Marc-André Brisebois


Beau tiene miedo
Comatose Junkie
Beau es un hombre que tendrá que enfrentarse a sus miedos y paranoias al aventurarse en una épica odisea para llegar a casa de su controladora madre.
Noche de paz
Kill Squad
Cuando un equipo de mercenarios irrumpe en Nochebuena dentro de un complejo familiar adinerado y toma como rehenes a todos los que están dentro, no estaban preparados para un defensor sorpresa: Santa Claus (David Harbour) está en el edificio y a punto de demostrar por qué este Santa Claus, no es ningún santo.
King Dave
Dave is young and rebellious. A self-proclaimed King, influenced but not unconscious. As he sets out to find the stranger who danced with his girlfriend grabbing her ass, as if nothing had happened, he decides to take justice into his hands. Between violence, heartbreak and friendship betrayal, Dave will put his finger through the wringer and rush forward, unable to stop.
The Badge
Goon #1
The only difference between a cop and a criminal is The Badge. Detective Vince McKinley and his partner Martin Goulet have to solve the biggest case of their careers: a series of evidence have been stolen from their own precinct. Through out the case, Vince discovers that the person responsible could be one of his closest friend. The Badge brings a unique view on how trust and friendship can switch to blood in an instant.
Before My Heart Falls
Homme à Ouellet #1
Sarah is part of a strange, marginal ménage à trois with her contemporary Louis and the older Ji-Guy, she fills her days with petty crime. During the day she hangs around with Louis by motorways, where she deceives and robs innocent people offering a lift. One day things go wrong: a driver dies during a robbery attempt. Sarah can’t stop thinking about the dead man and goes looking for the wife he left behind. In her, she finally finds something of the security and friendship she had unconsciously been seeking for so long. But her alternative family doesn’t just let her go.
Student in the Stairs
Se basa en los testimonios de los supervivientes del drama ocurrido en la Escuela politécnica de Montreal, el 6 de diciembre de 1989. La película cuenta los hechos a través de los ojos de Valérie y Jean-François, dos estudiantes cuya vida dio un vuelco cuando un hombre entró en la escuela con la idea de asesinar al mayor número de mujeres posible.
Homme-frigo (vitrine) #9
Chaos ensues after global warming transforms a working-class Montreal neighborhood into a world Mecca for truffles.