WooLife chronicles Ronnie Woo's journey from an abusive childhood on the south side of Chicago to his adopted family in Wrigley Field. A young Ronnie becomes inspired after his grandma takes him to a Cub game in 1947 to see Jackie Robinson play. What Ronnie discovers in the bleachers of Wrigley Field is a foster family of Cub fans and players that awakens his spirit and saves him from homelessness. He finds his souls music by rejoicing 'Cubs Woo, Cubs Woo' in a way that inspires some of baseballs greatest players.
WooLife chronicles Ronnie Woo's journey from an abusive childhood on the south side of Chicago to his adopted family in Wrigley Field. A young Ronnie becomes inspired after his grandma takes him to a Cub game in 1947 to see Jackie Robinson play. What Ronnie discovers in the bleachers of Wrigley Field is a foster family of Cub fans and players that awakens his spirit and saves him from homelessness. He finds his souls music by rejoicing 'Cubs Woo, Cubs Woo' in a way that inspires some of baseballs greatest players.
Steven es un hombre que parece tenerlo todo, es guapo, atractivo e ingenioso, seduce a las mujeres con facilidad y se gana su confianza rápidamente. Pero cuando el cuerpo de su última conquista es encontrado en el mar, todas las pruebas apuntan hacia él. La falta de móvil junto a su sinceridad y amabilidad convencen al inspector encargado del caso de que es inocente pero su compañero no está convertido de eso e intentará descubrir el oscuro secreto que Steven esconde.