso. Así, en la Gran Manzana, en medio de seis millones de personas, seis personajes van en busca del amor y la felicidad. Los coqueteos y las especulaciones formarán parte del juego.
Pavarotti & Friends 99 for Guatemala and Kosovo
Pavarotti & Friends for Guatemala and Kosovo
Sex & the Other Man
When Bill catches his girlfriend and her boss in bed, an unusual cure for impotence is found.
Theremin: An Electronic Odyssey
After escaping Russia's communist revolution, Leon Theremin travels to New York, where he pioneers the field of electronic music with his synthesizer. But at the height of his popularity, Soviet agents kidnap and force him to develop spy technology. Steven M. Martin writes and directs this intriguing documentary about a man's "strange" music and his very interesting life as an inventor and influential musician.
Cousin Bobby
Robert Castle is the idealistic pastor of St. Mary's Episcopal Church in Harlem, and also the cousin of filmmaker Jonathan Demme. Demme's affectionate portrait of his cousin traces Castle's story, beginning with his first parish assignment, in New Jersey in the early 1960s, in an increasingly African-American-populated neighborhood rocked by violence and civil rights protests. The film raises intimate discussions of race, faith and family, while also showing Castle's daily routine as a pastor.