Richard O'Sullivan

Richard O'Sullivan

Nacimiento : 1944-05-07, Chiswick, London, England, UK


Richard O'Sullivan (born 7 May 1944) is a British actor, who has appeared in film and television since he was a child.


Richard O'Sullivan


Duro de matar
Keong, un policía de Hong Kong, viaja a Nueva York para asistir a la boda de su tío Bill. Bill tiene un supermercado en el Bronx y Keong se ofrece a ayudarle durante su luna de miel, pero de pronto se verá envuelto en una lucha de bandas callejeras cuando una organización criminal hará todo cuanto sea posible por recuperar unos diamantes de gran valor.
Mr. H Is Late
A team of inept undertakers attempt to get a coffin to a funeral on time. An undertaker is in charge of moving a coffin from a home to the church. The home is on the 26th floor of a skyscraper; the stairs are narrow; the lift is small and prone to stop working. Chaos ensues.
Can You Keep It Up for a Week?
Mr. Rose
Blundering idiot is set an ultimatum by his girlfriend. Keep a job for a week or she leaves him. Only innuendo and comedy pratfalls can stop him. No man was asked to do so much, by so many, in so little time . . .
Un hombre en casa
Robin Tripp
Un promotor inmobiliario sin escrúpulos quiere aplanar la calle para dar paso a nuevos edificios. El casero George Roper está feliz de tomar el dinero ofrecido, pero su esposa Mildred y sus inquilinos se unen a otros residentes para tomar una posición y mantener las cosas como son.
Father Dear Father
After divorcing his wife, Patrick Glover decides it is time to remarry, and chooses his literary agent, only to then mistakenly propose to the cleaning lady. Part of his reason for wanting to remarry is to regain some control over his wayward daughters, but they and their lovers continue to complicate his home and his life... A farcical comedy full of hilarious confusions, this feature-length version of the popular sitcom Father, Dear Father is a real gem of British humour at its best.
Au Pair Girls
Four sexy young foreign girls come to England as au pairs and quickly become quite intimate with their employers, host families, and just about everyone else they encounter.
The Lie
Ingmar Bergman play looking at the cool and brittle relationship between a successful architect (Frank Finlay) and his academic wife (Gemma Jones). Commissioned by the Swedish Broadcasting Corporation on behalf of European members participating in ‘The Largest Theatre in the World’. This, the Radio Times explained, was ‘a project which enabled a play to be broadcast simultaneously in several languages across Europe.’ This UK Play For Today version was directed by Alan Bridges, whilst an American version was put out on CBS, directed by Alex Segal
Futtocks End
The Boots
Entirely silent, with a musical score, sound effects and incoherent mutterings, the story revolves around a weekend gathering at the decaying country home of the eccentric and lewd General Futtock (Ronnie Barker) and the series of saucy mishaps between the staff (Michael Hordern plays the lecherous butler) and his guests.
La casa maldita
Una reunión de jóvenes a finales de los años sesenta degenera en una sesión de aburrimiento. Para evadirse de él, se les ocurre ir a una antigua casa abandonada en las afueras de la ciudad con la intención de “cazar fantasmas”. Al poco de permanecer allí, uno de ellos aparece muerto, salvajemente asesinado.
The Male Animal
Michael Barnes
The trustees of Midwestern University have forced three teachers out of their jobs for being suspected communists. Trustee Ed Keller has also threatened mild mannered English Professor Tommy Turner, because he plans to read a controversial piece of prose in class. Lost episode of BBC Play of the Month.
Every Day's a Holiday
Jimmy Dainty
A group of teenagers take jobs at a holiday camp for the summer and enter a TV talent show
Wonderful Life
Cliff Richard and The Shadows are hired to star in a movie shot amid the lush tropical scenery of the Canary Islands. A sunny seaside spectacular, filled with romance, excitement and high spirits - not to mention a dozen musical numbers.
La máscara del Dr. Syn
George Ransley
Emitida originalmente como una serie de tres capítulos para TV. Narra la historia de la doble vida de un vicario. Aparentemente, es un ciudadano ejemplar y leal al opresivo gobierno británico, pero en realidad es un notorio bandolero que utiliza sus botines para beneficiar a los pobres de su aldea.
Pharaoh Ptolemy XIII
La apasionada y ambiciosa reina egipcia Cleopatra tiene la determinación de seducir al emperador romano Julio César. Cuando Julio César es asesinado, Cleopatra redirige sus atenciones a su general Marco Antonio, quien jura llegar al poder. Pero el sucesor del césar tiene otros planes...
The Webster Boy
Jimmy Webster
A gambler comes out of prison, returns to his old-flame, and finds that she has a teenage son, who begins to believe that the ex-con is his father.
The Young Ones
Nicky y sus amigos corren peligro de perder su club juvenil, porque va a ser derruido para construir un nuevo complejo de oficinas, a menos que paguen 1500 libras a su propietario, el despiadado magnate Hamilton Black. Para reunir el dinero, Nicky graba una canción, que sus amigos transmiten por una emisora pirata. Pero Nicky guarda un secreto que no puede confesar ni a su novia: Hamilton Black es su padre..
Spare the Rod
Fred Harkness
It is London in the year 1960 and John Saunders enthusiastically begins his new teaching career at a tough slum-area school. His class are bored pupils in their last term before leaving. Will he handle the grave problems that lie ahead?
And Women Shall Weep
A mother tries to prevent her younger son being led astray by his delinquent elder brother.
Witness in the Dark
Don Theobald
A killer breaks into an apartment to steal a valuable brooch. He kills an old woman, but in fleeing he encounters a young woman on the stairs who will become his target.
Carry On Teacher
Robin Stevens - Saboteur
Prepare for Six of the Best as the Carry On team cause chaos in the school yard. When a well-loved headmaster decides to retire, his scheming pupils have other ideas. The cunning boys unleash a campaign of practical jokes, armed with gin, itching power and bombs!
Historia de una monja
Pierre (uncredited)
Una joven belga (Audrey Hepburn), que pertenece a una familia burguesa, ingresa como novicia en un convento. Tras profesar como monja, es enviada al Congo para trabajar como enfermera en una misión, como era su deseo desde niña. Sin embargo, su sorpresa será mayúscula cuando compruebe que no será destinada a atender a los nativos, sino a los europeos que viven allí.
La sombra de la guillotina
Louis XVII / Richard de Beauvais
Imaginarias aventuras del joven Luis XVII, hijo de Luis XVI y María Antonieta, en el período inmediatamente posterior a la Revolución Francesa, cuando el terror revolucionario lo llevó al exilio en el extranjero antes de llegar a su adolescencia. En realidad murió en la prisión parisina del Temple a la tierna edad de diez años. La Historia empieza en 1975, cuando un globo desciende en una isla galesa. En su cesta hay un niño indemne. Virginia Trail, una joven americana de visita en la isla, lo recoge y lo lleva al castillo de su tía Lady Lydia Fell. Nadie sabe quién es pero pronto se corre la voz de que se trata del hijo de los guillotinados monarcas de Francia. El apuesto Duque Felipe de Beauvais se presenta para hacerse cargo de su educación enviado por los realistas. Pero los espías de la revolución también acechan para asesinarlo. (FILMAFFINITY)
No Time for Tears
No Time for Tears is a moving, sympathetic portrayal of the challenges faced by all those who enter this most demanding yet rewarding of professions – from routine operations to more serious conditions, from anxious, sometimes hostile parents to workplace romance. The lives of the staff and patients of Mayfield Children's Hospital are inextricably woven together with the laughter, tears and devotion that lie behind the work of restoring children to health and happiness.
Es grande ser joven
Lawson, The Angel Hill Kids
Dingle es el profesor de la escuela secundaria mas tolerante y querido. Cuando el autocrático nuevo director Frome comienza a imponer todo tipo de normas represivas, Dingle hace lo posible por defender a sus alumnos, pero sólo consigue que le despidan. Sus alumnos empiezan una cruzada para conseguir su readmisión y combatir la negativa del director de comprar los instrumentos que precisan para participar en el inminente festival musical.
Michael McNeil, Jacqueline's Brother
Jacqueline is the daughter of Belfast shipyard worker Mike McNeil. The worker's worth is compromised by his crippling fear of heights. Dismissed from his job, he finds solace in the bottle. All seems hopeless until Jacqueline breaks through her father's self-imposed gloom and helps him to regenerate. An adaptation of the novel 'A Grand Man', by Catherine Cookson.
The Secret
John Martin
An American loses all his money and finds himself stranded in England. He finds hope when he meets a female smuggler who has brought jewels into the country inside a teddy bear, but unfortunately, things quickly get out of hand.
El príncipe negro
Thomas Holland
Inglaterra, siglo XIV. Eduardo, Príncipe de Gales, y su padre el rey Eduardo III de Inglaterra (1327-1377), conducen un ejército a la provincia francesa de Aquitania para protegerla de los franceses. Tras ser derrotada en el campo de batalla, Francia intenta, sin éxito, asesinar al príncipe Eduardo, por lo que secuestran a su esposa, la hermosa Juana de Holanda.
Make Me an Offer!
Charlie as a Boy
A struggling antiques dealer (Peter Finch) thinks he has found the answer to his problems when he stumbles across a precious vase amid a range of other less desirable items. The trouble is, the owners of the vase are pretty shrewd themselves and are not keen on letting it go for a song - meaning that our hapless chap has to pull out every trick in the book in order to win his prize.
The Green Scarf
Child Jacques
A deaf, dumb and blind man, Jacques Vauthier (Kieron Moore), confesses to committing a murder, apparently without motive. He depends on his defense attorney, Delfot (Michael Redgrave), to unravel the mystery behind his actions.
The Stranger's Hand
Roger Court
Eight-year-old Roger Court is in Venice expecting to reunite with his father, British diplomat Major Court (Trevor Howard), whom he hasn't seen in three years. Roger lives with his Aunt Rose since his mother abandoned him.
La caravana de la ilusión
Liala es la primera actriz de una compañía de cómicos de la legua. De ella dependen los ingresos del grupo. Al final, sacrificará su amor por el futuro de sus amigos.
La manzana de la discordia
Benoni (segment "I Cavalieri dell'illusione")
Hedy Winsor recibe una invitación para asistir a un baile de disfraces y se le presenta el dilema de elegir entre tres mujeres: Genoveva de Brabante, Josefina de Beauharnais o Helena de Troya. En su imaginación recrea los episodios más característicos de sus vidas, pero finalmente decide que debe acudir con su propia y exclusiva personalidad.
The Yellow Balloon
Boy Singing at Sunday School (uncredited)
A young boy is blackmailed by a crook who saw him unwittingly cause his friend's death.